Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 255: Red Gauntlet and New Armor

Chapter 255: Red Gauntlet and New Armor

Morning. The futon is suddenly pulled off, with no sign of someone creeping around……my crotch.

“U, co, cold……”



Irina shrinks in my arms, Sharon sticks to my back. The skin of three people including me is exposed to the outside air.


Maia stares at us with a comforter in her hand.

“Gi, Give me back my futon”

“……Time to get up”

“You could have woken me up a little more gently”

“……I can only wake you up like I usually do when I’m in a position to be gentle with Andy-sama’s cock”

Indeed, my cock was unconsciously trapped between Irina’s thighs. She can’t suck my cock like this. I wonder if that’s why she felt left out and woke me up slightly roughly.

“You can’t help it, get up……”

“Nyu……c, cold”

“Smithson-san, would you like me to serve you first thing in the morning?”

“I, I’ll get up like this today”

I politely declined Sharon’s offer, but kept rubbing her tits. Sharon is fascinated by putting her hand on my hand. Muu, Maia who holds her own chest is a little cute.

“Maia let me touch your tits too”

“No, we can’t compare”

“I think big tits are great, but small tits are an art form”

“I don’t understand……”

“I also don’t understand……”

A small-breasted dragon and a big-breasted elf who both have troubled faces.

“A man has to get there sometime”

For some reason, I thought I saw a deep nod from old Harry.

I regret that yesterday’s odor play was a little dirty. No, it’s generally stinking.

“I’m going to go take a bath today. The semen pool play is over”


“Huwawa……the problem with first thing in the morning hot springs is that they’re too far away.

I sent Sharon and Irina off to the spa. I myself used a wet washcloth to clean up after last night.

“Good morning, Andy. Blacksmithing today?”

“I’ve got other things to do this afternoon, so I’ll see you in the morning”

I greeted Anzeros as she lowered the breakfast tray and we swapped breakfast. Dianne, Aurora, Naris and Tetes had already had breakfast.

“Ah, Naris”


When I called out for her to come to the forge, Naris stiffened her back. The wooden spoon falls down.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sm, 10-man captain Smithson!”

Naris stood up and her neck was hooked by an arm and she was taken to the corner of the dining room.

“Emm, Tetesu-chan´s suspect may feel strange, so you can do it in public!”

“……Tetes seems to have noticed that Naris has already penetrated the day she came back”


Naris is really surprised. She glanced at Tetes who grinned at me with a sideways glance. Yeah, this situation is already like an answer.

“Anyway, Naris. Come to Jackie-san today, because I think I’ll be able to prepare your chest armor”

“Again, in such a misleading order!”

“It can’t be helped, because your armor is the easiest to make!”

“Why! It’s the middle armor!”

“Because you have the smallest chest”

To be precise, Sharon and Neia only needed custom designs, not Naris’ fault. However, Naris seems to have thought that she was defeated.

“Hmm! It’s not that it’s small! It’s not that disappointing for an elf! It’s just that Knight Chief Sharon is totally foul!”

“Don’t worry, I consider small to be an art form”

“Aren’t you subtly mocking me?”

“No, I’m not. I love cute tits. Jeanne, Irina and Anzeros are all important tits to me”

“……It’s hard to be honestly happy with it. How many mornings do you open up sexual harassment talk? You perverted 10-man captain!”

“You’re the one who dumped me!”

“I’m glad you’re getting along so well”


Tetes had come very close to me before I knew it. She brings a morning tea with the saucer and slurps. ……Is this kind of subtly unpredictable movement inherited from Lord Buster?

“E, Emm Tetes-chan. I’m sure we got along a little on the trip you didn’t come to, right?”

“It’s okay, Naris-chan”

Tetes smiles.

“I’m sure Laila-san and 10-man captain Keiron will be able to vouch for you”


Heartbroken Naris places both hands on the ground.

“……But how does 10-man captain Smithson tame so many elves? Do you have any special technique?”

Waa. I was told with a straight face that I tamed. Even though this cafeteria is completely away, it has guts.

“You can’t say I’ve been tamed! As for me, it’s just a mistake of drinking! I don’t really like 10-man captain Smithson that much”


Tetes laughs in a strange way. Naris takes a step back.

“Wh, Whats……”

“Nothing? I’ll leave you alone, Naris-chan”

“Leave you alone!”

