God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 118 A Strange Energy

[Mchael Aroa's POV]



A few moments back



I saw William moving in a certain direction as I punched Alissa again.


With the increased 50% Stat on the already high Stats of mine, I could easily overpower her now. It wasn't very difficult. Though. Man, this is dragging, really.

[Name: Alissa Rosalyn

Race: Hybrid Plant-Zombie-Human (Grade-B)

Class: Herbal Queen; The First Hybrid

Description: A girl with high hopes...

Zombification: 0%*[Reach 100% to evolve into next Grade]

Plantification: 0%[Reach 100% to evolve into next Grade]

Cessation Energy: 109,293/1,240,000

Plant Life Energy: 919,157/1,210,234

Status: Healthy/Mind-Controlled


Strength: 678

Constitution: 801(+494)

Dexterity: 1023(+334)

Intelligence: 671(+156)

Wisdom: 234(+344)

Charm: 1023(+523)]

With her Cessation Energy going below 10%, she started using her Plant Life Energy to attack me from various angles. Unlike her Cessation Energy, where she could rapidly heal herself, now she was mostly dodging me and attacking me with a multitude of skills.

Her agility had increased a little too in place of her constitution, which decreased by a margin of 20%.

I could see her using branches to attack me, throwing spores at me from a distance and a strange greenish glow in her eyes that matched with the glowing green vines around her chest area.


I jumped towards her in an instant and

"Darling, don't run away from me now, will ya?"


I punched her away from William, making sure our attacks didn't end up harming him. Alissa, first pushed back, now stood back up and began jumping around at a rapid speed. I could still, of course, trace her movements.

[Eyes of the Time Keeper(Foresight)]

I used my ability to see where the attack would come from and saw her coming from behind, where I let my guard down a little.

First, I used my [Return!] ability to set a point where I was standing and then I walked about two steps ahead as I traced her, still jumping around.


Finding a weak spot, she moved behind me and jumped at me with all her might and as soon as she reached closer to me, almost a few inches away from me.


I used my ability, reached behind her, caught her hand, which she had retracted to punch me and


Punched her as hard as I could


One of her vines attacked me and scratched my body from below

[You have been infected with a strong poison. All Stats will be down by 10%. Health will be going down by 100 per second]

Not minding much,


I attacked her again and once again her vines attacked me, scratched me.

[You have been infected with a strong poison. Health will be going down by 200 per second]

Even if it was saying that, I didn't find my Health going down even by a single point. In fact, after a few seconds of continuously punching Alissa as I held her by her hand.

[Your body has neutralized the poison. All debuffs are off.]


Now, for the next few minutes or so, I didn't let her go at all. I saw her getting more and more berserk with all that power oozing out of her, but even still



The only difference it made was that previously if I felt like I was playing with a child of 8 years old, now I was dealing with a 12-year-old kid. Kind of lame comparison, but well, that's the best I could think of right now.

After punching for a while

[Name: Alissa Rosalyn

Race: Hybrid Plant-Zombie-Human (Grade-B)

Class: Herbal Queen; The First Hybrid

Description: A girl with great hopes and...

Zombification: 0%*[Reach 100% to evolve into next grade]

Plantification: 0%[Reach 100% to evolve into next grade]

Cessation Energy: 24,243/1,240,000

Plant Life Energy: 10,024/1,210,234

Status: Healthy/Mind-Controlled


Strength: 546

Constitution: 548(+234)

Dexterity: 476

Intelligence: 671

Wisdom: 234(+100)

Charm: 523]

Both her Cessation and Plant Life Energy were down below 1% now and her Stats were reduced as well. Other than that, most of her buffs were gone as well.

'Now, how long till she gains back the control of her body at the current energy level?' I asked as I looked at her.

[9 days: 14 hours: 13 minutes]

'Still 9 days, huh?' is what I was thinking before I saw a little change in the number

[8 days: 23 hours: 56 minutes]

'Hmmm?' A bit confused, I looked at almost weakened, completely unconscious Alissa, whom I held in my hand. At first I wondered if she used a Skill or something, but then my mind traced back to William.

