Get the Heroine to Save Me at the End

Chapter 65: The Violet Cloud Realm Collapses

Chapter 65: The Violet Cloud Realm Collapses

Everywhere in the Violet Cloud realm, everyone was acting very carefully.

Its like they were carrying a fragile egg. They cannot allow it to break as theyre moving it!

The various divine maidens all worked together to slowly move the Violet Cloud Realm little by little

However, in the end, problems still arose!

Moving the entire world was equivalent to using their countless strands of power like ropes as they drag the world along.

Every single person needs to maintain absolute balance!

However, that kind of absolute balance is completely impossible to accomplish!

Crack, crack, crack

In an instant, the entire Violet Cloud Realm started shaking far more violently!

Lou Xuling frowned deeply. Everyone else also had a heavy expression on their faces!

As expected, in the end, they still ended up causing some damages to the Violet Cloud Realm!

Stabilize the foundations. Then continue the relocation!

Lou Xulings voice rang out again.

For something like this, theres no room for them to stop once theyve begun.

This much damage is still within acceptable limits.

Everyone continued to work!

The entire Violet Cloud Realm continued to move.

The entire realms shaking also continued to intensify!

Everyone held their breaths and tried to be as careful as possible!

Then, under their combined efforts.

The Violet Cloud Realm which had stood here for countless years had finally shifted toward the east by a good distance!

Although it did end up causing a lot of effects on the Violet Cloud Realm, they did still manage to succeed in moving it!


Everyone pushed against the Violet Cloud Realm, protected the Violet Cloud realm, as they continued moving.

The entire way, although they did end up causing a certain amount of the Violet Cloud Realm to collapse!

In the end, they did still managed to shift the entire Violet Cloud Realm eastward by billions of miles!

When they finally arrived at their destination, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness. They finally managed to move the entire Violet Cloud Realm all this way in the end!

The damages cause wasnt all that major too!


Following Lou Xulings order, everyone withdrew their powers at the same time!


All the vast amounts of spiritual energy that covered the Violet Cloud Realm was, in that instant, withdrawn.

Then, the entire Violet Cloud Realm stabilized at this new location!

From today on, the Violet Cloud Realm will be taking root here!


Then, just at that moment, the entire Violet Cloud Realm made a rumbling noise!


Immediately following, a clear crackling sound rang out from the Violet Cloud Realm!

Everyones faces immediately sank!

Countless gazes all shifted over toward above the skies of their world!

Crack, crack Bang!

And above the skies of the Violet Cloud Realm, an enormous spacial crack instantly formed!

With that final bang, it blew open a huge chasm!

The sky shattered, turning into countless bits of light as it dispersed!

Damn it! It still ended up damaged! And its heavy damage at that!

Everyones faces sank once more.

Repair it immediately! Lou Xuling hurriedly ordered.

Several of the Empresses hurriedly flew over to use all their power to try to repair that enormous crack!

Crackle, crackle

Then, other places started also giving off waves of those crackling sounds!

Following them, under everyones horrified gaze, the entire Violet Cloud Realm, its sky, earth, and islands

Every single location suddenly broke out with various cracks!

In the blink of an eye, countless cracks had covered the entirety of the Violet Cloud Realm!

Stabilize them! Stabilize them all!

Leave this side to us, you guys head over there!

Repair all the cracks with maximum speed! We cant let our Violet Cloud Realm to be destroyed!

Instantly, every person within the entire Violet Cloud Realm started bustling about.

Every single person of power acted with all they had.

They were in every location, repairing the constantly shattering and collapsing Violet Cloud Realm with all they had!

Lou Xulings vast spiritual energy supported everyone while also supporting the core of the entire Violet Cloud Realm!

Damn it. To think that things would end up so terrible after completing the move!

Now, the entire Violet Cloud Realm really will collapse!

Crackle, crackle

Crack Bang!

In the Violet Cloud Realm, those countless intersecting cracks continuously formed and expanded!

Everywhere was constantly collapsing!

Although everyone was acting as one

Whenever one place was repaired, another place would start collapsing!

The entire Violet Cloud Realm seemed completely helpless now!

In the turn of an eye, those countless cracks had already covered the entire Violet Cloud Realm!

The current Violet Cloud Realm was like a piece of glass, filled with cracks!

The whole thing would likely shatter completely with just the slightest touch!

Its over!

Everyone was in despair as they looked at the wound filled world.

The Violet Cloud Realm that they had lived in for countless years will be completely destroyed on this day!

To them, this was an enormous loss!

If they want to reforge a world like this, then it will take countless years of time.

As she stood in the core of the Violet Cloud realm, Lou Xulings beautiful face also contorted with helplessness!

Shattering a mirror is easy, but reassembling it is hard!

It was completely impossible for her to repair such damages on her own!

After a number of attempts with all their efforts, everyone fell into despair

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