Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 377: Authority

Chapter 377: Authority

Ryu shook his head. He had been so lost in the feeling that he had begun to waste time. He came here to train and gather resources for himself, not to bask in a feeling of pleasure.

With a thought, Ryu could see his information floating before him in an illusory panel of some sort. From his understanding, no one could see this information unless he allowed them to.

[Ryu Tatsuya]

[Saintly Weapon Sky God Faction]

[Talent Designation – Sub-common]

[Battle Prowess Designation – Black]

[Status – Direct Descendant]


[It is detected that host has undergone significant changes since last connecting with Osiris. Would you like to update your information?]

A voice rang into Ryu's ears, asking for his permission to scan.

Remembering how overbearing the system had been when he last entered, Ryu's eyes narrowed. He wondered if he said no if it would find an excuse to scan him anyway.

Last time, Ryu got lucky. Aside from the fact he could hide under the umbrella of his great grandfather, due to Ailsa and his False Spiritual Foundation, the Osiris System failed to place his talent properly. But, now that he had lost connection to his Spiritual Foundation, Ryu wasn't certain if he would get the same benefit.

If the Mercenary Guild suddenly became aware that a Great Ancestral Circle level talent had joined their midst, who knew how they'd react? Ryu had no intention of relying on his great grandfather for help in this regard. Doing so would just be like him asking for a quicker death.

"Is there any benefit to a second scan?"


[As a Direct Descendant, your priority options are already as high as they can get without becoming a Pillar of the Guild]

"In that case, don't." Ryu replied succinctly.

Surprisingly, the Osiris system left him alone after this, allowing Ryu to sigh a breath of relief. If the system detected his Realm Heart, he had no idea what would happen to him.

"Alright, let's go."

With a thought, the pod Ryu was laying in released a large amount of gas and began to slowly extricate itself.

When Ryu finally got the room he needed to sit up, the sight left him smiling bitterly.

His pod was just one of hundreds of thousands, located in just one of the countless rows and columns around him.

Flying treasures of all sorts flew overhead and below. Not a single person even spared Ryu a glance. It was clear that they were quite used to 'small' characters like him.

Ryu tried to fly, but quickly settled back down into a frown. It wasn't because he couldn't fly, but rather because it was far more difficult to do so here.

He had thought because of how comfortable his mind felt here, that everything would be easier. But controlling his body here felt as though he had suddenly grown another set of limbs and could now only move with them.

Ryu suddenly heard a giggle at his ear after a while.

"Ailsa?" Ryu called out.

"It will be more difficult for you to control your body here the more talented you are. So, you have your work cut out for you."

Ryu frowned. "Why?"

Usually, he would be able to guess Ailsa's thought process. But, at this moment, he was at a loss.

"Think of it like a lag."

Ailsa's body manifested into its miniature form, finding a seat of Ryu's shoulder.

"This is just a Dream World. But, unlike your crystalline jade, it's projecting you toward a central hub that connects with the minds of trillions of other people.

"The more talented you are, the more data the system needs to send, and thus the more sluggish your projection becomes.

"Actually, if it wasn't because you were a Direct Descendant and had priority when it came to certain things, it would be even more difficult for you to control your body. Let alone flying, you might not even be able to sit up properly."

Ryu frowned. If this was the case, was it still worth it to come here at all?

"Of course it's worth it." Ailsa chided. "This is another reason I wanted you to come here. You still haven't broken past that barrier in your puppet control. But, if you can reach a certain standard here, I promise you that controlling your corpse puppets will be no more difficult than controlling your own body in the real world."

Ryu's gaze lit up, a sudden understanding overcoming him.

Since that was the case, he would do his best. Because it was his own body, he could see through the mistakes he made much easier and understand the proper path with much more clarity. This would indeed make his progress much better.

He hadn't forgotten that he needed to become a Summoning Necromancer. In order to do this, he needed more than just general talent. He needed talent as a Necromancer, or else he could forget it.

Unfortunately, his Mental Realm was one of his great weaknesses. In that case, he could only make it up with hard work.

Ryu focused his attention on his body, Ailsa watching to the side in silence.

His body raised from the bed of jello, only to crash back down.

Ryu took a deep breath, using the Origin Flame to see through all his mistakes and correct them in the blink of an eye.

Then, he tried again.

This time, he rose much further, albeit much more shakily.

His arms spread, his core flexing. He had never struggled this much to utilize his qi before. With his talent, it had always come as easy as breathing. To think it could be this difficult.

In all his focus, Ryu didn't realize that his surroundings had become deathly silent. The flying treasures had come to a grinding halt and their owners, who hadn't spared him a single glance before, looked toward him with wide eyes.

By the time Ryu realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere, it was already too late.

Ailsa giggled. "I forgot to mention that only those with a certain level of authority can fly in Osiris…"

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