“Isn’t 10-man captain Smithson interested in human girls? Like me?”

“No comment. I’d like to keep my comments to myself”

To tell the truth, I think Tetes is a cute enough category, but I’m a little worried about the age difference of 10 years, which is not so noticeable for other races. It wouldn’t be good to reach out to such a child. No, I also committed younger children more explicitly in the Cat Beast Colony, but I don’t feel so good in the same race. It’s strange. I don’t have the courage to touch the younger sister of that demon Buster. It’s a really scary course to have such a brother-in-law.

“Tetes-chan not knowing anything is scary……”

“Eh, I’m not saying that it’s okay to sleep with 10-man captain Smithson, right? I’m just curious as to why you’re only messing with elves and demi-humans”

“If so, isn’t it scarier? It’s an erotic genie who makes Almeida, Knight Chief Sharon and even a holy beast all wear a collar. This person may not be able to do anything with his strength”

I was told rudeness. It’s an erotic genie. I’m afraid to leave out Hilda-san.

“Then Naris-chan was raped with some mysterious power?”

“Well, no mystery, but it was rape”

“For that reason, you’re getting along better than before, right?”

“……I, I think you’re imagining things”

Naris. It’s time you realized you’re being played.

“I’m curious to know if you have a special talent for cajoling elves or what would happen if you started wielding it on humans”

“……Ma, Maybe not?”

It’s really painful that I don’t have any reason to answer clearly, because now I think about it, all the girls have mysterious backgrounds.

“Why don’t you eat early because it’s okay, Andy”

“It’s getting cold”

Dianne and Aurora, who probably could have heard but didn’t seem to care at all……well, because it’s these two.


I spent the morning working at Jackie-san’s workshop.

“Ah, Bocchan. I want to close my workplace tomorrow, is that okay?”

“Ah, it’s a holiday”

“I’d like to clean the furnace……this job is not so urgent, is it?”

“Well, with Jackie-san and Jeanne’s help, we’re getting things done much faster than we planned”

I was afraid that if I was not good enough, we might not be able to finish the final product for all three until spring, but at the current pace, we´re more than twice as efficient. I can afford it.

“Then we’ll have tomorrow off”

“Yes. ……Now Naris, did you wear it?”

“……10-man captain Smithson is really good at making armor that fits a woman’s body, right?”

Naris, who opened the curtains in the fitting space, wore practical chest armor. It’s still a little clunky because it’s bare iron, undecorated, unpainted and hasn’t taken any shavings.

“Oh. It looks better than I expected”

“What do you mean with better than I expected? It’s certainly very comfortable to wear”

“Because the only combat equipment I know of is your bikini armor……”


In terms of parts, this alone is enough to get to the front line. I’m going to make a pair of waist armor and shin guard, but they don’t penetrate much into mercenaries who don’t like armament and there are many cases where leather trousers with iron plates and sturdy boots are used instead.

“I think it’s better to make a helm as well”

Jackie-san murmured. It’s true that helmets are very effective as protective gear. Rather, helmets are issued to untrained recruits before armor. If you get stabbed in the chest or stomach, you may be able to get away with it, but if you get something in your head, you won’t survive. That’s why it’s the most important part to protect. But,

“Helms narrow your senses. I wish I had a helm that wouldn’t interfere with my vision or hearing at all”

“That would be a difficult order”

“It would be much easier to do without it”

……Ace Knight and above are generally reluctant to wear a helmet by saying something like Naris. No, did I say that Anzeros used to wear it for the purpose of hiding her ears? I think it’s okay to use it as armor properly.

While fine-tuning Naris’s armor, I asked her what she wanted for her waist armor.

“It should be side protected. The area itself doesn’t have to be that large, but I’d like it to be able to protect my back. Even the slightest injury can make your movement worse”

“You’ve done that many times……”

“I haven’t done it that many times! But I’ve never ordered a waist armor before, so I’m not sure how I feel about it”

“I see”

She’s still a veteran labyrinth adventurer. If you think about it, it’s no wonder that she has a lot of experience with the body parts that get attacked.

“Hmm, black looks strong, but it’s similar to 10-man captain Anzeros and red, it’s gorgeous, but it’s similar with Almeida-san……”

“I think it’s okay to wear it”

“Because it’s a big deal, you shouldn’t wear it, you can’t make a mistake even if you put the parts on……I think white is the way to go……”

“It’s also a good idea to use silver to make it shine”

“You can’t hide it if you rub it”

“Then blue……”

“It’s hard to balance the blue with the red gauntlets. If it’s any other color, it depends on the inner lining”

Naris is a woman who is surprisingly picky about fashion.

