Genius Club

Chapter 276: Toward the Sky

Lin Xian nodded thoughtfully, his mind processing the implications. “The conclusion isn’t hard to deduce. I came to the same realization just moments ago.”

Liu Feng leaned forward, his expression grave. “It’s the only explanation for why space-time particles, which don’t interact with physical or energetic matter, consistently alter their trajectory toward Earth.”

“Maybe there’s something on Earth that attracts them, or perhaps there’s a mutual attraction, like gravity, unique to these entities!” Lin Xian suggested, eyes narrowing as he pondered the possibilities.

“Could there be another space-time particle on Earth? Are they attracting each other?” Lin Xian wondered aloud.

Liu Feng shook his head. “Unlikely. If that were the case, I should have detected it by now. But we must keep an open mind—we haven’t seen or found anything definitive, so we shouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet, right?”

Lin Xian sighed and stood, walking over to a model of the Earth. “We need to figure this out. It seems that in about two months, this space-time particle will reach Earth. We need to capture it to further study it—this includes calibrating the space-time clock, detecting space-time curvature, and researching the Universal Constant, among other things.”

“Can we pin down the timing more precisely? And the exact location of the space-time particle’s arrival on Earth? Is it in the 380,000 km Earth-moon orbit, the altitude of thousands of kilometers where satellites orbit, or is it 100 km above the surface at the Kármán line? Or might it actually land on the surface, and we just scoop it up with a long pole and a net?” Lin Xian questioned, his brain buzzing with potential scenarios.

Liu Feng shook his head again, raising a finger. “Currently, the exact time, location, and altitude of its arrival are all uncertain. I can only confirm it’s heading toward Earth. From its trajectory, it seems it will pass through the atmosphere… Assuming it doesn’t change course dramatically. I can’t be precise just yet.”

“But uncertainty now doesn’t mean uncertainty forever. About a week or ten days before the particle’s arrival, I should be able to accurately pinpoint where it will pass Earth. For now, I suggest our capture plan should focus on the near-Earth space region, from 10 km to 500 km,” Liu Feng continued, now raising a second finger.

“Secondly, since this space-time particle has no mass or physical form, conventional means won’t capture it. It needs a special kind of ‘field’ to trap it. That’s not a problem for me. If I can find it, I can trap it!”

“Give me a month, and I’ll create a ‘Space-Time Particle Capturer.’ Once trapped, the particle will be immobilized within the capturer… Wherever we take the capturer, the particle will follow.”

“Then, we can study the space-time particle up close. For instance, it could serve as a reference point in space-time to calibrate our clocks and help us study space-time curvature and the Universal Constant. Everything will fall into place. Therefore! Our most critical and immediate task now is—”

“How to approach and capture this elusive space-time particle in the atmosphere or even outer space,” Lin Xian finished his thought.

Lin Xian and Liu Feng exchanged a glance. The solution was evident.

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center

Yellow Finch, that astute woman, had known everything all along! She was aware of the space-time particle, its passage through Earth’s atmosphere, and that only rockets and spacecraft could capture it!

The maximum flight altitude of civilian airplanes is about 15,000 meters. Manned fighter jets can reach about 25,000 meters. Unmanned drones and high-altitude aircraft hold the record for the highest flight altitude, just over 30,000 meters.

30,000 meters… That’s merely the stratosphere, far below the 100 km Kármán line, and even further from outer space.

Just as Yellow Finch had noted in her message left at the lab. Only rockets, spacecraft, satellites, or even… the space shuttle recently launched by X Country, can undertake this “Space-Time Particle Capture Mission.”

“Lin Xian,” Liu Feng declared, striking the table, “I’m heading to Gansu, to Jiuquan!”

The roar of engines filled the air as jets beneath the airplane wings expelled hot gas, lifting the heavy airliner into the clouds.

Gansu, situated in the northwest of X Country, is known for its diverse climatic features due to its position at the convergence of several climatic zones. Jiuquan City, where the famous Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center is located, features a flat terrain and a dry, rainless climate for most of the year, making it an ideal spot for spacecraft launches.

As the plane descended, Lin Xian peered out the window at the starkly different landscape of the southern lands—vast expanses of yellow were the most direct impression of the Loess Plateau.

