Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

As soon as Chen Hao finished speaking, he saw the dangerous smile of the person in front of him and stopped. Thinking of the painful experience of being chased by the Yi Qing-like Lin Shiheng these days, he smiled dryly. Well, I mean are you better?

Should that be questioned?

Under the horrified sight of Chen Hao, Lin Shiheng took out a sword from behind him.

Then, he did a whole set of sword-moves.

Finally, when he put it away in a beautiful pose, he raised his eyebrows. My memory is clear.

But those feelings are still there.

It doesnt matter, it doesnt matter.

Chen Haos eyes were filled with tears, You dont know how miserable youve made me these days. Thank God you can talk to me sanely now.

Lin Shiheng tentatively asked, You dont care about your wife anymore?

Chen Hao:

After carefully thinking about the hardships these days, compared with the conscious friend who can control himself now, he finally gnashed his teeth and said, As long as you dont treat my wife as your wife, dont say strange things in public, dont meet her in my absence, and keep a distance of more than 2 meters. Ill just care about it normally.

Also, you have to be clear. Madam Yi is Madam Yi, my wife is not her.

In front of this friend who has experienced swordsmanship, swimming, and looked better and better, he was obviously relieved.

Understand, I just need to treat your wife as the reincarnation of Madam Yi.

Chen Hao instantly exploded: No! You have to understand clearly! Thats my wife, your brothers wife!

Okay, okay. Ren Qiaoqiao is my brothers wife.

Lin Shiheng appeased him, Dont worry, I still have a clear distinction between reality and acting, and I wont mess around.

Chen Hao just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard him say, At best, I will only act as husband and wife with her.

Chen Hao:

For the thousandth time, if you werent my brother, youd be dead already!

When the 50-year-old Lin Shiheng announced his retirement, the celebrity forums completely exploded.

[Dont, Shi-ge! You have good acting skills and good looks. Youre 50 years old and you still look like youre 30. How can you stop filming!]

[Dont get excited comment above. Shi-ge stopped acting but not the entertainment circle, hes still our Shi-ge.]

[But I cant see Shi-ges new movies or TV dramas anymore. I have to watch Shi-ges TV series every day to eat well.]

[I have to greet Shi-ge every time I eat +1. I eat dinner with him every day!]

[Hey, hey, you see, Shi-ge just announced the end of the movie. News came out so soon: link Lin Shihengs Entertainment Circle Career, which was mentioned by Shi-ge himself.]

[What?! Im coming! Im coming! Shi-ge, wait for me!]

Half an hour later.

[The others above are quite right, but the last sentence is too unrealistic. What do you mean Lin Shiheng has never been in love even once, didnt he always like Ren Qiaoqiao? I remember that he was even in a car accident for Ren Qiaoqiao, and sent a large number of roses. So romantic!]

[Im afraid the comment above is too stupid. The car accident is the plot in I Love You Again, and the rose is in the plot in Attached to the Corner, which has nothing to do with real life.]

[It seems that I am really old, but everyone around me thinks Lin Shiheng likes Ren Qiaoqiao. I cant help it. They play too many couples in dramas, and most of the plots are of Lin Shiheng chasing Ren Qiaoqiao. Even my mother says he likes Ren Qiaoqiao.]

[Dont spread rumors indiscriminately, Ren Qiaoqiao belongs to someone else, she has a husband and child. Her husband and Lin Shiheng are also best friends, but I dont know how good their relationship is.]

[Yes, I still remember when I was a teenager, Lin Shiheng saved Chen Hao and Ren Qiaoqiaos child. At that time, it seemed that the child was kidnapped, and Lin Shiheng made a harrowing attempt to save him from the kidnappers, and had beaten them down. This incident was quite the news.]

[Yes, yes, I also remember this. Lin Shiheng and Chen Haos relationship is really very strong. When Chen Hao was framed for cheating, Lin Shiheng was the first to stand up for him. If he hadnt started his career, more than half of the people in the entertainment industry wouldnt have spoken for him at that time. Otherwise, even if he later found surveillance footage, Chen Haos reputation would have been ruined.]

[And dont just look at how many Lin Shiheng and Ren Qiaoqiao had played as couples, Chen Hao was always there. They are the famous iron triangle in the entertainment circle. This triangle is literal and has no derogatory meaning.]

The group of people were noisy, but a lot of remarks like [I always thought Lin Shiheng liked Ren Qiaoqiao] were blown up.

Some idle people did have a little interest in this topic, so they made a compilation.

[Dramas in which Lin Shiheng and Ren Qiaoqiao play as a couple.]

Counting it down. Surprisingly, there were so many.

Soon, some media channels saw this topic, and found that many people paid attention to it, so they immediately made a summary. It was instantly sent out after it was done, and the conversation topic really skyrocketed.

[I dont know, but after this summary, I realized that in my subconscious, Lin Shiheng has always been fond of Ren Qiaoqiao.]

[Yes, I always thought so, too. It feels like being brainwashed by these dramas.]

[But how could it be so coincidental? There are so many dramas played by the two people as a couple. Counting these dramas taken by Lin Shiheng and Ren Qiaoqiao, its about 80%. Are these two people really ?]

