Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 74 Coming To An Agreement

74  Coming To An Agreement

The video call went through and it didn't take a more than a second before the call was picked.

"Mr Silas—"

Before Mr Yusmairobis could continue, Silas immediately cut him short.

"Mr Yusmairobis, all I want to hear is your decision."

"Please, promise me that you will help get my daughter back. As long you can do that, I will do everything in my power to give you what you want," Mr Yusmairobis said, with burning determination in his eyes.

Silas smiled in satisfaction when he saw this. According to his previous analysis, he already knew that Mr Yusmairobis will eventually ask him for something like this, so he wasn't surprised.

"I promise to help you get back your daughter but it's not something that I can make happen immediately."

"The location of the place in the video is Antarctica and considering how massive it is, it won't be easy."

"As long as you promise, that's enough for me," Mr Yusmairobis said with a smile.

Even though he was smiling, Silas could see from his fallen face and swollen eyes, how hard the past few days has been for him.

Silas knew that Mr Yusmairobis at this point, has no other choice but to ask for Silas help, but Silas found it strange.

'How is he so sure that I will actually keep my promise?'

Silas decided to ask Mr Yusmairobis this question, and the response he got made him understand that he's not actually trusting him but placing his remaining hope in Silas being able to save his daughter.

Of course, since Silas already promised to help him, he would naturally do so.

Seeing that they have already come to agreement, Mr Yusmairobis decided to start fulfilling his end of the bargain.

"So, what do you want in exchange? You came asking to buy an island but from your actions of asking Andrés for full control of the country's military and economy, I know that you have something more in mind," Mr Yusmairobis asked, curiously.

He would be lying if he said that he wasn't curious, confused and suspicious of Silas.

He remembered the first time he heard about Silas from Andrés, when he came to report to him about a kid who wants to use the exaggerated amount of $500 million to buy an island from them.

At that times Mr Yusmairobis felt like Silas was just some wasteful child from one of the conglomerate families but he was curious, so he asked Andrés to accept the offer and set a meeting with him.

Come to think of it, He never received the report back from Andrés.

Back to the present.

Silas nodded in satisfaction when he heard Mr Yusmairobis' question.

'What an old snake. He wants to quickly get me indebted to him.

Well, I'm not against it though.'

Silas already had a plan in mind before making his second visit to Venezuela.

There are lots of things he knew he has to start taking care.

The first being his base of operations.

"I want to ask you something and I want you to be very honest with me," Silas said with a solemn voice.

"How did the country fall so low? Is it related to them?," Silas finally asked one of the questions that has been bothering him.

Even though Silas isn't someone who keeps up with global trend and news, from LUNAR, he heard of Venezuela's previous glorious status as a petrostate.

Silas felt that it was almost impossible for the country to fall so low, except there's an external factor behind its current state or maybe he's just thinking too much.

Mr Yusmairobis smiled ruefully when he heard Silas' question.

He knew that Silas had already guess one the reason behind the country's current deplorable state, but it all started from inside.

"Initially, it was due to poor management of funds, extreme corruption and other things but things took a downward turn when I got involved with the organization.

The Elite as to what the topmost members of the organization are called, started pressuring me to give them access to some of the country's resources.

At first I refused, even though the country was already in such a bad state, I didn't want to give out its natural resources to outsiders for free, but I couldn't fight them all.

It started with a sanction from the US. To the public, the sanction was completely justified but only those in the organization understood ita actually meaning.

Next, they started threatening me with my daughter's life. Telling me to behave myself and be wise if I still wanted to see her again.

That was the final nail in the coffin. Without a choice, I gave them access to do as they want and that's how the country fell wve further," Mr Yusmairobis said with a stiff smile.

He knew he couldn't completely absolve himself of any blame for the country's current condition.

Silas wasn't surprised by his reply. He already knew about the first reason, he only asked because he wanted to confirm if the second reason was true, and it is.

After he first heard about the organization from Mr Williams, Silas always had a bad feeling about them.

He knew that nothing good would come out from an organization filled with the extremely privileged of the world's society, and Mr Yusmairobis daughter's situation proves it.

Without officially coming into contact with each other, Silas already knew that he and the organization will eventually become bitter rivals.

There was no way around it. His plans can be called world domination in a sense and the organization is filled with the 1% of the world's population, that decides it's very future.

With that said, there's no way they would allow a greenhorn that came from nowhere to have control over them, especially not those from the conglomerate side.

Silas already knew of this but he knew that he wasn't ready yet. If he actually plans to start playing with them, then he has a lot of preparations to do.

The first thing he decided to do is to clean house. Since the entirety of Venezuela has already become his base, then he would have to take the pests that has destroying it. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

To clean house, one has to start from those very close to oneself and that's what Silas plans to have the country's president do.

"Your government will have to be reshuffled. A document containing the criminal activities of everyone in your cabinet, starting from the vice president.

I want them all out. Publicize their crimes and sentences them, death if you may. I don't care how you go about it but I will give you a time limit of three months and I want t see results by then."

While the meeting was ongoing, Silas mentally gave LUNAR a command to investigate every single cabinet's members, compile every single information on them and send it to Mr Yusmairobis.

After receiving Silas' instructions, Mr Yusmairobis nodded in acknowledgement and ended the call.

From that day, the atmosphere of the country changed completely for the better and the populace started seeing hope.

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