Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 356: Second Ranked Heavenly Pupils

Chapter 356: Second Ranked Heavenly Pupils

[Sorry for the lack of chapters yesterday guys, something came up that had to be resolved before I could write. Anyhoo, without getting into details, we're back in action]

"Don't move too far from Nemesis." Ryu reminded Guiot. "Flying in this region is definitely not an option as well, so even as a last resort, think of something else."

Guiot nodded, following as closely as the red maned horse would allow. Nemesis was quite temperamental when it came to dealing with others, so Guiot didn't dare approach too closely, staying within about three meters.

Much like the rest of the Moon World, their current location was practically buried beneath several feet of snow. Only by circulating some lightness techniques could one manage to stop themselves from sinking several inches with every step.

Ryu didn't have to do such things thanks to his Northern Heavenly Wind making him as light as a feather. But Guiot didn't have such luxury. He could only alternate between training his movement techniques and suffering through the brutal cold.

The Moon World was shrouded by a perpetual winter. As a pure yin world, it was not only known for its Yin Beasts, but also its terrible cold. As though this wasn't already dangerous enough, Ryu was slowly inching toward the territory of Yin Lightning Beasts.

One had to remember that this was no longer the Mortal Plane. A Sixth Order Beast was likely the worst Ryu would have to contend with on the Pedestal Plane. However, in the Moon World, though it was ranked lower than Ryu's Shrine Realm, it was still very possible for Ninth Order Beasts to appear. In fact, without the regulation of the Awoken Moon Sect, Ryu predicted that several Tenth Order Beasts had likely been born in his absence.

'Little Ryu, I sense something pretty good.' Ailsa's gaze suddenly lit up.

Unlike Guiot, Ryu didn't feel much in the face of this cold. It wasn't nearly enough to make him uncomfortable, so his entire focus was on scanning his surroundings. In a place like this, he didn't dare to release the full range of his Spiritual Sense. Powerful beasts would immediately pick up on it and target him.

So, it was sufficient to say that Ailsa's words were the last thing he expected to hear in this situation.

'And what's that?'


Ryu's pupils constricted. Griffins? They were Ancient Beasts on the same level as Dragons, Phoenixes or Rocs. It was such an exclusive class of existences, what would they be doing here? And Ailsa seemed to imply that there was more than one of them? And in such a low-level world at that?

It had to be said that though Ancient Beasts were driven out of Ryu's Shrine Realm, it didn't mean that they couldn't exist elsewhere. It was just that the main core of their race was eradicated by Ryu's Ancestors. It could even be said that the aftereffects of that war was precisely why the Shrine Realm, though being among the top echelon of worlds, wasn't of the absolute elite.

The secrets behind that war and the transition from the Ancient Beast Era to the Sky God Era were things that Ryu had spent a lot of time studying. But even he didn't have the full breadth of answers.

To make a long story short, Ancient Beasts had mostly been in hibernation since then… So why?

Aside from this obvious question, if they really were here, Ryu should be doing his best to run in the opposite direction. They would most definitely sense his Ancient Beast Blood. And, for obvious reasons, humans having noble beast blood was a massive taboo to the Ancient Beasts. Why was Ailsa saying that this was a good thing?

'All Ancient Beasts have their traditions. Like you've probably guessed, after the wars fought in your Shrine Realm, the number of them is incredibly scarce. However… You probably also know that there are many prophecies that tell of their return.'

Ryu's gaze narrowed. Even Eska, the Immortal Sakura Sky God, had said something about this. In fact, she claimed her actions were semi-related to a prophecy of this kind.

It wasn't that prophesying the future was impossible, but it was rather that it was never 100% accurate. Much like Ryu's [Lines of Fate] technique, they always worked in percentages.

'The Griffins have their own special practices. At birth, they have something similar to the Awakenings humans have when they turn seven years of age. Those above a certain threshold will be allowed to remain with the main Clan, those below will have to prove themselves in other ways. They're often sent to lower-level worlds like this one and are tasked with becoming its ruler within a certain number of years.

'Should they succeed, they can return to the main Clan while the Griffins gain yet another piece of territory. If they fail, they can join a branch Clan if and only if they eventually succeed in taking control of the world they were sent to.'

'You sensed a Griffin taking their trial?'

'No, I sensed something even better. I found a Griffin egg that was just dropped off for their trial likely not even a month ago. In fact, its cracking out of its shell as we speak.'

'Lead the way.' Ryu said without hesitation.

Ryu didn't care if this Griffin was expelled from its Clan for having weak talent. Little Rock, as an example, wouldn't even be allowed into a branch Clan. Yet, he was a treasured ally for Ryu. Nemesis was even a step worse than that as a beast with a Black Grade lineage.

In addition to this, Little Rock had an incredibly small wisp of Ancestral Grade Blood, yet it manifested itself as an Earth Grade Bloodline equivalent. The little guy was even very close to reaching the Heaven Grade under Ailsa's care.

But, any Griffin born to the main Clan would be of the Sovereign Grade at worst. A beast of such value falling into his lap in thanks to Ailsa was almost inconceivable.

Still, even this was only a small portion of the reason Ryu didn't hesitate to hook Guiot under his arm and leap onto Nemesis' back, shooting into the distance like a red blur.

The abilities of the Griffin were legendary.

For one, their feathers could cure any poison, curse or afflicted disease. Secondly, they had incredibly sensitive senses and were born with Innate Spiritual Sense. This ability made them very good at finding treasures and navigating Ruins. Though Ailsa was good at finding natural geographical treasures, a Griffin could leave her in the dust when it came to manmade treasures.

However, of these reasons were enough for Ryu to disregard his safety and charge straight toward where Ailsa's finger pointed.

There was a legend Ryu had read many years ago that told of the origin of Heavenly Pupils. If he had followed the breadcrumbs properly, he was certain that the second ranked Heavenly Pupils, the World Eyes, originated from the Griffin Clan!

Every Griffin, no matter how weak, would be born with some version of these pupils.. The stronger their Bloodline, the stronger their visual prowess. How could Ryu possibly give up a chance to have two of the strongest pairs of eyes by his side?

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