Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 260: Sex Timetable 1 [Dianne – Naris]

Chapter 260: Sex Timetable 1 [Dianne - Naris]

I made one thing that will take shape for the time being, 「My erotic plan for the next three days」……this mysterious rally, which insisted on a face-to-face meeting, also has a tentative appearance, or something like an open meaning. So, when almost everyone was in the mood to call it a wrap……, Hilda-san raised her voice.

“Wait, time out. I’m going to cast a contraceptive spell now, so don’t leave if you’re related to special operations!”

“C, Contraceptive magic……?”

Savory and the others looked a little surprised.

“What do you mean……?”

Fennel looks at me, so I give her a brief explanation.

“Yes. It’s a good idea to have sex……we’re military. Even though I’m willing to have children in the future, if I can do it now, it will hinder my mission. Selenium, a little before, she was a full-time support officer, a liaison officer and a food clerk for our special mission team……”

Hilda-san clears her throat and inherits it.

“No matter how happy you´re, it’s a job. It must be a special task, right? But this time Dianne-chan’s mission is to fly around Renfangas, Celesta, and above all, fight dangerous monsters. Because of this, the baby you’ve been given may not be able to give birth calmly and if you can’t work enough, you’ll endanger Andy. ……So we’ve decided that no one in the military will get pregnant until this job is over”

“My perspective is that it should be somehow within half a year. ……Well, you girls who stay in Polka don’t have to dare. Don’t worry about it”

Dianne smiles and concludes the explanation. But.

“Ah. If that’s the case”

Tetes, who was drinking tea without permission, raises her voice.

“Irina-san, Christie-sensei, and other people who can’t make humans and children in a detour should be asked”

“I’ve already been sprayed. I’m thinking of keeping up with special affairs”

Irina says with a face that bites a bitter worm. She doesn’t seem to like it. And what about Christie?

“I, I have to stuff it in Polka to support it……it has nothing to do with the arrangements of the Celesta army”

“No, isn’t it great if you just give up Christie-sensei? I think it’s best not to have children. It’s okay if you have a high sex drive and can’t control it, but if you don’t have kids, it won’t be the worst thing that could happen”

“Please don’t say I have a high sex drive. Besides, I think it’s unnatural to have sex if you’re not ready to have a child”

“Isn’t it wrong to have a baby?”

“It’s not good, but Smithson-san said he would be responsible for the baby if it should happen and I trust him to do so”

……Well, yeah, I did say that.

“What. You don’t have to pose like that, you’ve always wanted to do that”

After all, Tetes laughs. Christie turns bright red and turns away.

“I’ve said that to Christie-sama too……Master might be a real big deal”

“You will give birth properly, right?”

With a bitter smile, she replies with a muttering that feels like half of Savory’s dismay and Oregano’s rushing offer.

“Yes, all the people who already have it come over here. I’ll apply it to Naris-chan too, so come quickly”

“Hehee. Thank you very much”

“You don’t want to have a baby, do you, Naris-chan?”

“No, because I’ll be working for a while. Of course I don’t want to get pregnant yet”

“Then why don’t you screw 10-man captain Smithson? With your strength, you’ll be able to handle it”

“……Th, That’s right……but, eh, I don’t really hate sex, so there’s a possibility that I’ll be careless again after drinking alcohol or depending on the tension……I’m relieved”

“I don’t understand, Naris-chan too”

“N, Noisy. A virgin will probably never know”


This is a great way to get the most out of your business. Tetes shuts up whether she can argue against it. Naris goes to Hilda-san while she feels a little awkward.


“What is it?”

“That……I don’t have to take it, but I can take it, right?”

Savory said something strange when the magic was reapplied to most of the personnel.

“Is it Savory-chan? Do you want to receive it?”


Savory smiled and nodded and the other three girls looked surprised.


“Don’t you want Master’s child?”

Laurier and Oregano smiled and Savory shook her head.

“Because it’s not a problem if everyone gets pregnant together, no matter how much. ……It seems that it’s not difficult to release it because everyone around Master is receiving it……I wonder if it’s okay at the timing after everyone”

……It is true that the ideal way to conceive a child is to be able to come and go at any time. But this kind of view of life is also important. In particular, Savory and the other elf girls are rather lonely in this town. There is no guarantee that they will be protected by the baron like Selenium and the others and it would be risky to return to the forest just because they are pregnant with a human child and have trouble making a living, considering their position.

