Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 234: Steed

Chapter 234: Steed

The image of a shirtless man who smelt partially of smoke and ash being hurriedly followed by a delicate flower every citizen of Looming City recognized was a matter that spread like wildfire.

Though Ryu wasn't exactly trying to leave Tae behind, his body had been practically frozen in the same position for too long. Every step he took, he felt his muscle fibers stretching and his bones crackling. The feeling was comfortable beyond belief, so he basked in it. Unfortunately for the little princess of Looming City, his long strides, coupled with his Divine Vessel Realm body, caused her to have to sprint to keep up with him.

This matter astonished Tae. Why did a necromancer have such a strong body? Beyond that, she was a Half-Step Divine Vessel Realm expert. If she wasn't so talented, it wouldn't be such a disappointment to her Clan that she was a woman. Even further, she was an expert in lightness type techniques, so what she was the most confident in was her movement speed. So how could she not keep up?!

"I need clothing appropriate for a cultivator, preferably ones with exceptionally high fire resistance." Ryu said casually without looking back. "Should I continue to go to the auction house, or do you have a better place in mind?"

Tae grit her teeth. He knew she was following her yet he actually continued to speed ahead like this.

"Can you slow down, please!"

Ryu suddenly halted, looking back with a weird but cold gaze.

Tae somehow felt uncomfortable. Ryu's gaze obviously wasn't lustful, in fact, he looked at her no differently than he would a wooden pole. She had never seen a man look at her so unfeelingly in her entire lifetime.

Ryu, however, wasn't having such petty thoughts. His confusion was wiped away after a moment. It wasn't because of his body's strength that Tae couldn't keep up with him, it was because he was subconsciously melding his very being into the wind. It seemed the Wind Gate hadn't been completely useless.

Taking a deep breath, Tae calmed herself. "The Looming Auction House is a place you go only if you're seeking to sell treasures or buy them. If you want more mundane, everyday use items, there are better options."

"Mundane?" Ryu raised an eyebrow. He didn't want something mundane. Would mundane items be able to protect his life at a crucial time? More importantly, would mundane items help him properly extort this City Lord and his granddaughter?

"Don't misunderstand my words. Looming City is the entertainment capital of the Inner Ring. Obviously, its Auction House follows suit. The Looming Auction House doesn't buy or sell anything below the Higher Earth Grade in value. Even if you went, there would be less than a dozen items to choose from, and because we emphasize fanfare, you'd have to pay an exorbitant amount over market price to compensate that potential loss."

Ryu nodded in understanding. It seemed his misconception was common, which was why the City Guard manning the gates didn't bother to correct him when he stated his purpose. Or, the more likely reason was that the spectating of Looming City auctions attracted all sorts of people. Unfortunately, Ryu missed the most recent auction since he was locked away for half a year.

Ryu felt his stomach growl, but he forcefully suppressed it, his visage darkening. As one progressed along the Qi Realm, the less food one would need. However, the exact opposite was true for the Body Realm. Ryu's four Ancestral Bloodlines, especially the Lightning Qilin and Fire Dragon bloodlines, required mountains of food to sustain. This matter only became more exaggerated after he awakened them.

The only reason he wasn't a pile of bones now after six months was because of the Incubator. He was able to grow the Spiritual Herbs he purchased from the Valor Auction House and use it to sustain himself just barely. Unfortunately, his bloodlines had crossed into the realm of Divine Vessel experts, which meant the Black Grade herbs he had could only barely work thanks to the abilities of the Incubator.

Tae had expected Ryu to be embarrassed about the sudden sound of his stomach, but instead, she felt a chilly, cold intent. She could tell immediately that Ryu wasn't trying to hide his embarrassment with anger, but rather that he was truly enraged.

She could almost hear his thoughts… 'How could such a trash Loom Clan force me to this state?'

A moment later, the dark intent was gone, causing Tae great confusion. The impression she got from Ryu was that he wasn't someone capable of controlling his emotions. She almost expected him to lash out, which was why she immediately put up her guard. But who know he would retract his rage so quickly?

'Just who is he… Really… To look down on my Fifth Order Clan so much…'

It was only after realizing that Ryu was no longer looking at her and following his gaze that Tae understood why Ryu had forgotten about his anger. It wasn't that he had learned to control himself, but rather that he saw something that interested him more than teaching her a lesson.

A very familiar crimson horse suddenly appeared along the busy street, causing many to split, giving it a wide berth. However, the once majestic Bloodied Steed had seen far better days. Its prided mane had been shaved clean, its bloody aura was several times weaker, and deep scars dug into its once lustrous coat.

It was then Tae understood she had made yet another mistake. Ryu's rage hadn't disappeared… It had only been redirected toward a new place…

'This Bloodied Steed, it hasn't moved from the entrance of Looming City for months. The Basteel Clan tried everything, even humiliating it beyond the bounds of reason, yet it still didn't move an inch. How could it be here now? Could it be that he really tamed it? So easily?!'

A heated breath left the steed's lips as it slowed its mad gallop to a trot, reaching Tae and Ryu's side in just another second.

Its head stood tall proudly before bowing down and licking Ryu's exposed hand.

"It seems we've gone through similar things…" Ryu said softly, gently stroking the Bloodied Steed's jaw.

The Basteel Clan couldn't bear to kill this Bloodied Steed off, thinking it was too valuable. Plus, since no one dared to offend them as a Half-Step Sixth Order Clan, they didn't worry about someone stealing their beast. Every day, they would appear to use their humiliation tactics to temper down this steed's arrogance, and every day they would leave it to lick its wounds. Unfortunately, it seemed they would be the second Clan to make an irredeemable mistake.

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