Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 66.1

Chapter 66.1

After being chased by Lin Shiheng and running around the room for half an hour, Chen Hao felt deep regret.

Benwang was a good guy, whats wrong with his mouth! Right now, the little sheep was bullied by him, and now the big bad wolf has come. In the end, he really couldnt escape from Lin Shiheng. Chen Hao could only save his life by shouting that the Lord Wang should spare his life.

Surprisingly, Lin Shiheng stopped.

Even if Yi Qings strength was integrated, his persona setup still hadnt been broken. His other persona is a gentle, kind and attentive saintly father after all. Putting down the table foot, after chasing a person for half an hour, he was still blushing. His trembling hand pointed to Chen Hao, who was sitting on the sofa, gasping for breath and weak.

You are such a villain. How did you coax Wangfeis heart? If the one here today were Emperor Brother, you would be sentenced to death for impersonating an imperial concubine.

Chen Hao huffed and puffed.

Brother, arent you awake?

Lin Shiheng glared at him. Im awake. Adulterer.

Chen Hao:

Its over. It seems that it wont change this time

How will they shoot the drama?

Then, Assistant Zhang came over after making a phone call, and cautiously came up to Chen Hao and whispered, Chen-ge, the doctor told me to bring Shi-ge over to see him. Shi-ge just thought he was Yi Qing before, and he didnt know who was who, but then, he settled down slowly. Maybe this time, it will be similar?

That makes sense.

Chen Hao wheezed and puffed as he said, Let me have a rest first. My legs are really weak This brat can really run.

Lin Shiheng, standing at the side, sneered coldly, I really dont know how such a useless villain as you could please Wangfei. If Benwang were you, Benwang would find a well to jump into in shame.

Chen Hao was gasping for breath.

Do you know how much silver it takes to feed and clothe Wangfei? Do you know that Shizi has to eat three lychees every day? How can a person like you have the money to feed Benwangs consort and Shizi?

Chen Hao took out a hundred from his pocket and handed it to Assistant Zhang, Go, go down there and buy me a hundred yuan worth of lychee. I have to scare him to death today!

Assistant Zhang depressively shook his head. Chen-ge, dont. Shi-ge is mentally unstable now, what would you do if you scare him out of his mind again?

Chen Hao: so what!?

Fine, hell endure!

He stood up on weak legs with difficulty, looked at his best friend who was looking at him as if he is a love rival, and went over while shaking his finger at Lin Shihengs face.

Good for you Lin Shiheng. When youre cured, youll see how Im going to clean you up!

The journey to see the doctor wasnt very smooth.

Although he had a lot of strength, he was still a saintly Father Wang. Several times along the way, Lin Shiheng asked to stop. Then, he would go out to help an overturned truck driver pick up chickens. Just as they finished gathering the yellow chicks that chirped around and were prepared to go back, he spotted a kitten in an underground tunnel through his powerful eyesight. Chen Hao watched as his brother stretched out his slender hand, reached into the dirty and smelly water drainage, and held the same smelly and dirty kitten in his arms. He then gently touched the kittens muddy head. Even with a mask on, his face full of the holy light of the saintly father almost glowed. The Lord Wang, who was just calling him an adulterer before, seemed to have forgotten the unpleasantness between them and happily handed him the kitten, Hug it, its so soft.

Chen Hao stiffly took the dirty kitten.

Isnt it so soft and fluffy?

it stinks.

Lin Shiheng nodded, Then we shall clean it. Such a small cat will die of diarrhea if its not clean and washed.

After that, they went to a pet clinic. The doctor in the pet clinic bathed the cat, dried it, checked it again, and announced that the kitten was too small and had just caught cold. So, it needed to stay in the clinic for observation for a few more days. Chen Hao watched Lin Shiheng, who washed his hands, changed his coat, and wore a mask as he stared at the kitten through the heating box with tender eyes.

Its so cute.

Brother, although I am very happy that we saved a life today, dont you think its time to go to see the doctor?

Eventually, Chen Hao took his reluctant brother out of the pet clinic, endlessly complaining the whole way.

