Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 55.2

Chapter 55.2

After leaving Emperor Fathers hall, Shen Huan directly left the palace without stopping. And it was only when he was seated on the stone bench of the Princesss residence, drinking a cup of tea handed over by his Sister, that he finally started easing down.

Taking a glance around, seeing that there were only his Sister and Brother-in-law and no outsiders, he told them what Emperor Father said to him and even confessed that he was frightened.

Shen Huyang was scared too.

That idea was probable. Although she knew that Emperor Father was a psychopath, she never thought he would be this psychotic.

Even if Shen Huan were the one to first mention it, she wouldnt be as surprised, but the Fourth Prince was Emperor Fathers own son!

They both saw very clearly how much Emperor Father loved the Fourth Prince when the other was young.

After feeling frightened, Shen Huyang subconsciously looked towards Lin Shiheng beside her. There was no fright in the blue-clad scholars eyes, but his face was slightly pale because of physical reasons. Yet she immediately thought in her heart that Fuma is really frightened, just look at his miserable pale face.

His Highness is in shock. Didnt Princess make some tonic soup? Why dont you ask someone to send it to His Highness to drink in order to relieve the shock?

Shen Huyang didnt think much about it either. She only thought that her husbands, as per usual, gentle tone was put on through forcing himself. So, she went to the kitchen herself to bring over the soup.

Not only Aner, but Fuma may also be frightened. His nature has always been pure. What could be done if he got scared out of his wits?

Shen Huyang went out, and Shen Huan and Lin Shiheng were left in the pavilion alone for a while.

Lin Shiheng sat down and poured himself a cup of tea.

Your Highness, if you dont want to do it, then dont do it.

Shen Huan certainly didnt want to do it, not to mention Fourth Brother hadnt done anything to him yet. And even if the other really had done something, asking him to kill his brother his heart would be able to pass the hurdle.

Lin Shiheng actively gave him ideas. If the Fourth Highness really harbors any bad intentions, confinement in the Imperial Temple would be fine.

His frightened heart was soothed by his Elder Sisters husband this way. Shen Huan nodded, and the cold sweat behind his back receded.

Brother-in-law, do you think Emperor Father was like this from the beginning?

Surely not.

Lin Shiheng smiled. His Majesty was once raised by the Empress who was abolished by the late Emperor. After that, the Empress had the scandal, and he returned to his biological mother. Presumably, at that time, the Empress had taught a lot by example.

Shen Huan thought so too. His four brothers were close to Emperor Father, and as a result, each acted more brutal than the next. Before that, he still wondered how his Emperor Father could turn a blind eye to such brothers, but through these days of the others teaching, he could understand.

He was still thinking, but Lin Shiheng asked, Your Highness doesnt want to learn from His Majesty anymore?

Shen Huan, who had always trusted the other, swallowed and cautiously nodded.

I think Emperor Father is terrible.

I just think, if I also angered him like my four brothers, Emperor Father would do the same to me.

The blue-clad scholar chuckled lightly, then seeing that Shen Huan was looking at him not quite understanding why he was laughing, he coughed twice and opened his mouth.

If Your Highness wants to retreat because of fear, I advise Your Highness to stop thinking about the position of Crown Prince as soon as possible. Take advantage of His Majestys kindness to Your Highness to gain a regency and go to the fiefdom to enjoy yourself as soon as possible.

Shen Huan froze and looked at his Brother-in-law in front of him who would occasionally hit his palm but always refrained from showing his sharp side.


Lin Shiheng stood up and squinted slightly to look at the lake outside the pavilion.

There was a hunter who hunted for a living. If he wanted to hunt in the mountains, he must go through the mountain in front of him. Fierce tigers that attack people perched in the mountains. If he moved forward, he may be killed by the tiger. If he doesnt move forward, there would be no rice at home, and his mother would starve to death. If Your highness was this hunter, what would you choose?

Shen Huans face turned pale. He roughly understood what he meant. He gritted his teeth and whispered, I can hunt on other mountains, I dont have to go to this mountain where I have to walk past the tiger.

The scholar in blue had a hint of mockery in his eyebrows. He turned back and glanced at Shen Huan where the other was sitting.

There are thousands of mountains to hunt but only one throne.

If Your Highness is afraid of the tiger, then dont compete from the start. Your Highness always said that you want to protect the Princess, but please remember carefully, from the beginning to the end, it has always been the Princess protecting you.

Your Highness should give me an answer today.

To compete or not to compete?

If you want to compete, I will do my best to help you. If you are afraid to compete, I will also try to keep Your Highness safe and sound.

Shen Huan stared at him dumbfounded, the blood fading from his face.

He had to admit that Lin Shiheng was right. From the beginning up till now, it was his Sister who has been protecting him.

Even his Brother-in-law, although the other would severely hit his hand, every time he saw his brother-in-law, his heart would still settle down.

Because he knew that his Brother-in-law would help his Sister to assist him.

But clearly, the purpose why he initially wanted to take the throne was to protect his Sister.

