God Simulator

Chapter 85: The east is not bright, the west is bright

Chapter 85: The east is not bright, the west is bright

The wind of soybeans swept across the western continent, making tribal agriculture strong again. The number of farmers is also increasing, attracting more people to join this profession.

A simple prompt appeared on the screen, mixed in with the discovery of meat, eggs, and milk, appearing inconspicuous.

Lu Yao almost ignored this prompt.

When he saw it, his fingers holding the mouse trembled.

【The Garlic Tribe has established the first city: Salt City.】

Lu Yao was truly caught off guard.

The first city built by the tribe was not in their main base, but in the settlement located in the western salt marsh.

He switched his perspective to above the salt marsh.

Lu Yao hadn’t paid attention to this place for a while, and now the salt marsh had undergone a great change.

A circle of low walls was built around the city, and the central area had a cross-shaped street, with sparsely built houses made of wood and stone on both sides of the street.

The appearance of the houses was not much different from the main base of the Garlic Tribe, but the difference was that the houses here had clear social divisions.

In addition to residential houses, flags were hung on these houses, with various patterns representing the functions of these houses.

A flag with a hammer represented the blacksmith shop, used to make and sell various metal tools or weapons.

A flag with a pattern resembling sand represented the salt shop, which was also a local specialty.

A flag with an ear of wheat represented a shop that bought and sold grain.

A flag with clothes represented a clothing store.

A flag with a clay cup represented a hotel.

A flag with steaming meat and cakes represented a restaurant that provided ready-to-eat food.

Although these goods and shops were very basic, they already represented a further division of labor in society.

Merchants no longer shouted along the streets as they did in the past, and many of them entered the shops to work. Trade in goods has become an integral part of people’s daily lives.

After the birth of Salt City, the population in the upper right corner of the game interface also had more detailed information.

Population: 22,129

Below appeared the symbol of 【Salt City: 2,314】.

Lu Yao searched in Salt City for a while and unexpectedly found a temple.

The name 【Salt City Temple】 appeared above it, and its size and scale were modeled after the main temple in the main base. The only difference was that the exterior was made of gray stone instead of pure white, but everything else was the same.

Lu Yao clicked on the temple and found his own idol inside, with a blurry temple of multiple gods and a 【Sacrifice】 and 【Blessing】 slot, as well as the avatars of the two apostles. There was also a small temple icon next to it, which would jump to the initial temple in the Garlic Tribe’s main base when clicked.

From Lu Yao’s perspective, the Salt City Temple could also be operated.

This meant that temples could be built in different cities and were interconnected.

Lu Yao couldn’t help but think: Isn’t this a teleportation gate?

If he wanted to send an apostle to a certain city, he only needed to use the temple as a stepping stone through the real world, and he could quickly arrive at the two cities.

In actual operation, Lu Yao found that it was even more convenient than he had imagined.

He only needed to send Isabella into the temple, and she could quickly travel between Salt City and the Garlic Tribe’s main base using the temple symbol.

Just the construction of the temple that brought the arrival of the apostles had already given the city a significant advantage. The progress of civilization brought visible convenience and enhancement.

As the earliest city in the pixel world, Salt City’s management was really rudimentary, with only one mayor and one commander.

The mayor was one of the little people that Lu Yao remembered, Yu Lian.

Yu Lian was now 34 years old, from a young boy to a mature man. His level had also reached LV5, and his shipbuilding skill had also improved to LV2, showing comprehensive improvement.

He became the leader of the tribe at a young age and built a paddle sailboat when he was in his teens, which had high expectations from Lu Yao. Unfortunately, in the following years, he never invented any new types of ships.

After becoming the leader of the tribe, Yu Lian could no longer indulge his imagination by the river like he used to.

There were always constant events in the tribe: conflicts between fishermen and merchants, fights among spectators in the arena, drunken disturbances, business disputes... all of which Lu Yao could see.

Yu Lian was always busy dealing with these problems.

Now he could jump out of the Garlic Tribe’s main base and manage Salt City, which Lu Yao thought was a good thing.

Compared to the populous and traditional Garlic Tribe’s main base, Salt City was a young city. It had experienced destruction and reconstruction and was also a city of immigrants, so there weren’t as many restrictions.

