Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 370: Burning Gazes

Chapter 370: Burning Gazes

Finally, the pressure of the trial became real. Instead of just a single warrior puppet appearing, there were two. Whether Ryu could kill them before their Immortal Rings manifested or more spawned was unknown.

Ryu's expression didn't so much as flicker. Without hesitation, he spun his qi and his skin turned a slight shade of red.

"[First Pulse: Release]."

Arcs of electricity pulsed through Ryu's body. He suddenly felt that the previous burdens he had had using this nameless technique had suddenly disappeared. Whether this was because his body was simply stronger now, or if it was because of his newly awakened Talent, Ryu didn't know, nor did he have the time to find out.

Regardless, there was no better way to find out this truth than by battling.


On the outside of the trial gates, Ailsa watched complacently as the blue torches flickered to life one after another. Many had thought that Ryu would slow as he reached closer to the top, but his pace inexplicably shot upward after entering the 70th floor. It was completely inconceivable.

By now, the thought of discussion had completely slipped the minds of those around and any hints of a bustling atmosphere the Martial Tower once had vanished, replaced by an eerie and pervasive silence.

Not even half an hour after Ryu's entry, he slowly walked out from the trial gates, all 99 torches flickering as his backdrop. He looked as though he had just come back from a leisurely walk… His breathing was steady, his white hair was spotless, and his aura left an oppressive heavy air hanging around them.

Ailsa smiled sweetly, her ruby eyes shining with an unconcealed pride. She had said before that there were next to 0 who could match Ryu's talent, and he was only proving her more and more correct with each passing day.

A badge twirled between Ryu's fingers as he seemed to almost glide forward. This thing in his hands now was the only reason he had bothered to come to this place. What he wanted was to push himself to the limit, not to take easy paths just so that he could show off.

In the end, the trial was crippled. It had no ability to pose any sort of challenge to him. But, it ultimately served its purpose.

Just as Ryu made it to Aisla's side, there was a change in the flickering torches.

They suddenly burned bright, growing a fold in size before radiating out into several beams of light. These beams of light met at the center of the impossibly tall trial double doors, slowly forming into the shimmering image of a robed elder.

The voice sounded both broken and natural at the same time. It held the tone of a normal person, but had a mechanical edge to it that exposed the fact that whoever this was in this projection, they hadn't sent a portion of their consciousness here. This projection was only better than an automated message by barely a hair.

The young woman who manned Ryu's gate had her expression go stiff. She had worked these gates for a long time, it was one of the easiest ways to gain contribution points in their Sect and about the only way to do so without putting your life on the line. However, she had never seen this scene before. The only explanation was that her worst fears had been realized… Ryu's bloodline really did meet the minimum requirements.

Others looked toward Ryu with flashing tinges of jealousy of various degrees. However, the look of excitement that they might have been expecting didn't cross his features. And why would it? To Ryu, this Sect had always been subordinated to him.

That said, this wasn't the reason that Ryu's expression was still so bitingly cold, at least it wasn't the case this time around. The real reason was that even he found this situation odd. At least in his memories, it shouldn't be like this. Another might have thought that they had simply forgotten, but Ryu, who had the Origin Flame, trusted his memories without reserve.

This situation wasn't normal. The only explanation was that this policy was either newly implemented, or he had somehow activated an extremely old mechanism that had never been triggered until now.

Considering the neglect these trial grounds had suffered, it was simply impossible for the former to be the case. It wouldn't make logical sense. That means that the only explanation was the latter. But… If this was true, then Ryu felt that maybe he had been a bit too reckless in his display. Whatever reason this projection had for appearing, Ryu had no doubt that this overlord Sect had been alerted of his existence now. Whether that was a good or bad thing… He wasn't sure yet.

"My apologies, elder. However I have set my sights on joining the Moonlight Blossom Sect."

After these words fell, the projection collapsed and distorted. The blue flames its body had been forged of began to morph and mutate, changing into a key with a triangular tip.

The key was large and blocky, being about six inches in length. Complex grooves were etched into its triangular prism body, making it difficult to fathom just how complex the lock it opened was.

Its bronze body gently floated down and into Ryu's hand.

'… The reason I wanted to join the Moonlight Blossom Sect was for one of these keys…' Ryu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

On one hand, he wanted to join the lesser Sect for this purpose. Yet, he couldn't have gotten this key unless he rejected the offer to begin with.

It was a shame, if he had a choice, why wouldn't he join the better Sect? The Three Pupil Eclipse Sect even had several ocular techniques he was quite interested in. It was just that he found entering Tri Palace to supersede them in importance.

Ailsa giggled, being the only one who could hear Ryu's thoughts.

'It's fine.' She projected her voice into his mind. 'Who's to say having two keys instead of one isn't better? And, even if it isn't, the Moonlight Blossom Sect is still better for you because your other main goal is to improve your Necromancy.'

After a moment, Ryu nodded. He wasn't sure if Ailsa's first words about two keys being better or not were true, but he did know that the Moonlight Blossom Sect was better for improving his Necromancy.

Once he settled his mind, Ryu put the worries to the back of his thoughts. There was no need to dwell on them. In fact, there was a more important problem to deal with right now…

If he went to the Moonlight Blossom Sect, there was a chance that he could keep his acquisition of the Tri Key a secret. But now…

Ryu looked up to find countless burning gazes trained on his palm.

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