“That’s how much Master can deal with me?”

“Mu……I’m not impressed with that kind of thing”

“Master can be a dirty pervert, but we mustn’t be corrupted”

“U, Uh……what should I do, I’m……”

“Oregano, hold your mind”

Laurier and Fennel denounce the light mouth that Savory added and Oregano turning over. Everyone else chuckles. And then.

“……By the way, can you teach me that magic later?”

“Ah, Tetes-chan. What kind of a windup is that?”

“Well, it’s the kind of magic that doesn’t exist in Renfangas or the northern forest”

Tetes was quietly a disciple of Hilda-san. ……She’s motivated to learn.


After the dissolution, Maia transformed into her dragon form on the outskirts of the town where the sun is sloping.

“Ho. Where are you going, owner?”

“A visit to Isaac’s corps”

“Dianne and I will go with you later. Maia won’t be as efficient in case of emergency”

……Avalanches. But I don’t think they can manage the avalanche with Laila’s breath and I think it’s the same.

“I wish you’d let me fly once in a while”

Maia said. Maia’s voice is loud because of her dragon form and it echoes all over the place, so she holds her mouth. It’s a cute gesture, just like Maia. She’s a dragon, though.

“Hoho. Well, I guess the morning rampage wasn’t enough. I’ll take it easy for a change”

“Can I fly?”

“I’ll take a ride too. I’ll get Dianne. Wait a moment”

Laila jumped onto the roof of a nearby house, looked around and jumped again. ……Dragons are nice and quick to move around the town.

“Andy-sama. Get on my head”


Maia’s hands put me on her head. This is the way Maia prefers to ride, because it looks more like a dragon rider than her back. It seems that the desire to be a fairy tale rider has not left her yet.


With Dianne and Laila arriving shortly after, we look for Isaac and others. ……A few days since we last saw them. Isaac and his corps had already broken through the ridges of the young snake mountain range and entered from Leika´s side to Polka´s side in the west.

“The ice decker is working better than I expected and the gutless are always screaming about how tired they are and how much their feet hurt, but other than that, it’s going so well it’s hard to believe we’re on a mountain march”

“Isn’t it just because there are no obstacles to snow and altitude sickness?”

“Well, I can’t help it if the food is lousy, though”

Isaac and the others seemed to be doing quite well.

“I’m glad to see that the new Dark Elf soldiers know how to use medical magic knowledge. Some of them have fallen off cliffs or fallen carelessly on rocky terrain, but nothing serious has happened so far”

“I used to take care of all of them, you know. It was hard when so many people got hurt”

“There are six people who can do magic treatment. It seems that medical techniques were useful even in their predecessor infantry”

“I guess it’s a good thing you´re not the only one who can do it”

“Well, that’s about it. When we get down to level ground, we’ll pick up speed. According to the action plan, it will take eight days to reach Polka. ……Well, even if it’s difficult to reach halfway, we’ll make it in five days”

“That’s encouraging. I’m sure you’re right, but I’m afraid I’m going to be out of place once the special mission is over”

“If we can get this many people running around with us in charge, 100-man commander Dianne, you’ll be a legend”

“Hahaha. Between you and me, I’m thinking of retiring”

“I’m in trouble. I’m thinking about it too”

Isaac and Dianne laughed at each other. To be honest, leading a hundred-man squad is not an easy job. Even in normal operation. In addition, the fact that he is able to carry out such a huge task as a large-scale march training that lasts for several months so smoothly, less than a year after taking office, shows that Isaac’s leadership ability and popularity are remarkable. ……At the time of the reorganization, I felt a little jealous of Isaac and Anzeros who talked about promotion.

“After all Isaac is something else……”

I have to admit it. I’m proud to have such a great guy as my best friend.

“What do you say, I’m sorry. If things are different, you’re the best”

Isaac hits my back with his huge hand. No, it’s just a light tap for Isaac, but I staggered.