'Where is he?' I questioned as I looked around and saw a broken wall through which a strange sound of someone shouting was coming.

One more thing that I noticed was

[Name: Michael Aroa

Race: Human

Title: God Hunter

[The Title has the following effects:

(3) When the user fights an enemy more than 5 times the strength of user's base strength: All Stats +400%(Active)

(6) Regeneration ability of user increased by +500% under battle conditions (Active) ]

Class: Envoy of Cronos; Human Demi-God

[Envoy of Cronus: All time related abilities won't cost any Time Points.

When the user has 100% Energy, he can use the ability [Envoy of Cronos(Mythical)]]

[Human Demi-God: All Stats Tripled Permanently.

When 100% Health: The user can use the ability [I am a Demi-God(Unique)]

When Health goes below 10%: All stats becomes 5 times]

Level: 15 (1,290,300/2,500,000 Exp)

Status: Healthy

Health Points: 42000/42000

Time Points: 6000/6000

Strength: 15(+75)(+360)(+225)

Constitution: 15(+75)(+360)(+225)

Dexterity: 15(+75)(+360)(+225)

Intelligence: 15(+75)(+360)(+225)

Wisdom: 15(+75)(+360)(+225)

Charisma: 15(+75)(+360)(+225)

Stat Points: 23

Total Cronas: 67

Total Dungeons under control: 1]

The difficulty level has changed now. If before the enemy was at least 10 times stronger than my base strength, now it is about 5 times or a bit more than it. I guess that is good news for me.

'Well, let's move to the next boss then,' I thought as I carried Alissa on my shoulders and

[Active Time Manipulation!]

'How long till she gains back the control of her body at the current energy level?'

[1 hour: 4 minutes: 46 seconds]

With a smile on my face, I moved towards where William was supposed to be and, reaching there, a couple of things came in my view. One was that William was shouting like a madman as he kept running at various zombies left and right, punching them with all his strength.

The other thing that I saw was a bright green core at the other side of the room which was giving off some sort of light. Curious, I observed it for a few moments before turning to William as I spoke,

"Oi! Stop acting like a wild animal, will you?"

Hearing my voice, he halted his steps before he looked at me with an extremely relieved smile as he shouted,"brother!"

Then, once again, I traced things around the room while keeping my [Eyes of the Timekeeper (foresight)] active all the time and moving towards the green core.

Despite it seems like there is no visible enemy around, the System was still active saying that there is someone strong lurking around.

"Keep the zombies away for a few moments,"I asked William and hearing me, he nodded with a serious expression before he started punching them left and right.

Reaching the green zombie core, I observed it carefully


[Green Plant Core!]

[A unique core born from the plant life after using the life energy of all the plants around the vicinity. It was a combined effort of the plants to save themselves from the harmful decay energy. The core formed from the Will of Gaia containing life energy enough to restore a rainforest to its prime in an instant.

Though it is infested by Cessation Energy and is dying at a rapid rate. It won't be long before it becomes a Zombie Core. There is little to no hope left for it.]

For a few seconds, I looked at it and then something hit my mind as I turned back to William as I spoke,

"Make sure nobody disturbs me."

Before I touched the core with my bare hand and muttered,"If you are alive... connect with me."

At first nothing happened, and I thought maybe it wasn't as I was thinking, but right after a few moments...

[A strange energy wants to invade your consciousness and connect with it. Would you like to accept its connections?]


I clicked [Yes] without hesitation before my eyes closed and I reached a green area filled with forests as far as I can see. I could see a few red leaves and branches too that felt like they had decayed.

In front of me, there was a woman trapped in red-coloured branches that had infested deep into her skin and were slowly growing out of her as well. I could barely see a few red veins that were giving off a burning steam that I could feel even from this distance.

Walking closer to her, I looked at her, as she looked at me with her eyes almost dead. Her eyes reached up to me as she spoke,

"You... are strange... human."

I nodded at her as I believed that it was really true, but...

"Aren't we all strange in various ways?"

Hearing my voice, I think I heard a faint chuckle as she,

"So... strange human... as a being who is on the verge of its death... tell me... what do you want from me?"

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