“It’s always better to wear red”

“That’s true, but……umm”

The two of us are troubled. Then Neia visits.

“Hello……is that kind of thing already done?”


“A, Ahaha……seems to be the easiest one for me”

Naris looks a little embarrassed. She looks sideways and asks Neia for her opinion.

“I’m having trouble deciding what color to get, but I’m hoping it will match my……gauntlets and not clash with Almeida’s……”

“I think anything is fine as long as it serves a purpose……you can also choose to wear a surcoat”

Neia was Neia and a little rough. ……Well, she didn’t choose it herself, she only wore custom-made items.

“What about mixing colors? It may take some time”

“Mixed colors……”

“Like white chest, red shoulders, and……waist”

“That sounds like a toy”

Naris sharpens her mouth, but I felt something flashing.

“That’s it”

I quickly drew a chalk picture on the wooden board.

“How about something like this?”

“Red with……gray and something like a pattern……?”

“I tried to make it look like Laila’s fire”

A line like a tongue of burning flames runs on the chest so as to cross from the left and right. Although the armor is made by fine-tuning from the male type, it also emphasizes the feminine line.

“Wait!? I, Isn’t it terrible for my armor!?”

……Ah, no, does she have trauma from the dragon’s fire breath? Umm……

“Then change it to look like Maia’s blizzard……”

“Then the combination with red will be delicate”

“Its minor”

I reworked the design.

“Why don’t we combine gold and red?”

“Gold paint is difficult to use, Bocchan. If you use it wrong, it can look very vulgar”

“Muu……then green with a red base, like an elf image and a cross between red gauntlets”

“Red with a green base is also a good idea”

“It’s also possible to mix in three colors……”

“Wait Neia. It’s not a drawing”


We couldn’t decide what to do, so we called it a day. The day ends at noon. In other words, there’s no need to rush after this. I was wondering if I could spend this afternoon at the Baron’s mansion with Selenium, Apple and Jeanne, deciphering the elvish textbook and then accompany them to the Isaac squad in the evening. I think I should think it over a little……

I was walking along the streets at noon with this in mind when I suddenly saw a sign for a clothing store out of the corner of my eye. ……Clothes. It might be a hint. I thought so and just strolled in.

“Welcome to……Ah, master”


There was an elf who I didn’t know when she turned around. Straight silver hair on maid clothes. She is a very beautiful girl with a neat and soft atmosphere. I don’t even know her.

“Ma, Master?”

“E, Emm……trainer-sama……isn’t it, Smithson-sama?”

The crawling of this phrase clearly belongs to those four people. I mean, there is only one silver hair among them.

“O, Oregano……?”

“Yes. I’m working here”

I didn’t notice because she didn’t have a braid ring. I was surprised. ……First of all, to my own sensibility that I was identifying by that.

“Haa, armor……”

“Yes. No matter how I colored it, it just didn’t look right”

“I think it depends on how you match it with the armor and cloak……ah, how about this?”

Oregano held out a piece of old clothing to me. It was torn in places, but the taped fabric used to repair it gave it a strange sense of unity.

“Hee, that’s really stylish”

“I’m sure you can make it more fashionable by using the color of the previous bikini armor as a base and adding a red line like this, so as not to offend Naris-san’s nerves”

“Indeed……it’s a good idea, I hadn’t thought of making the pattern daringly unsociable”

Red is inevitably associated with blood, flames and scars, so we tend to associate it with those things and unifying it with a pattern that is so careless as to shake off those images was an idea that required a bit of a step back.

“Ehehe. Did I help you?”

“Yeah. I think I can balance it out now”

“That’s great. ……By the way”

Oregano looked to her left and right to make sure that the old woman who owned the store was not there.

“It’s time for you to come to……our home”


Everyone is pretty hungry.

Everyone is off tomorrow, so if you could visit us tonight, we could entertain you”

“……E, Emm”

I’m a little lost. ……Lost.

“Will you all be my naked apron maids?”

“You like that, don’t you……♪”

Oregano chuckles.

“Of course, master♪”

The whispered words are enough to make me choke up. Yes, I am.

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