After landing, they got into a prearranged car and headed to the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Despite not having exchanged contact details with Yellow Finch or knowing how to get past the guards at the center, they took the situation one step at a time.

Approaching the launch center, the endless yellow of the ground merged into the distance, under a clear, cloudless blue sky. The seemingly sandy terrain was actually stabilized by a moisture-retaining grass, though this too was sparse and yellow.

From afar, the signage for the X Country Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center was visible, along with tall launch towers and a massive, walled compound. They reached the launch center’s gate without any obstacles, the dust kicked up by their lone car marking their approach.

Just as Lin Xian stood before the gate, pondering their smooth journey—


The gates burst open, and a tall, curvy woman emerged, wearing a thick coat and large sunglasses that covered half her face. She smiled slightly, removing her sunglasses to reveal crystal blue eyes that shone with clarity, looking directly at Lin Xian and Liu Feng.

“You’re too slow!” she teased, her voice echoing lightly in the crisp air.

Inside the launch site, Yellow Finch pointed to the launch tower. “Last year, X Country’s first successful space shuttle flight launched from here. Unlike regular planes that take off by running down a runway, space shuttles are launched by rockets into a predetermined orbit before activating their own boosters to perform flight tasks in near-Earth space.”

“The Shenzhou rocket used this launch tower at that time. When we use the space shuttle, the process will be similar to the test flight—it will be launched from here, then land at Alashan Airport. Upon landing, the space shuttle operates like an ordinary plane, only needing rocket boosters to reach high orbits during launch,” she explained, her tone serious yet informative.

Yellow Finch understood their capability to manage the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and, therefore, the ability to handle a space shuttle, a national treasure.

Indeed, as they had surmised, space shuttles differ from regular planes in their use of a fuel akin to rocket fuel, complete with an oxidizer, allowing them to burn and thrust forward in both thin atmospheres and the vacuum of space. Regular planes, including fighter jets, use conventional engines reliant on atmospheric oxygen for fuel combustion, limiting their flight altitude to no higher than 30,000 meters. In contrast, space shuttles, with their specialized fuel and boosting methods, are not dependent on atmospheric oxygen, allowing them unparalleled freedom in flight.

Given that Liu Feng’s analysis placed the space-time particle’s appearance within a range of 10 km to 500 km in space, a space shuttle becomes the optimal choice for their mission. It offers the necessary flexibility in altitude control, strong maneuverability, and precise movement capabilities required for tasks in the atmosphere and near-Earth space.

“This mission must be kept highly confidential,” Yellow Finch stated, glancing between Lin Xian and Liu Feng. “We absolutely cannot let anyone outside our trusted circle know what we’re doing, what we’re capturing, or when we’re acting.”

“So… to ensure everything goes smoothly, we must personally board and operate the space shuttle,” she declared.

“That’s impossible!” Liu Feng exclaimed, disbelief evident in his tone. “Boarding would require extensive training. Even two months would be a stretch just to train us to safely board a space shuttle… This is essentially astronaut training! Operating a space shuttle is out of the question!”

“You’ve misunderstood,” Yellow Finch clarified, blinking her deep blue eyes at Liu Feng. “The space shuttle’s pilot is already arranged, a trustworthy individual. He’s responsible for our physical training and technical guidance over the next two months, as well as operating the space shuttle in flight… That means, he’ll remain in the cockpit the entire time and won’t be involved in our ‘Space-Time Particle Capture Plan.'”

“What I mean by ‘operating the space shuttle’ refers to operating the external mechanical arm,” she continued, pulling out her phone to show them a picture of the space shuttle extending its mechanical arm. “We’re not professional astronauts, nor are we capable of extravehicular activities, so we’ll operate the external mechanical arm from inside the cabin. That’s the extent of the operation we need to manage; piloting is beyond our capacity.”

“From a secrecy perspective, we cannot let anyone besides us operate this mechanical arm. Liu Feng, I don’t know how Lin Xian explained it to you, but the matter of the ‘Space-Time Particle’ must remain absolutely confidential; only we must know our actions and objectives,” Yellow Finch emphasized.

Lin Xian nodded in agreement, the importance of the space-time particle becoming increasingly clear—it seemed more vital than they had ever imagined. He even speculated whether Elon Musk’s gesture of pointing to the sky, coupled with his mysterious parting words, “See you in the sky,” referred to this elusive, precious space-time particle.

