Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 242: Announced

Chapter 242: Announced

Ryu calmly responded to Tae's call. Ailsa, who had been in her full form, napping on his arm shrunk down to sit on his shoulder. As for Nemesis and Little Rock, they entered the spacious Incubator. If other beasts tamed by Beast Masters knew these two could frolic so freely even while contained, they'd turn green with jealousy without a doubt.

Ryu wore his black Spiritual Seamstress robe. The subtle silver embroidery gave him an otherworldly aura as the cloth responded excitedly to his qi. Though Ryu's qi density was still far too weak for this set of robes, the purity in his qi was enough to use a small percentage of its strength.

Of course, beneath these robes, the soft armor woven of Diamond Back Ape fur clung tightly to his proportions. Tae's lip couldn't help but twitch when she saw Ryu so shamelessly where everything their Loom Clan had purchased for him. Was he trying to purposely provoke their ill intentions?

Ryu, however, wasn't thinking in such useless terms. To him, he was currently in enemy territory. Since the enemy was so kind to give a great boon to his strength, why would he feign politeness? If he was backstabbed, when would he have time to regret it? He simply used what gave him the best chance for survival. Nothing more, nothing less.

Though he liked to give himself a challenge, he wasn't foolish to the point of not realizing he still stood no chance against City Lord Loom. He had to take every advantage he could get.

Tae once more had trouble keeping up with Ryu's speed. But luckily, Ryu didn't get too far ahead. After all, this was Tae's home and he didn't know where he was going.

'Serves you right.' Tae harrumphed as they reached a branching hall. 'Walking so quickly, putting on such airs… Now politely ask me which way to go.'

Unfortunately, even as Tae was daydreaming about forcing Ryu to heel, she didn't realize that her subconscious actions had already given away the right answer. With Ryu's sharp eyes, he didn't even need to turn around to see her subtle movements, all he needed was [Third Perspective].

Ailsa held onto her toned belly as she died of laughter. On one hand, Tae's enraged and helpless face was too adorable to not make fun of. But on the other, this Life Partner of hers was too cruel. He couldn't let someone else win even one round? No matter how small? Tae was a delicate girl after all, how petty.

Ryu pretended not to understand what Ailsa was chuckling about. In just a few strides, he reached the end of the hall to meet two massive dark wood doors with two knights on either side. Neither guard even reacted to Ryu's appearance, neither did Ryu spare them a glance. With a swift motion, the double doors were pushed open, flooding the partially dimmed hallway with a gentle but bright light.

Tae's brows couldn't help but furrow. 'Why does he seem so used to such surroundings… Isn't he nameless?'

In an instant, though, Tae lost the chance to leisurely reflect over these things because even without having stepped into the Loom Clan's Grand Hall, her feet froze, her petite frame involuntarily shivering.

She had been so angry with Ryu that she momentarily forgot just how much she hated this Grand Hall. To others of their Clan, this was a place of pride, where only the strongest among them could step. But to Tae… No, to Taedra Loom, this place housed nothing but her nightmares.

Ryu's confident footsteps suddenly paused. The moment they did, he could almost feel the disdain coagulate into a solid form, wanting nothing more than to hammer him down into a bloody paste.

It was clear they believed his heart was shaken by their display.

At the head of the room, City Lord Loom sat, but his position was actually shared of equal height with another. This man seemed older than the City Lord, but their looks were similar to the point of almost seeming like twins. It was obvious that they were related. Brothers, in fact.

He was the grandfather of Tae's distant cousin Erea, the second in command of the Loom Clan and the highest ranked Grand Elder.

Normally, City Lord Loom would take up position as the Ancestor of the Clan, but because both he and his brother were amidst a power struggle, this position was left unfilled. If City Lord Loom left his position as Patriarch now, with only his grand daughter left in his line, the Clan would without a doubt fall to his brother's line.

Seeing Ryu's disappointing display, he couldn't help but glance toward a calm and silent young man who looked like he could have been his own grandson. Had he made a mistake, trusting a stranger? Did it matter if the Clan fell into his brother's hands?

Grand Elder Loom wasn't anywhere near as powerful as his elder brother. Though he looked older, this was only because his cultivation was weaker. However, he held a great amount of political power. He couldn't match his elder brother in strength of cultivation, but in strength of seed, he lapped his elder brother several times.

In truth, this was the City Lord's own fault. He insisted on having just one wife, and even after she died, he never took another. He didn't want to burden his wife with giving birth to too many children, so after they had two sons, he gave her nothing else but tender affection and care.

All the while, his younger brother had four wives and dozens of concubines. Over their thousands of years of life, his seed had grasped a firm hold of the Clan. In fact, in his youth, the Grand Elder had purposely delayed his cultivation so that having children would be easier. He understood well that the more powerful one's Realm, the less likely their seed would take root because children born to parents with high cultivation were blessed with greater talent.