In addition to the humans from the Garlic Tribe, there were also many cave dwellers, corrupters, grassland barbarians, and wandering nomads in Salt City.

The origins of these different races were also different.

The cave dwellers gradually migrated out of the underground caves. They were descendants of humans from the previous era and had scattered into many small groups after hiding underground.

Under the guidance of the Wizard Forest, some cave dwellers gradually moved out from underground and integrated into surface life.

The newly joined cave dwellers were unwilling to move too far from the mountains, so they mostly chose to live in Salt City. With the passage of time, the population of this group also gradually increased.

The corrupters were originally soldiers created by the Blood Knight.

Ironically, the Blood Knight Neville was a bloodthirsty tool for executing orders, but the corrupters he created using corpses and salt were not lacking in normal intelligence.

The corrupters were somewhat like zombies, not easily dying. However, they needed to eat meat and salt to replenish their slowly decaying bodies, so they had certain food requirements.

Their role near the salt marsh was that of professional soldiers, patrolling tirelessly every day.

When not entering the 【Black Abyss】 or carrying out missions, the Blood Knight would continue his mission: training the corrupters.

Therefore, the total number of these corrupters was only 12, but they followed the path of elite soldiers.The weakest Corruptor had now reached LV18, and the strongest one had even reached LV21, its name changing from Corruptor to [Corrupted Guardian].

The Corrupted Guardian had also become more robust in appearance, a size larger than the surrounding Corruptors, turning into a blue little giant standing out among the crowd.

Lu Yao selected this new unit.


[Corrupted Guardian LV21] Salger

Health: 385/385

Mana: 98/98

Damage: 20

Defense: 17

Speed: 12

[Stubborn LV10]

Has a certain probability of being unaffected by spells.

[Rebirth LV10]

If the body is not completely destroyed after death, there is a certain probability of resurrection.


Gains extra speed and damage when injured.


The abilities of the Corrupted Guardian were quite straightforward, and Lu Yao was quite fond of [Berserk].

As a soldier guarding the city, this rapid response ability was very practical.

In addition, Salger was also the [Commander] of Salt City, trained by the Blood Knight, he took up the city’s security and defense work with the Corruptors.

Lu Yao observed that the [Corrupted Guardian] had a name, while the lower-level Corruptors did not have names.

Based on various experiences since coming into contact with the Simulator, he drew a conclusion.

For Transcendent powers, a name is a privilege.

Having a name signifies that one belongs to the elite class, distinguishable from other ordinary groups. Similar to a mini-boss monster.

Going a step further would be a unique title.

For example, the three major forces under Lu Yao each have a title: Isabella is the [Sword of the Forest], Neville is the [Blood Knight], and the Deep Sea Lord Gul is the [Thorn Crown Disaster].

Among the heavyweight Bosses defeated before, only Selti in the Abyss could have the exclusive name of [Withering Count].

Lu Yao carefully reviewed and found that the gods seemed to also conform to this title formula.

New players, or apprentice gods, all choose their own names. But this is actually only for the believers, to facilitate their chanting, calling, and understanding.

Only after entering the Pantheon can one be called a [God].

Above that are [Titled Gods], called [Whistleblower], [Skinner].

The higher level is the [Main God], with more symbolic and conceptual titles, such as [God of Darkness] and [God of Forest].


Lu Yao turned his attention back to the races of the YC citizens.

The Corruptors patrolled daily, ensuring the order of the city.

The Prairie Wildmen came from the grasslands of the Eastern Continent.

After being subdued by Isabella, the Prairie Wildmen followed the paddle sailboats to Salt City in succession, huddling together for warmth. They mainly engaged in animal husbandry, raising horses, cows, and dogs nearby, which was the Prairie Wildmen’s traditional occupation.

Thanks to the addition and labor of these professional herders, the pastures near the salt ponds were thriving, and the cattle and horses of the Garlic Tribe were mostly produced here.

Finally, there were the Wandering Wildmen.

This group usually lived in the wild. However, there were fewer and fewer Wandering Wildmen now, either they had joined the tribes, or they had hidden in the remote edges.

What Lu Yao cared about was.

After the integration and reproduction of multiple races, under the blessing of meat, eggs, and milk, a completely new mixed race was born.

[Salt Clan].

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