God Simulator

Chapter 129: Take off the moon for you

Chapter 129: Take off the moon for you

Lu Yao’s face turned cold, and he pointed his energy staff at the forehead of the Wish Spirit, saying, "Are you making fun of me?"

Isabella hit the back of the Wish Spirit’s head with her magic wand, causing it to scream in pain.

The Blood Knight took a step forward.

But his small step made the Wish Spirit tremble in fear.

"No, no, Boss, Boss, trust me!"

"I’m telling the truth, not a single lie!"

"There is a low-dimensional world in that place, although it is a fragmented world and very small..."

Baroye held his head in his hands and spoke quickly, "Yes, that should be a relatively intact fragmented world."

Lu Yao’s mood wasn’t very good.

He was initially excited when he heard that there was something interesting.

But the Wish Spirit said it was a moon.

You want me to pick the moon?

Giving hope and then taking it away, how disgusting.

Lu Yao impatiently said, "You better explain clearly to me how to obtain the moon, get to the point."

After staying up all night, he could feel his eyelids getting heavy and his patience wearing thin.

"Xiao Huo, cook me a bowl of scallion oil noodles, two cloves of garlic, and add a fried egg."

The cactus spirit obeyed and jumped out of the flowerpot, skillfully heading straight to the kitchen.

Lu Yao turned his head and pointed his staff at Baroye, saying, "You have the time it takes for me to finish the noodles. If I finish eating and you haven’t given me a satisfactory answer... I’m in a hurry."

The Wish Spirit’s smooth face twitched twice.

"There is a way, there is a way, there must be a way! Boss, give me a little time."

Baroye nervously started thinking.

Lu Yao yawned.

He was a bit tired, but it was getting bright outside, so he couldn’t take a nap. He had to go to work at the company soon. He was really in a hurry.

Thinking about having to work non-stop, Lu Yao’s mood worsened.

His gaze towards Baroye became even more gloomy.

The Wish Spirit seemed to sense Lu Yao’s negative emotions and lowered its body.

Suddenly, Baroye raised his head abruptly.

"I have a way, I remember!"

"Any fragmented world that is separated from its main world, or rather, the main god’s space it revolves around, has a connection point, and that connection point is the coordinates."

"As long as we find the coordinates, we can enter. Although we can’t obtain the entire world, we can enter!"

"The coordinates are a constantly changing hole, and only the Wish Spirit knows. There won’t be any Wish Spirits in that hole on the moon, it’s a passage left by the main world."

"Boss, that fragmented world has been closed for many years, and the Wish Spirits have never entered due to the constraints of the rules of power. There might be valuable treasures hidden inside."

"After determining the coordinates, entering means being able to come out, with absolutely no safety issues."

At this point, Baroye suddenly raised his head proudly, "The moon itself is a projection of the fragmented world. We need to fly to the moon to find the coordinates in the projection."

"Baroye is willing to pick the moon for Boss!"

Lu Yao rubbed his eyes.

He didn’t expect there to be a way.

He was more concerned about the specific operational aspects, so he asked, "The crossover belt is constantly changing. How do we deal with the risk of the crossover belt disappearing if we send someone in?"

"Don’t worry!"

Baroye explained, "Please rest assured, the 【Spirit Realm】 I am in is a very ancient and powerful main world. It used to be one of the best even in the High-dimensional Space. It will take a lot of time for the world to separate and be destroyed."

"Even though the time ratio is constantly changing due to the separation and destruction, at the very least... it’s 1 day in the main world and 10 years in the fragmented world. It only takes a short time to come back from the fragmented world."

Lu Yao silently remembered the name.

The true name of the wasteland No. 7 is 【Spirit Realm】.

He asked one more question, "Does the 【Spirit Realm】 really have grazing gods?"

"Well, I’m not really sure about that... but sometimes people have different opinions, so we can’t be completely certain. After all, too many years have passed, and there is also loss and attenuation in the transmission of information..."

Baroye’s vague answer made Lu Yao understand.

It was completely false advertising by the Wish Spirit, a trick to deceive outsiders.