These matters led to the current situation. Grand Elder Loom controlled 70% of the Clan and Looming City, while the only reason his line had yet to fully take hold was because City Lord Loom was so powerful.

The City Lord had had chances remaining with his own sons, but unfortunately, they both died. In the end, the only kin he had remaining was his granddaughter, but the Core Laws of the Clan forbade women from holding power. Who knew what the City Lord had done to protect his wife would backfire in such a way?

In the end, he placed his trust in Ryu after seeing through some things during his appearance, but now he felt that he had maybe been too rash.

Though many here had weak cultivations, there were many paths of cultivation throughout the cosmos. There was no shortage of business men and political officials who couldn't hardly harm a fly, but had auras so sharp that even Immortals would feel fear.

City Lord Loom always hid his sharpness because he had an amiable personality. So, to him, Ryu being brave before him was meaningless. The reaction here was really what counted…

The calm young man who could have been the City Lord's grandson heard a stifled laugh to his side. It was none other than his sister, Erea.

"Grandfather Patriarch must have trained this animal a bit too well. He doesn't even dare to bark anymore."

The young man remained silent, his eyes still closed, as though he had heard none of his sister's laughter.

"Are you alright?"

Ryu suddenly turned and strode to the entrance of the double doors, his eyes looking down toward the shivering Tae.

In that moment, Tae was shocked. Her eyes, still reddened, couldn't help but look up toward Ryu. But… His usual cold silver eyes were decidedly warmer… Maybe not warm compared to normal individuals… But most definitely warm in comparison to himself.

Seeing Tae unable to speak, Ryu scanned her delicate features for a moment.

"Sometimes…" He said softly. "…When one path is blocked, it's possible to find another. When the mountain is too high, climb a small hill… When the ocean is too deep and violent, start with a calm lake..."

Tae's lips trembled. 'Take it one step at a time…'

She didn't understand why this cold young man who didn't seem to care about anything had come back to comfort her. How could she know that Ryu had this same fear…? But its root was within a much grander hall than this one…

Back then, he was just seven years old, but the Tatsuya Clan went all out to celebrate his Awakening Day. Who would have known that the talented Prince Ryu would be nothing but a useless commoner?

Before more eyes than he cared to remember, a mountain taller than even the Protector Shrine fell before him, casting a shadow that blotted out his existence.

Those matters… Had happened in a Grand Hall just like this one…

"I'll show you that it's no big deal." Ryu said with a light smile. "Follow me, don't lose sight of my back."

Tae's mind went blank. It was difficult to make out Ryu's features because of his half-mask, even his hair color was indiscernible. But for some reason, she felt that smile imprint her soul with something unerasable.

Ryu turned back and strode forward. The pressure once more bore down, but his steps were unhurried.

It was then that a snort left his lips. A violent aura many times stronger than the Loom Clan ministers and elders could believe tore their presence apart. In an instant, several individuals with weak constitutions paled, unable to control their visceral reaction.

Erea felt her stifled laughter catch in her throat while the calm young man finally opened his eyes, their depths reflecting Ryu's careless demeanor.

In typical fashion though, Ryu's mind wasn't on these matters at all. Memories of his father flashed in his mind. These words… weren't they the same his old man had said to him back then?

Ryu's eyes became distant, remembering that broad back that protected him.

'Stay alive, father… Your son will grow strong enough to stand by your side one day…'

Not for a second did Ryu believe that his father would fall in the Nether Realm. If his father couldn't survive, then no one could!

In but a moment, Ryu had crossed the Grand Hall and the faces of City Lord and Grand Elder Loom, taking a seat upon a luxurious cushion slightly to the back right of the Patriarch.

Tae dazedly followed him, barely comprehending her own actions as she took a seat on a cushion as well, this time to Ryu's right.

By the time Tae snapped out of her stupor, it was already too late. If she had been in her right state of mind, she would have pulled Ryu to sit where she sat, while she would shift one more cushion over, but in her daze, she completely forgot.

She was stunned. Her heart nearly pounded out of her chest, her face flushing completely red. It felt as though her world was simultaneously collasping and spinning at the same time. How could she make such a stupid mistake?! What was she thinking?!

The seat Ryu had taken was one that hadn't been occupied ever since her father died! It was the seat of the Loom Clan's Heir!

If she wasn't here, maybe it would be an innocent mistake and nothing more. However, her actions were nothing less than a siren of consent! Coupling that with Ryu's untimely intimate care for her feelings just moments ago, and even her unhesitant following of his words, and an explosion of chaos too difficult to control had erupted!

Tae suddenly blushed such a deep shade of red that the air around her steamed.

She had just announced to the world that Ryu was her fiancé!

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