Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 399 - Two Chances

A swordsman by Liluo's side sneered. After a bout of surprise, he couldn't believe the stupidity of this kid before him.

Ryu had reached out with his right and flicked with his index finger. It might seem inconsequential to lose a finger, but the truth of the matter was that every part of the body was filled with meridian pathways. The index finger was incredibly important to any weapon wielder. It was what dictated accuracy and stabilization. To lose it would be akin to having to relearn a weapon from the ground up.

This didn't even mention the fact that with just a slight change to the angle of his wrist, this man could easily take Ryu's entire hand.

This might have been a dream world, but injuries were consistent. It was just as difficult to heal an injury in Osiris as it was in the real world, while to most, their life in Osiris was even more valuable than their lives in the outside world.

The only way to undergo a full heal free of charge would be to die a death in Osiris. But… the penalty for that was even worse than losing a finger.

With a sinister glint, the swordsman's wrist angle slightly, the path of his blade changing just a small bit to aim from Ryu's wrist. In the blink of an eye, it would not only lop his finger off, but take his whole hand with it.

But, it was at that moment that something completely astonishing occurred.

Ryu's silver eyes flickered with a beautiful reflective sapphire, his pupils becoming vertical slits. The change was quick and disappeared just as fast. But, in that moment, everyone felt as though a Primordial Beast had appeared before them all.


The flick of Ryu's finger sent the sword flying.

A pained cry left the swordman's lips as their wrist bent at an awkward angle, swelling so quickly that it was visible to the eye.

The sword flipped continuously in the air amid the silence, its whistling seemingly becoming the only noise for hundreds of meters.

It fell to the ground, its blade piercing into the hard ground. But, at that moment, it snapped, its hilt and part of a blade falling from the rest of it.

The crowd sucked in a cold breath. Those who were sharp immediately realized that the break occurred at the very place Ryu had flicked it. What kind of monstrous strength did it take to snap a Lower Earth Grade Treasure like that with a finger?!

Ryu's hand continued forward as though nothing had happened, grasping Amie's hand and helping her up.

Amie stood in a daze, her eyes completely focused on Ryu's flawless hands. If it wasn't for their overwhelming size, enveloping her own in an undeniable strength, she would have thought that it was the hand of a woman. Even she couldn't help but be somewhat jealous.

But, these were just fleeting thoughts. Because in those moments, she could have sworn that she saw Ryu's arm become coated in radiant blue scales. Was that… an illusion?

But if it was an illusion… how could she dream up something so beautiful?

Liluo's sneer froze as he looked at Ryu's back.

Back when Ryu had crossed his face an even showed his back to him, Liluo had thought he was a complete fool. But, rather than attacking personally, something he felt that was beneath him, he had sent one of his three men after Ryu.

However, this was the last way he had expected things to end.

Amie lowered her head, feeling ashamed. She looked back toward Grim and Dru, a pitiful expression on her face.

"I'm sorry, I lost the quota. They took it." Amie was frustrated to the point tears almost fell from her eyes. Such a sight would have made most men want to protect her for a lifetime, but Ryu only observed her curiously.

"Lost? Wasn't it in your inventory? How'd they take it?"

Amie opened her mouth to answer, but after remembering Ryu was indeed a newbie, she shook her head, the sadness on her face deepening.

"There are special mission rewards that can steal from Inventories as long as you defeat someone in battle." Grim stepped forward to explain.

Amie was surprised by this, knowing how arrogant Grim and his brother usually were. She couldn't help but cast another look toward Ryu.

"And I assume this item is rare or else you wouldn't be acting like this, correct?" Ryu asked.

Amie nodded along with Grim and Dru.

The fact that the Deep Valley Team had this item at all was a testament to just how powerful they were. For obvious reasons, Osiris limited the number of these items that could be in circulation at once. Only during special events would there be a possibility for an uptick. But even then, it was only a possibility.

Liluo's frown deepened at being ignored. But, even worse, he had been prepared to deal with Annette and had come with ample trump cards. But, this person was a complete unknown. Liluo had never even heard of him before.

"That's still not too big of a deal, right?" Ryu said off handedly.

The three looked toward him with incredulous expressions. How was this not a big deal?

Even though a single Inventory Steal treasure could only take three treasures at most, that had been the product of weeks of work. They had at most a few days until the quota was due. How could it not be?

Ryu cracked his neck and reached for his twin Great Swordstaffs.

This matter was indeed easy to handle. Didn't he just have to make Liluo open up his inventory willingly?

Liluo seemed to understand Ryu's intentions. His anger got the best of him to the point he began to just laugh.

He was previously startled by Ryu's entrance. But now that he had time to settle he realized… A mere Lower Connecting Heaven Realm expert dared to stand in his way?! He was a step away from the Half-Step Path Extinction Realm!

But, before his sneer could deepen any more, Ryu's arm suddenly swung down from his back.

The swordsman yelping in pain suddenly froze, his roars coming to a deathly silence.

A moment later, the sound of a plop reverberated through the quiet city as a once whole man fell to the ground in two pieces.

"You have two more chances before I lose my patience." Ryu said evenly.

The two who had followed Liluo here shivered.. They suddenly realized that these two chances referred to themselves.

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