God of Tricksters

Chapter 1801 Began

"We are going to open the facility to the public so that everyone could witness what was inside the facility. This way, there wouldn't be any misinformation among you." The government had given their stance.

By allowing some journalists to cover the entire facility, they would be able to prove their evidence was the correct one. On the other hand, it also allowed them to strike back at Ronald by showing his evidence was fake.

The people began to talk about the facility, wondering whether the government was right or wrong.

This was the battle between the government and Theo. Both of them were big figures, so they didn't know which one was right. Both could be right as well.

But since the government was going to open the facility they found to the public, they would gain a lot of credibility.

On the other hand, Theo would lose some the longer he waited to open the facility he found to the public. And if he dared to do it, the government was planning to sabotage his evidence.

Theo might be able to do something against them, but the Time God had personally made his move this time by protecting the facility.

"Are you sure you will be alright with this?" The President asked the Time God over the Skylink.

"Yeah. I have checked the area and found no one that can threaten the security." The Time God nodded with a calm expression as if he couldn't be bothered by all this. He didn't want to do it, but since the President had asked personally, he had to do it.

"Then, that's good. Make sure no one can destroy our evidence. I'll do the rest." The President hung up with a grim expression. He was ready to challenge Theo.

On the other hand, Theo hadn't made his move just yet as if the government didn't pose a threat to him.

As expected, the people were talking about Theo's stances since he hadn't done anything yet.

"So, is Theo lying to us?"

"Are you saying he has fabricated the evidence?"

"I don't say that, but he hasn't clarified anything. The government has opened it to the media so that everyone can see the process."

The journalists from all around the base had gathered near the location to find the classified information.

They somehow trusted the government more in this situation. However, their opinion soon changed when Theo made his move.

Of course, Theo didn't personally make his move this time. Instead, Roland gathered a group of reporters by himself.

Meanwhile, Theo was standing on top of a tower, looking at the entire town. As expected, the government had stationed some agents to watch him.

"Let's begin the show." Theo opened his Skylink and called a few people. They were Rea, Maya, and Roland.

"I've been waiting for this." Maya smiled and snapped her fingers, getting started with her work.

"Understood." Rea nodded with a serious expression. She closed her Skylink and turned around, staring at Theo's past ally, the beggar association.

And last but not least, Roland. He was playing a vital role today, since he might have to clash with the government. But Theo had asked Ruth to protect his family while Felix stayed by his side, so Roland had nothing to fear anymore.

"I won't disappoint you, Sir." Roland hung up and came out of his house, meeting his friends.

Rea and Maya might be able to escape from the government's eyes, but Roland couldn't. As soon as he left the house, the agents stationed near his house informed the headquarters. "The target has moved."

In that instant, the atmosphere in the white house turned cold. All of them had to put their focus on this matter, knowing how big of a threat Theo was.

They immediately followed Roland to see what they were up to. They couldn't get anything from his Skylink earlier due to Akbar and Millie's interference. Hence, they could only do it this way.

"So, where is he going? We're lucky that he's still using the same car. We can track him from afar." The agent said while driving.

"Yeah. We'll follow him at a certain distance so that we won't be hit by that assassin."

While those two talked, they didn't realize there was one person who had been locking them with her bow.

Yes, Ruth had been aiming her bow at them. After they began to move, Ruth released her invisible arrow.

"Hmm?!" The two agents didn't realize anything. Their levels were completely on a whole different level since they were only Supreme Rank Experts while Ruth was a Transcendent Level Expert.


Suddenly, their car was hit from the side, launching the car into the air.

Panic soon filled the area. People were screaming. Some wanted to know what happened, while some already ran away.

They were looking at the car that was thrown straight into a wall. The car was destroyed and the wall was crushed, but the building was fine and there were no casualties, including the agents.

Those two agents came out of the car, confused.

"What happened?" One of them asked while looking around. The other one checked the car's condition and realized they had been targeted this whole time.

"No way. Look at that dent... this is clearly the work of the Phantom Archer. She has an invisible arrow, but how can it be this powerful?"

The two panicked while trying to find Ruth since they might be assassinated after this. At the same time, they had been reporting to the headquarters to get back up. They needed to follow Roland, who had changed his car somewhere.

And this Roland drove it straight to the meeting spot.

There were a total of fifteen people that Roland invited to be his guests. Not all of them came from traditional media companies. There were some streamers who would show everything live.

Roland smiled and greeted them. "Hello everyone. Thank you for sparing some of your time to hear me out. Since the government is most likely following us to sabotage our evidence, let's not wait any longer and follow me. I'll show you the 'REAL' laboratory."

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