"Then let’s go take a look on the moon."

Lu Yao made a decision, and Baroye immediately became excited.

"Please rest assured, Boss, Baroye will definitely find the treasures for you by entering the passage on the moon!"

Lu Yao glanced at it and said, "Who said I would let you go?"

Thinking of taking the opportunity to run away?

No way.


"I have people who can fly under my command."

Baroye was dumbfounded.

At this moment, Xiao Huo came in with a bowl of noodles, walking steadily. It skillfully jumped onto the table along the pulled-out drawers, then wiped its feet on a cloth before placing the bowl on its head.

"Please enjoy your meal, Lord God."

It knelt down obediently.Lu Yao picked up his bowl of noodles, stirring them with his chopsticks. The scent of scallion oil was so enticing that he couldn’t help but lick his lips.

"What are you still doing here? Do you want me to send you back?"

Baroye seemed to be hesitating.

"Do you want to stay in the amber..."

Lu Yao slurped a mouthful of noodles, "Or go somewhere else?"

"Boss, I choose amber! I like that piece of amber!"

Baroye didn’t dare to waste any more time and was promptly sealed back into the amber by Isabella’s spell.

Lu Yao leisurely ate his bowl of noodles, glancing at the time.

8:12. It was about time to leave.

But when he picked up his phone, he realized that it was Sunday.

No work.

After experiencing the world version update and revealing Song Shiyi’s true identity, Lu Yao had completely forgotten about the weekend.

His mood suddenly improved.

In that case, there was no better day than today to pluck the moon. But to avoid attracting attention, he decided to act at night.


9 o’clock at night.

There were very few vehicles on the main road near the highway.

Isabella walked, and the Blood Knight rode a white horse. They arrived at the light exchange box one after another and entered the cross-belt in batches.

Inside was still the same overlapping world that seemed normal at first glance, but was filled with bizarre and changing details. Two wish spirits each found an Apostle and began to activate their word spirits.

Lu Yao sat in the rear, directing remotely through the eyeball.

After confirming that there was no one else inside, Isabella rode her wand into the sky, heading straight for the moon in the sky.

As Isabella’s perspective rose higher and higher, Lu Yao gradually saw that the coldly glowing moon in the sky was actually just a huge light spot. It had no physical form, like a three-dimensional image projected in the sky by a giant light emitter.

There was also a boundary in the sky. The higher Isabella went, the slower she moved, limited by the power of the rules.

Fortunately, this did not prevent her from flying into the moon.

As soon as Isabella entered the light-constructed moon shadow, there were many wandering wish spirits inside.

After searching back and forth in the moon, Isabella patiently screened and found the tunnel that looked like a moon crater. Up close, one could see that the light lines around the tunnel entrance were twisted in a vortex pattern, subtly different from other moon craters.

Next, Isabella flew back to the ground, allowing the Blood Knight to grab the wand and try to fly with it.

The [Flight] ability was still effective, but the speed of the wand flight was greatly reduced.

Lu Yao didn’t mind.

As long as they could fly.

Isabella had to stay outside to deal with emergencies. Her overall ability was balanced, and it was no problem for her to walk around the city with her [Identity Card].

As for pioneering the instance, the tall and sturdy Blood Knight was the most suitable.

After some time, the Blood Knight, holding the wand, finally landed on the moon and jumped into the tunnel.

Next was the waiting.

Suddenly, Lu Yao felt a little stomachache, so he went to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, he came back from the bathroom feeling relaxed and wiped Isabella’s eyeball with a tissue.

In the eyeball’s view, the Blood Knight had already crawled out of the tunnel with his upper body.

Lu Yao was stunned.

Why is he back?

"Master, the mission, is completed."

Blood Knight Neville raised his arm, holding a red gem-like object in his hand.

Lu Yao couldn’t help but exclaim.

You’re too fast!

While he was in the bathroom, the Blood Knight had conquered a world?

Thanks: Eight-star hotel supports 100 starting coins, Dark Right Hand supports 100 starting coins.

(End of the chapter)

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