Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 203: Next Step?

Chapter 203: Next Step?

Ryu stood on the fourth floor of the Zu Palace. Having completed the palace in its entirety, all four floors were laid bare before Ryu. The first Cultivation Floor, the second Core Text Floor, the third Natural Order Floor, and finally, the fourth Battle Spirit floor.

Ryu had already been to the first and second floor. The first floor was a sea of cultivation techniques, filled with Visualization projections as well as a shelf filled with top class cultivation techniques no weaker than Five Stars. The second floor was a massive library. According to Ryu's understanding, it housed the various battle, movement, defensive and mental techniques the Zu Clan had accumulated over the years. Unfortunately, since Ryu was in no position to pit his Mental Realm against that of the four Zu Ancestors, he no longer dared to enter that library – not until Ailsa was prepared, anyway.

The third floor, though Ryu had never been, was a haven for comprehending Natural Orders. Its air had a similar, but lesser effect as compared to Ryu's Silver Vein Lilies, and it stored the comprehensions of various Zu Clan geniuses of the past.

Ryu knew that this floor would be important to him, especially when it was time for him to plant his Cosmic Seeds. Considering the size of his Spiritual Foundation, he had to take advantage of it by comprehending as many Natural Orders as possible. But, for now, Ryu wanted to focus on fine tuning the techniques he had already chosen for himself while Ailsa slept. Even if he knew he could plant many Cosmic Seeds, if they didn't flow together, and instead weakened each other, there was no point.

So, Ryu settled upon the fourth floor. As its name entailed, this floor allowed you to battle against various Battle Spirits to hone your skills.

Ryu stood before a dark black gate. Unlike the other floors, this place looked nothing like a paradise, nor did it have the grandeur one had come to expect.

It was filled with a dark black fog and seemed more like an endless sea of black. Even the gate was almost invisible in such an environment. If it wasn't for its slight red tint, even with Ryu's eyes, he would have missed it.

Without much hesitation, Ryu entered.

His mind spun, his vision swimming. But soon it opened to a bland cube shaped room spanning about ten meters in every direction. It seemed they were intent on ensuring Ryu couldn't simply run to gain victory. Even at his relatively low cultivation, ten meters didn't mean much more than half a breath to him.

An old man in grey robes appeared. He looked small and frail, but Ryu's pupils were much too sharp to miss his hidden aura. Ryu couldn't sense a cultivation, though, oddly enough.

The old man scanned Ryu, seemingly a bit confused. But then went about his job without much thought.

"This is the Battle Spirit floor of the Zu Clan Legacy. Creation of the genius Undefeated Zu King."

Ryu inwardly raised an eyebrow.

"Cultivation truly begins at the Spiritual Severing Realm. The Rites of the Awakening Realm are just a primer to the hardships you will suffer. As such, the lowest Realm of the Battle Spirit Floor is the Spiritual Severing Realm. If you are not prepared, please turn back now."

Seeing that Ryu said nothing, the old man continued.

"Each Realm consisted of ten challenges. For the first nine you will battle spirits like me. For the final tenth you will battle yourself.

"This is your final warning. Though it is possible to give up at any point you choose and return to your body, if you are too persistent, it isn't impossible for your mind to be destroyed.

"Of course, if you "die" here, you will not truly die. However, it is very possible for someone who has not cultivated for very long to lack the will power necessary to reform their consciousness after experiencing this pseudo death once. I suggest that you not battle to death until you've at least completed your first Immortal Ring."

Ryu pushed his fist to the palm of his hand, signifying that he was really.

The old man inwardly shook his head. 'What a rude young man. Does he not think I'm worthy of a true bow? The Zu Clan is hopeless if this is all that remains of us.'

His impression of Ryu only became worse once he saw two glaives appear in his hand, it was to the point where he could no longer hide the disappointment on his face.

Ryu, however, couldn't be bothered to care. Much like his great grandfather, he had no feelings of goodwill toward the Zu Clan. In fact, he had far worse feelings for the Zu Clan in general, especially after they tried to kill him.

He wanted to use them and their resources. Nothing more. Nothing less. What this elder of theirs thought of him wasn't even on his list of priorities.

"Let's begin."


In what should have been a luxurious suite, filled with velvet red and violet cloths and satin sheets, was instead filled with the horrible cries of pain and the pleas of mercy of a man who no longer had a will of his own.

The velvet red and violet? Overwhelmed by a bloody liquid scarlet. The satin sheets? Marred by chunks of grotesque flesh. The luxurious suite? Had become a torture chamber under the whim of a beauty.

A whip cracked violently, followed by the undying screams of Edwin.

The woman behind the whip had an expression so eerily calm that one might think they were crazy. How could she be the reason behind this bloody scene? It was impossible. She was too calm, too beautiful.

She had a flawless caramel complexion, matched by rosy soft lips. Her figure was fiery, wrapped tightly by leather guards and belts. The only inkling of her enraged temper was the slight glint in her eyes.

It had already been days since Commander Fidroha learned of Ryu's slap to her face. Since then, she hadn't tired in using her whip. Warriors on Edwin's level could take far more punishment, she didn't even feel the slightest bit guilty. She wanted to wring Ryu's neck, but she couldn't find him. So this was her best option to vent.

"Commander… Should we think of our next step?" Another of the cloaked figures stepped forward, finally deciding that it was time they did something other than torture Edwin.

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