Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 403 - Acupoints


A vicious assault was levied against the barrier, but Ryu didn't even flinch. In fact, he didn't take his eyes off of Liluo who was beneath him.

Amie, Grim and Dru, though, couldn't help but shiver as they met the gaze of a burly man with eyes lit with fury.

"Brat! If you know what's good for you, you'll undo this barrier this instant!"

The burly man growled, but Ryu didn't even turn his attention toward him. Unfortunately, these words only made the three members of the Violet Olive Team who follow Ryu feel even more stifled.

Though Ryu had allowed them into the barrier, were they supposed to stay here forever? Also, didn't Ryu also say this barrier had a time limit?

The worst part of it was that they recognized each and every single individual standing outside the barrier at this moment. Aside from Deep Valley's three Vice Leaders and their Leader, it seemed as though they had sent all their powerhouses here as a contingency.

Unfortunately for them, with [Third Perspective], Ryu would have never missed them regardless of how they hid. Their strength was practically like a beacon in an otherwise normal city.

"Are you going to hand it over?" Ryu asked lightly.

Liluo, who seemed to have regained his confidence after the other members of his Team had made their way over, only sneered at these words.

"Let me go and maybe the others won't humiliate you too much. If you insist on being obstinate, be prepared to deal with the consequences."

What a joke. Ryu couldn't stay here forever, and just like he had said before, there was a time limit. Liluo just had to only hold out for 15 minutes and the barrier would fade. Ryu was practically signing his own death certificate.

"'Be prepared to deal with the consequences', hm?, I'm sure that means you are also prepared as well, right?"

Ryu put his two blades away, and kneeled down. Before the eyes of all the spectators, he began to take off Liluo's clothing.

Liluo's face stiffened, but in the end he only harrumphed and looked away. He was a man, what did he care if he was exposed for all to see. He had nothing to be ashamed of down there either, Ryu could have at it. If he thought that embarrassment would be enough to push him off of this course, he was sorely mistaken. In fact, Liluo would just thoroughly enjoy his revenge in just a few more minutes.

"Ryu…" Grim hesitated.

He fear Ryu, but he also feared the ones outside the barrier at this moment. Liluo's humiliation would be more than his own. At this moment, they were attacking the dignity of the Deep Valley Team as well. They would have more than enough reason to go all out with them.

The big burly man might not have been a Vice Leader, but that was because he was too brutish to be a leader of men. Everyone knew that his actual strength would rank favorably amongst the other three.

He was known as Grinder. Just his name alone made Grim, Dru and Amie feel as though their bone marrow was being extracted. Yet, not only was Ryu ignoring this man, he was blatantly humiliating one of his own before his eyes without a care in the world.

Grim thought that Ryu was only acting like this because he didn't know the kind of monster Grinder was. But, what he didn't expect was that even before he could explain, Ryu would raise a hand.

"I may have only just joined Violet Olive, but I would hope that you all have more backbone than this." Ryu said coldly. "This Deep Valley Team crashed the Gates of your city, stole the product of your labor and hard work, and would have killed a member of your Team had reinforcements not appeared in time.

"And what exactly do you want to do about it? Let them go?"

Ryu sent a glance back toward Grim.

In truth, he didn't particularly care about the humiliation of Violet Olive. Or, rather, he wouldn't normally care. However, now that he had attached his name to them, he had no choice but to.

Faith was an intangible thing, but Ryu had no intention of tripping upon it. Since he had joined Violet Olive, he wouldn't allow them to lower their heads.

Grim was stunned by Ryu's words, but he had no method to refute. By the time he and the others had regained their bearings, Ryu was already focused on Liluo again.


Grinder furiously beat his fists against the barrier, causing the city to shake and quake. But, let alone shattering it, there were hardly any ripples caused.

Ryu calmly took off Liluo's last piece of clothing, throwing it to the side without a care.

Liluo was somewhat pale, but his sneer hadn't faded.

"Do whatever you want." Liluo laughed. "These'll be the last moments you get to enjoy!"

Ryu ignored Liluo as he pressed two fingers together. At that moment, a dense aura of death began to converge.

Liluo's eyes widened, his body squirming. But, beneath Ryu's control, what chance did he have to move? By this point, Ryu had already severed his tendons. And, without his qi, it was impossible to move his body without them.

Ryu pressed a finger down onto an acupoint.

He had hardly pushed when Liluo suddenly howled into the skies. His cry was so sudden and heart wrenching that even Grinder's fist came to a sudden halt.

However, Ryu hardly reacted, applying more pressure before removing his finger from the location and moving to another.

Ryu's finger pressed down again, resulting in another banshee like screech.

Everyone stood as though frozen in time.

Just what kind of monster was this? What did it take to make an Immortal Ring expert just a level away from the Path Extinction Realm… scream like that?

Ryu, though, didn't seem intent on answering, raising his finger once more and pressing it down again.

Only if Necromancer Hecate was here would she know exactly what was happening.. Ryu was refining the living into a corpse puppet.

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