God of Tricksters

Chapter 1778 Reunion


Both the World Tree and Theo turned around to see who was coming.

It didn't take too long for the World Tree to start laughing. "Hahaha, Theodore Griffith. Today is not your lucky day. There is another dragon coming and he is also a Saint. Even though you still have some strength left, you wouldn't be able to defeat him."

Theo made a grim expression.

Before reaching their location, the dragon let out an earth-shattering roar, shaking the entire battlefield.


"What is this?" The soldiers also saw the dots in the sky, reminding them of the appearance of the dragon.

Theo had just fought two World Class Monsters, so if he fought another one, there was no way he would survive.

The soldiers' morale plummeted. They thought this would be their end. Although the base would still be standing due to the Time God, the people on this battlefield would lose their lives.

"Kh." Haivan gritted his teeth, glaring at the dot unwillingly.

Spencer, who had been holding up the front line, clenched his fists. They had fought so hard. Theo almost defeated two World Class Monsters, yet, they would lose because of the third.

Kayla, who was at odds with Theo, couldn't help but cheer for him after seeing him holding those two monsters back. Yet, he still failed.

Nicholas and Yesenia could only look away, not wanting to see the hero fall.

Unfortunately, the image of Theo getting defeated by the third monster kept flashing in their mind.

There was only one person who could stop this monster, the Time God. However, that person wouldn't be coming. Even if they called him, he still needed time to reach this battlefield.

But there might be one more person that could stop the third monster. She was the Mafia Queen.

Although her strength couldn't be compared to other Saints, she was still an Authority Level Figure. Buying time for Theo should be possible.

Alexa gritted her teeth while shouting, "I'm going to stop him. Use that time to kill those two Monsters before helping me. We're going to retreat after that."

Theo heard her voice through the radio. It was good that she was willing to help, but Theo shouted back, "No. Don't come out!"

"!!!" The Mafia Queen was startled. The World Tree was confused as to why Theo said those words. It thought Theo still had another trump card he could use. The reason why Theo told whoever on the other side to not come out must be because he had some assurance.

The moment he realized it, the World Tree started to fear Theo. In the past, he might be wary of him to the point he would prepare for everything so that he could gain some advantage against Theo. But after seeing through Theo's plan, he was completely scared.

Theo might be more monstrous than he originally thought.

Unbeknownst to all of them, the dragon that let out the previous roar was a yellow dragon.

Unlike the rash-looking magma dragon, this dragon had some cracks on its face as its skin had started failing. The scales on his body looked rusty. Despite that, his eyes filled with so much wisdom.

Suddenly, the sky turned even darker. The black clouds completely covered the moon and thunder began to shake the world.

But to everyone's surprise, there was another figure on top of the dragon's head. Its figure looked like a human at first glance, but if they looked a bit carefully, they would realize the figure had long ears on top of her head. Its fluffy tail gently laid down on her back.

When he saw that figure, Theo couldn't help but smile, "It's been a few years… Do you know how worried I am?"

The figure could hear his voice even from far away. She smiled, looking at him with a pair of red eyes.

Lightning began to spark around her body before moving toward her feet. It seemed she was concentrating all that energy on taking a single leap. And with the help of the lightning, she suddenly disappeared.


"!!!" The World Tree widened its eyes because it could feel her movement. From her presence alone, it could determine she wasn't a Saint. However, it had never seen a Queen moving that fast.

It thought the momentum would strike Theo and blow him away. But the momentum suddenly disappeared. Even the humanoid figure suddenly turned into a cute little rabbit.


Theo smiled, looking at her. She had been teleported somewhere after the apocalypse and Theo had been asking Maya to find her. The reason why he also wanted to go around the world to find the pillar was to locate her.

But due to the apocalypse, everything was in a mess. He had a hard time finding any trace of her.

This time, that familiar figure appeared right before his eyes.

"Ava…" Theo called her name.

That was right. She was Ava, the moon rabbit who had been following Theo the whole time.

This rabbit appeared right in front of him without any momentum. Her appearance had changed from the humanoid form into the cute little rabbit she always used around Theo. And just like how she usually did it, she fell right on top of Theo's face, hugging him as tight as possible as if she didn't want to get separated again. "Theooooooooooooooo!"

"What?" The World Tree was completely stupefied. It never expected Theo would know a monster around this area.

But the fact Theo knew this rabbit, who stood on top of the World Class Monster's head, meant the dragon was actually Theo's ally.

The World Tree instantly turned to the dragon, who finally reached their location. His eyes were locked on to the magma dragon's body.

*Roar!* It let out another roar, but this high-pitched roar sent a wave of grief. It was sad to see its own kin get destroyed like this. But from the destruction on its body, the dragon knew Theo didn't have that much power, so it was impossible for him to inflict that much damage.

That was why the dragon's anger was directed at the World Tree.

And that dragon was none other than Ava's teacher, the Lightning Saint.

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