Shen Huan began to imagine what would happen if he lost.

Emperor Fathers nature was the same as his four brothers. No, he should say, his four brothers were all taught to be that way by Emperor Father.

It was just that Emperor Father could disguise himself, such that even if he killed someone, he wouldnt let others know that he killed that person. And because of the same mentality, he was able to forgive countless mistakes that seemed impossible for many people to forgive.

After thinking through it clearly, Shen Huan broke out in cold sweat again.

If Emperor Father hadnt suddenly changed his attitude towards him for unknown reasons, would he end up being abandoned or even killed like his three brothers?

There was also his sister. If he was really killed, his sister would definitely find the murderer to avenge him. Would Emperor Father also feel that his sister was dangerous and kill his sister to avoid indulging the enemy?

Your Highness?

Lin Shihengs voice sounded beside him. Shen Huan wiped the sweat from his forehead and swallowed. Brother-in-law, Im a little sleepy. Im going to take a nap first, no need to call me for dinner.

When I wake up, Ill give Brother-in-law an answer.

He often came to the Princesss residence and always kept some clothes in the manor, so he was already very familiar and went towards his room.

The blue-clothed scholar was left alone in the small pavilion. He looked at the back of the young man who stumbled, shook his head with a chuckle, and sat down again.

Shen Huyang was surprised to see her Fuma was left alone in the pavilion when she came back with the soup. She put down the soup bowl with some concern. Where is Aner? He was has been frightened today, its better for him to drink the soup to settle his nerves.

His Highness has grown up. Princess doesnt need to worry too much.

Lin Shiheng took the bowl she handed him with a smile, picked up a spoon, and gently brought the soup to his lips. His lips curved into a smile. Princess has already paved the way, what to do next is up to His Highness himself.

Shen Huyang looked at her husband, who looked warm and gentle like jade in the sun, and gradually softened and relaxed. She whispered, I realize that but Aner has always been close to me, so I would always feel worried.

His Highness is intelligent and has been taught by His Majesty. Princess has always been busy for His Highness in the first half of your life, why not think of yourself more?

Shen Huyang looked up with some surprise. Her beautiful face was full of doubt. For myself?

The handsome Fuma smiled, held her hands, and spoke in a warm tone, When the situation in court becomes stable and His Highness no longer needs Princess to continue protecting him from time to time, would Princess like to leave the capital with me? Touring the mountains and waters is very enjoyable.

Shen Huyang looked at the Fuma in front of her, and obviously, she was very moved, but she still hesitated several times. But if you leave, your position as an official

The blue-clothed scholars face was as white as jade, and he smiled unconcernedly. Im weak, Im not used to going to and from for morning court every day. The imperial examination was to vitalize the family. Now that the clan has fertile land that I had donated, allowing all the children to study Whether I have this position or not doesnt make much difference.

Shen Huyang was shamefully persuaded.

She had longed for the world outside the palace since she was a child, but she knew very well that it was impossible for her to travel around like the authors of the various travel notes. After all, all those travel notes were, without exception, written by men.

Although the status of women in this dynasty was higher than in the previous dynasty, she had never heard of women being able to travel around. Most of the time, women had to work within the family. Even if they go out, they can only shop or tour within the city.

Whats more, she had to look after her younger brother.

But now, Fuma actually said that he would take her with him.

Shen Huyangs heart had never been so excited, it felt just like when she was young and was still being pampered by Emperor Father and her Consort Mother. At that time, Emperor Father had left the palace and brought her back a beautiful kite from outside. She happily held the kite and went to the garden to fly it as Emperor Father and Consort Mother watched and laughed behind her.

She thought she would never experience that feeling again in her life.

Shen Huan didnt sleep very well this time.

He woke up crying. When he woke up, he hugged the quilt and froze for a while before being able to ease his mind.

When he finished washing his face and rendered his reddened eyes undetectable, it was just in time for dinner.

When he came over, Shen Huyang had just been about to send someone to see whether he had woken. Seeing his arrival, she quickly brought him to sit down together.

The three of them sat together, told their servants to retire, and ate the family dinner in peace and quiet.

Shen Huyang unintentionally asked, Why did you sleep for so long, didnt you sleep well in the palace last night?

There was more calmness between Shen Huans brows now because of that nightmare, but Lin Shiheng raised his eyes slightly as he could still see the unease hidden in the others eyes.

The other had tried to hide it but even his voice revealed his struggle to stay calm, I had woken up some time ago already, but I had a nightmare and took a while.

Lin Shiheng put down his chopsticks, gave him a quiet glance, and stood up.

Shen Huyang was curious to ask, What nightmare?

The scholar in blue silently walked outside and closed the door thoughtfully after walking outside, instructing the maids waiting outside the door to retreat.

Sure enough, the next second after they left the courtyard, the house erupted with a howl full of grievances.

I dreamt that Sister died, wuwuwu

It was terrible, wuwuwu

It scared me to death.

Lin Shiheng stood at the door, silently contemplating.

So, how did a wolf give birth to a little sheep?

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