[It shouldnt be. I just looked for a bunch of old reports. The directors praised Lin Shiheng and Ren Qiaoqiaos husband and wife appearance. Every time they played couples, they were particularly eye-catching and suited the characters. However, although they played so many couples together, they never had intimate scenes.]

[I know about those intimate scenes. Im Shi-ge fan. He once took part in a talk show, which mentioned this. He said he took the initiative to ask the director to not do intimate scenes. After all, it felt strange, they were like family.]

[He doesnt have much contact with Ren Qiaoqiao in reality, but he has always had a good relationship with Chen Hao. They are famous iron best friends.]

[Hahahahaha I showed this headline to my mother, she was particularly surprised saying that Lin Shiheng didnt like Ren Qiaoqiao. It seems that I wasnt the only one who was brainwashed.]

This sensational [Everyone mistakenly thought Lin Shiheng liked Ren Qiaoqiao] fever had been on top for over a week.

The jealous king Chen Hao saw the news from far away in a resort island and immediately called Lin Shiheng in anger, Smelly boy! Your coconut is gone! The local specialty gifts are gone too!!

The 50-year-old, still handsome, Film Emperor, was aggrieved and exploded, Its none of my business. I didnt tell the media to send that. Besides, is it my fault that your wife and I look good as a couple?! Who made you so large and burly, making you the loyal follower in the drama every time?

Chen Hao:

He couldnt refute it.

It must be said that Lin Shiheng had never coveted his wife, except for that accidental psychosis decades ago, indeed.

He even worked diligently to guard his chastity for him, so as to avoid the incident of being framed for cheating like last time. But this attitude of if you dare to cheat on your wife, I will let you know what drawing a sword is once made Chen Hao think Lin Shiheng was protecting a daughter.

Even so!

This everyone thinks that my brother likes my wife thing, must not be tolerated!!

Chen Hao rushed to finish filming the scenes in the resort island, and hurried back, dragging his wife to go shopping together.

They were old, but they were still quite popular. If they go shopping hand in hand, they would be photographed by the media.

He had to show a good aura of being in love. Hehehe

Chen Haos love spanned decades.

As a result, in next decade, his brother, Lin Shiheng died.

Not an accident, not a sickness, just an ordinary sleep. He stopped breathing silently in his sleep.

When the news broke, a bunch of fans still refused to believe it.

Lin Shiheng had always been in good health, and he was famous for his age and face. He was still handsome while in his sixties.

If he was a beautiful young man in his twenties, then 40 years only left him stable and handsome. Just like a glass of fine wine, it was already very delicious. But after maturing for 40 years, the taste was still delicious, but it was a little more mellow than before.

Thats Lin Shiheng.

Lin Shiheng, who left safely in his sleep without illness or accidents.

His acting skills can be described as superb, his popularity was one of the best. He had fame, wealth and appearance. He had everything. Even when he died, he didnt experience any pain, which made the sad fans feel a bit better.

The only thing that made them feel regretful was that Lin Shiheng, in his life, never had a scandal with any actress, nor did he ever burst out to say he had any favorites. Throughout his life, he actually never had a relationship.

[Huh? Lin Shiheng likes Ren Qiaoqiao, didnt he? Did I remember wrong?]

Chen Hao looked at this comment on the computer and cried like a 60-year-old child.

Even if he was still jealous, there will be no one to listen innocently while he calls and rants.

Farewell, my brother.

In the next life, dont get mentally ill again.

It really would never get better.

[Ding! Task completed. Host, please choose 1. vacation 2. continue the mission.]

[Continue the mission.]

Father, wake up ah Father, I know its wrong. Father!!!

Father!!! Ill send my Sister-in-law back to her mothers house Father, wake up, Father!!!

Before Lin Shiheng opened his eyes, he heard several men crying in his ears and several women sobbing in a low voice.

The noise level was far beyond his tolerance.

Shut up!!

He couldnt bear it and shouted, You are crying like mourning! I am not dead yet!

The cries around the room stopped.

Then came a mans simple voice of surprise and joy, Father! Father you are awake!!! Thats great Father. father I know I was wrong, I wont dare to contradict you again!!!

With the sound of his surprise, a woman whose face was also covered with tears showed despair in her eyes.

Her father-in-law woke up. Is she going to be kicked out?

But right now, there was chaos outside, and the married daughter has always been the water thrown out by the brides family. If she was really thrown out, there was no way to survive.

(TNote: the water thrown out= a married girl is like water thrown out/ a married girl cannot be involved with her maternal family affairs any more, nor do they get involved with her affairs.)

If she dies, she dies. But what about her daughter?

Lin Shiheng pressed his temples, which was a bit stuffy from receiving memories. He sat up with a frown, with the help of the person in front of the bed.

All of you get out of my room. With to the way all of you are arguing, I would be killed by you, even if I didnt die.

Im sorry Father, Im sorry. Well get out of here!!

The three men kneeling in front of the bed looked very similar, and they all looked surprised and were at a loss after being reprimanded. When they heard this, they quickly got up and walked out carefully.

Father, Ill go to the mountain to get some food for you. You should get some good rest first

Obviously, all three were filial sons.

And Lin Shiheng was their father.

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