“A year ago, you moved a historical event with your ability and now you’re still at the forefront of the times. You’re even popular with dragons. It’s a bit disgusting to me that I can only handle a few subordinates”

“To be honest, I don’t really know how I got that way either”

“Hoho, be proud, owner. You are not afraid to obey, fascinate and use a dragon when it should be. It is enough. At least, for a dragon, you are a good master”


I was encouraged by Laila and Maia and my confidence was restored a bit. I’m sure they’re right. It’s not a bad thing to be unsuited for something. There is no need for one person to be able to do everything. You just have to know what you can do and do the best you can with what you have. That’s the best thing I learned in the military. I’ll do my best to stay within my means. ……At the moment, though, I don’t think that’s as big a deal as Isaac makes it out to be.

“……By the way”

Williams interrupted in a low voice.

“Are you ignoring me?”

“Eh……ah, emm”

That’s right. It’s not only Isaac who is in charge of this march training.


Night. While having a drink in the tavern, I told the owner that Isaac´s group would be arriving in five days.

“It’s time to clean up the new bar. My wife alone will have to close the daytime business for a while, but……we have an elf girl this year, so we should be fine”

“We’ll have our guys help out, like Anzeros and Aurora. We’ll be using our own troops anyway”


That’s the least we can do for them.

“Oh dear. I don’t even know who’s running the unit”

100-man commander Becker, who was drinking nearby, grinned.

“I, I’m sure Dianne would say the same”

“That’s right. Even if you say it in the same class, 10-man captain Anzeros and 10-man captain Keiron are the seniors. It’s not a good idea for you to be so high and mighty”


That’s true. ……I wonder if I was unconsciously distracted by seeing Isaac’s activities.

After drinking a little bittersweet liquor, I went back to the inn and went to bed. I thought I’d call Maia or Laila to have sex.

“……No, I have to deal with them in order from tomorrow morning”

I thought about checking the parchment in the inside pocket of my cloak, but decided against it, as it was too much trouble to turn the lamp back on once it was turned off. ……Well, they’ll be here in the morning.


The next morning. The first ……to show up promptly was.

“Andy, wake up. ……Don’t stay up too late or you’ll miss work”

“Hou……of all people, its you 100-man commander Dianne”

When I wake up, Dianne wakes me up with gentle eyes while showing the afterglow of the heat of the hot spring from her moist skin……and Naris who is a little afraid.

“Nu……is it Dianne and Naris in the morning?”

“That’s right. Didn’t you check the schedule?”

“I thought I could look at it in the morning”

“You’re so careless. I’ve been cleaning myself since before dawn”

Naris´s head, who sharpens her mouth, is squirming.

“S-t-o-p! You’re going to make a mess!”

It was a little fun, Naris.

“Good, well then shall I start with Dianne? Or Naris?”

I pulled down my pants in the blanket. My morning erection is still buzzing.

“I don’t mind either way, but……do you want to go with Andy-san’s signature butt line?”

“Eh, wa, wait a minute! D, Do you start suddenly!? 3P!?”

Naris was suddenly upset.


“What’s wrong, Naris?”

Dianne, who was half off her long robe, turned her gaze without knowing why.

“No, no, I can’t do it alone because it’s a big deal……”

“Isn’t it good to spend time?”

Dianne throws away her band with the feeling of what’s happening now. Naris is even more upset.

“That, eem……abruptly 3P´s difficult is high”



I see………

“Threesomes are difficult……”

“That’s a new perspective”

Dianne nodded. There weren’t many opinions around me. The four elf girls have never had neglected sex.

“Well, that’s a problem in the future. ……Everything is an experience”

Dianne nodded and started stripping Naris.

“E, u, uwawaa!?”

“Well, keep quiet. It’s Andy. He’ll give you plenty of fun”

Narios reflexively tried to escape, but Dianne dexterously blocked her movements and in the end, Naris was stripped of her long robe. She didn’t wear underwear under her clothes. ……Oh?

“Are you from the no panty faction”

“Faction, what is a faction!! Casually today……I thought during the bath that 10-man captain Smithson will do an intravaginal ejacualtion so it would be bad to wear panties!”

“……No, I think there are some elves who wear no pants at all”

Like Christie.

“……Are you serious?”


“One more thing I don’t need to know about……”

I’m not going to bother flipping through it to find out for sure and unless I’m married, it’s useless knowledge.