Do you know how much you owe me? Do you know how exhausted I am these days? I was going to have a great rest day, but instead, I actually had to accompany you running around the room for a whole half hour. I also ran around picking up an unknown number of chicks and saved a cat! Time is money, and not counting that you wasted my time, even that kittens medical bills are paid by me!!! Doesnt your conscience feel any guilt?! Even if youre sick, you cant treat your only good brother like this!!!

Lin Shiheng took off his mask. His good-looking face shined with the glory of the saintly Father Wang, even without the sunlight. In ancient times, the Buddha cut his own meat and fed it to the eagle. As long as the heart is kind, it can always be redeemed.

Chen Hao faintly asked, What were you looking at with your phone just now?

Buddhist Dharma. Lin Shiheng raised his eyes, full of smiles, Somehow, although I have Buddha in my heart, I dont remember those Buddhist scripts. So, I went to take a look.

Before this, it would be amazing if you could remember them!

Chen Hao rolled his eyes and was too lazy to talk to this brother who was out of his mind.

This time, they finally went to the doctor smoothly and safely. Before Lin Shiheng went in, he also took Chen Haos hand and told him carefully, You should do more good things in the future. Not only for yourself, but also for Wangfei and the family. Good people are rewarded with good things. You should remember this.

Chen Hao pushed him into the room with a grinning grimace, Im doing good now. Youll know this when you wake up.

As the door closed and he exhaled, wiping a sweat from his forehead. Why do I feel like Im raising another son?

Assistant Zhang concurred, The Lord Wang is much more difficult to serve than the previous masters. Shi-ge even told me to look for petals for him because he wants to take a petal bath.

Even though he already looks so handsome, he still wants a petal bath? Even my wife had never taken such baths!

Chen Hao rolled his eyes and poked the assistant beside him, I really hope Shiheng returns to normal like last time. The production crew is starting soon, what can he do when hes like this? Although the purpose of this boy entering the entertainment circle isnt simple, it has always been his dream to take it to the peak of his life. If he lost this goal because of this illness, wouldnt he strangle me when he wakes up?

Assistant Zhang trembled and said, Why would he strangle you ah? Shi-ge is the one who got sick.

Are you stupid? Hes my best brother, if he doesnt blame and seek revenge on me, who would he blame?

Chen Haos face was bitter and sluggish as he lamented, Why am I so unlucky to have such a brother?

Its okay, Chen-ge. Look on the bright side, maybe Shi-ge would never get better in his life, so he wouldnt seek revenge on you.

Chen Hao jumped up and gave him a thump on the head.

What are you talking about! If hes like this all his life, then isnt this life ruined! This is not as good as Yi Qing before. Although his thinking mode occasionally jumps to ancient times, he still remembers that he is Lin Shiheng. Look at it now, saying Benwang with every breath. The entertainment industry is inherently difficult to mingle in. How can he stay in it like this?

Assistant Zhang covered his head as he said, Dont worry, Shi-ge got better quickly last time. It looks like this time, it would be the same.

I hope so. Chen Hao couldnt say anything more. Right now, he cant wait to slap himself for scaring his brother. He was too good earlier, and he blames himself for causing Father Wang to gain strength. Before, he didnt want to pick up the chicks, but he was actually threatened to get out of the car.

Ah, regretful!

Either way, the cast was still in the auditioning stage, and it looks like there would be about 10 days before the shooting starts. Soon, the doctor came out and said that last time, Lin Shiheng regained some consciousness on the same day, and then gradually integrated Yi Qings excellent qualities. On the third day, he was completely awake. If there was no accident, this time, it should be the same.

If Chen Hao said he was relieved he would be lying!

Yi Qing had a lot of excellent qualities, but what about this saintly Father Wang? Who knew if Lin Shiheng would integrate some special skills? Yet, no matter how worried he was, he could only do this.

Sighing, he told his brother who was lying on the hospital bed watching TV with relish, a bunch of You shouldnt integrate with this wimpy saintly Wang warnings. Then, he left the hospital with no worries.

Chen Hao had learned to comfort himself.

It doesnt matter, although this Father Wang seemed to have no other advantages, he wins by being clever and obedient. He would do whatever he was asked to do.

He will wait quietly for three days and see if Shiheng could wake up.

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