Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 256: Fists

Chapter 256: Fists

Blood seemed to endlessly drip from Ryu's body. Anyone else would have likely bled out by now, but the vitality of Ryu's various bloodlines could hardly be matched. Unfortunately, no matter how high his vitality was, there was little he could do about his organs shutting down.

Even the greenery of the Mortal Qi Small Realm which were used to growing back as quickly as they were cut down couldn't fight against the aura of Ryu's Qi Blade, and they had only been affected by its domain rather than by it directly. Ryu, however, had been directly struck by his own blade. His situation was far worse than the sliced forest remnants around him.

With what seemed like the last of his strength, he summoned every corpse puppet he had out from his spatial ring. Since his meridians were barren of qi, and his body was far too injured to even think of making use of his Body Realm to fight, the only option he had left was his Mental Realm.

Unfortunately, even that felt drained. He had used so much Focus Qi, both to enter the Breath of World Meditation State and to control his one fifty meter tall Qi Blade. Even if he still had more than enough Spiritual Qi left, he found it hard to stop even his own vision from blurring, let alone finely controlling corpse puppets.

The three geniuses who had been debating on how to split Ryu's belongings sneered at this sight. Sure, it was impressive that Ryu actually had so many Fourth Order puppets, and even had two Peak Fifth Order corpse puppets, but they were Connecting Heaven Realm experts. This display meant nothing to them.

However, when an ancient tree suddenly appeared above Ryu, their sneers turned to narrowed eyes. They didn't know what this technique was… But the oppressive aura of the Immortal Sakura, and its fluttering petals falling like snowflakes, made them serious.

No matter what they said, in the end, a Throne was still a Throne. There was no such thing as a useless Throne. The fact Ryu had such an oppressive Qi Blade but ultimately failed in the end only pointed toward one thing: his Meridian Grade was higher than they could imagine. Even if that Meridian Grade was now useless after his failure, it didn't change this fundamental fact.

Ryu was completely expressionless, but the anxiousness in his heart was slowly becoming more and more murderous.

The Immortal Sakura continuously grew in size. Ryu could theoretically expand it to the range of his Spiritual Sense, which was twenty kilometers, but this would be a foolish waste of his Spiritual Qi. In the end, its short, sturdy trunk blossomed into a canopy with a range of just over ten meters.

It was a sight that captured a beauty beyond words. How many people of the martial world would believe that a Necromancer could be synonymous with such a gorgeous display?

However, beauty was only one aspect of the sight before them. The moment they got caught up in the gently falling blossom petals, they almost completely missed the oppressive crackling lightning.

The tribulation clouds that had yet to disperse above seemed to grow agitated, stirring the Spiritual Lightning Qi of Ryu's Immortal Sakura to a new height.

Everything before them seemed like a gentle winter storm, yet was filled with danger nonetheless. Though Ryu didn't speak, his gloomy demeanor made one hesitant. A cornered animal was always at its most dangerous, but a genius who had lost everything was even a level above that.

A black bow appeared in Ryu's hand. Though he had yet to draw it, his aura gained a sudden sharpness.

Flames erupted all around him, searing his wounds shut so violently that the three geniuses before him cringed. The smell of burnt flesh and organs completely overwhelmed their senses, but what was even more shocking was the abrupt change in Ryu's soft armor.

The robes sown by a Spiritual Seamstress were burnt to ash, but the Diamond Back Ape soft armor suddenly clanged with a metallic fervor. The fur it was woven of hardened in an instant, the tear that was formed by Ryu's Qi Blade lunging forward to mend itself as the once soft armor became a crystalline royal blue that shimmered like a pale sapphire.

Ryu's flames only seemed to grow more oppressive. As his emotions sunk into a deeper gloominess, his Rage Fire only seemed to grow hotter, whipping across his once soft armor with a blood red fire.

The combination made Ryu seem as though he was wrapped in violet armament, his back finally managing to straighten out to his full height as he readied to pull the string of his bow.

"What an impressively pitiful sight." Lucien spoke with a small hint of admiration, but he was overall unperturbed. Even if Ryu had succeeded in entering the Spiritual Severing Realm, he would have failed to be a match for him. Let alone now that he had lost his Spiritual Foundation.

"Those flames are no joke." Vygil said emotionlessly. "They're very likely in the Impose Realm. But somehow it feels even greater than that. I almost feel bad that he fell here."

Even the three of them who were the second most outstanding geniuses of their Sixth Order Clans, at least of their generation, anyway, had only comprehended an Inheritance to the first Heir Realm. It was simply far too difficult to take steps forward within the Natural Order.

Ryu's corpse puppets suddenly surged forward. All over thirty of them, with the exception of his two Peak Fifth Order corpse puppets began an assault with naked abandon.

Never in their wildest dreams did they believe that Ryu would attack first, but that didn't mean they were caught off guard. To them, those of the Fourth Order were simply lambs to the slaughter. However, after dealing with their coordination for a few moments, their expressions grew more serious once again.

"Annbar, you were talking all that nonsense, so why are you now slinking in the back." Lucien carelessly jeered toward the Ofera Clan genius.

Annbar laughed. "You know close combat isn't my strong suit."

He casually glided backward, easily dodging the strikes of the numerous spears aimed toward him.

Lucien disdained to answer. Even if he was a long ranged specialist, against an enemy so weak, was it necessary to cling to that ideal?

A sword appeared in Lucien's hand. With a casual flick of his wrist, three corpse puppets fell, unable to move any longer. He had easily pierced Ryu's Death Seal, effectively cutting off the connection between Ryu and his corpse puppets.

Vygil's fists were even more direct, obliterating the Fourth Order corpse puppets into a rain of bone dust and dried out flesh.

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