“Well, it’s not a bad idea. Andy loves it when you dress like that”

“You understand well”

Dianne also took off her clothes, but there was no underwear. Full brown skin and soft white skin were exposed in front of me. Naris, whose upper body is held down by Dianne in my bed, raises her knees in an M-shape and Dianne sticks out her round ass to provoke me.

“Then, I’ll get it from Naris”

“Eh, wait, that, wait……naaa!?”

I pushed Naris’s knees apart and shoved my taut cock into her hairless pubic area without reservation. She isn’t very wet so I can only get in a little. ……Damn it.

“P, Pull it out once……”

“Leave it to me”

Diane slips her body and brings her face from the side of her belly to Naris’s crotch. And she politely inserted her tongue between the gap and began to pour in her saliva.

“Hia……wh, what……w, we´re women……!?”

“I don’t have that hobby either, but I’m serving Andy’s cock. It’s not that I don’t like it”


……Ah. When it comes to 3P, do you have any feelings about that? I didn’t think so much because I just committed the female bodies lined up in order……

“Thank you, Dianne”

And yet, of course, I begin to move slowly so as not to waste her saliva, thanking Dianne for crawling her tongue for my dick.

“Naa……n, nooo……this is……!!”

“Huhu, it’s a tremendously erotic sight to see Andy’s cock being consumed by a woman’s body”

“Don’t say that……!!”

“Don’t be shy. We all see each other, Andy’s women do”

“I’m a woman of 10-man captain Smithson……!?”


I hid her face and covered Naris, who continued her rebuttal, and shook her hips, forcing her to kiss.

“I don’t always tell you to be my woman, but in my bed you are my woman”


“When we’re having sex, you’re my woman. I’m committing you with that intention”

“……Th, That’s right……yo, you know what”

Naris lifted her hand to hide her face and made a flushed but slightly angry face.

“M, Mistake wait, m, my womb urges……!!”

You’re being unnecessarily honest, Naris.

“Bu, But I want you to stop saying that you’re not my woman when you get out of bed……naaa!!?”

“Then you’re my woman full time. So get used to the way I fuck you”

“……I, I can’t really nod that way, but……ngu, naaa!!”

I slam Naris who is trying to be cheeky. What she says in her mouth is that her lower body is uselessly honest, and I suck on her joy juice-soaked flesh that begins to secrete my thrust. She won’t leave. Dianne smiles as she closes her skin to me who commits such Naris.

“Huhu. There was a time when Irina was also resisting like this”

“Naris, let’s go……let’s get you outside!”

I suddenly remembered that she said 「Practice putting it outside」 when I committed it before, so I tried to pull it out at the right time while spurting.

“E, Eeh……!?”

Then, for some reason, Naris raised her voice as if in a panic.

“What is it?

“I, I’ve just cast a spell that allows you to put it inside, so why are you wasting your time with this……”

“Don’t say it’s not good. Dianne will drink it properly”

“……I didn’t hear it. I’ll drink it”

Dianne leaves my body and prepares to drink.

“No, that……”

“Come……Naris, let go of me……!!”

“N, Nooo……!!”

I push Naris’s hips away. A moment later, Naris crabs her legs, but my penis comes off and the moment Dianne sucks it in a hurry, I ejaculate. I shot it in Dianne’s mouth.


“What are you moaning about?”

“T, The contraceptive magic became meaningless!”

“You’re not going to get pregnant anyway”

“I feel like I’ve lost so much! I demand a do-over!”

“It’s my turn now and we’ll do it one at a time. ……Come on, Andy”



Diane’s vagina is completely wet and easy to insert. ……But I want you to remove the fact that Naris is still holding her legs between my legs. Therefore Dianne lay on top of Naris, so that she becomes aware of her position.


“At least I will drink the next juice”

“You’ve never drank anything before, have you?”

“Everything is an experience”

This time, Naris was waiting right next to Dianne’s ass.

“Nu, a, aaa……Naris, I don’t really understand……”

“What do you want, Dianne?”

“……I want it inside”

“No! You’ve just taken the liberty of drinking semen for me!”

……She’s the type of person who forgets what her problem is when she gets excited.

I ended up being seen by Naris with a grudge throughout my breakfast as I had a vaginal cum shot on Dianne.

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