This rare opportunity might just be the key to unraveling all the mysteries and challenges they faced. They had to seize it!

Liu Feng looked reproachfully at Yellow Finch. “You knew about the space-time particle all along! Why didn’t you mention it back in the lab? Even a hint would have saved us a lot of time.”

She chuckled lightly. “I couldn’t mention it before, but now I can, and that’s because ‘space-time elasticity’ has increased,” Yellow Finch replied enigmatically.

“Space-time elasticity?” Liu Feng echoed, utterly perplexed.

“Let Lin Xian explain it to you slowly,” Yellow Finch suggested, opting not to delve into the details herself. “If you figure things out, we can discuss them further. If not, don’t bother asking—I can’t answer your questions.”

“Alright, back to business. Besides the person who will act as our coach and space shuttle pilot, just the three of us isn’t enough. This space-time particle capture operation is fraught with uncertainties. Besides piloting, which we won’t handle, there are various other tasks—monitoring instruments, reporting data, operating the mechanical arm, providing backup support, even passing tools… The more hands, the better, of course, but only if they’re completely trustworthy,” she explained.

Lin Xian and Liu Feng exchanged a look. “Do you have anyone to recommend, Liu Feng?” Lin Xian inquired.

Liu Feng shook his head. “I have no relatives now, and Li Qi Qi has also left. In this world, the only person I know well is you, just you alone.”

“I don’t have any suitable candidates either,” Lin Xian admitted, spreading his hands. “I can’t just pull people from my company, can I? It’s not that I don’t trust them, but for such a critical matter, I still don’t feel comfortable involving them, nor do I want them to know.”

Suddenly, Lin Xian thought of someone. “Gao… Yang…”

He looked at Yellow Finch. “Since you know everything and understand everything, why don’t you pick a few reliable people to join us? You’ve helped us this much, and I trust you completely. If you insist I find someone myself… then I can only call Gao Yang, but he’s really not the sharpest tool in the shed, though he’s a good guy with no ill intentions.”

“Gao Yang, huh.” Yellow Finch heard the name and smiled, as if very familiar with it. “Gao Yang would certainly be okay.”

“You know Gao Yang?” Lin Xian was surprised. These two… couldn’t be more different! Completely not in the same style, not even from the same world.

“I don’t know him personally,” Yellow Finch said softly. “But… I can tell you directly, Gao Yang is no problem, he can be trusted.”

“Alright then,” Lin Xian decided. Since she vouched for Gao Yang, he was definitely suitable.

Gao Yang had been a gaming master since childhood, starting from the NES where he played Contra, through arcade King of Fighters, StarCraft, DOTA, LOL, and other competitive games. Although not at a professional level, back in the day, in Hangzhou’s student circles, he had no rivals.

Gao Yang’s ‘micro control’ was strong, which everyone referred to as computer operation level. Lin Xian believed that the task of operating the space shuttle’s mechanical arm could be entrusted to Gao Yang. He would definitely learn quickly, and with his talent, he would be more reliable than himself.

Yellow Finch handed them a note with an address in the capital written on it. Nameless and unmarked, just XX Road, XX number, it looked very secretive. “According to Liu Feng’s calculations, it’s just two months until the space-time particle reaches Earth’s atmosphere.”

“We must train within these two months, at least to the point where we can board the space shuttle… Don’t underestimate this step; it’s quite different from flying on an airplane, we must train; if we have spare capacity, then familiarize ourselves more with the space shuttle’s passenger and operation cabin equipment, better safe than sorry.”

“So, Lin Xian, you go handle the issue with bringing Gao Yang, and we’ll meet here at this astronaut secret training base in three days. I’ve already secured it for our use, no one else but us will be here, absolutely safe, no information will leak.”

Liu Feng raised his hand. “I still need to manufacture the space-time particle capturer; I’ll be a bit late. Once I’ve completed it here, I’ll bring the space-time particle capturer with me to the secret training base in the capital to find you.”

“That’s fine,” Yellow Finch nodded, smiling at the two. “Then, let’s each set off! From now on, we’re a team!”

Donghai, a small pub. Gao Yang downed a drink, sighed, and shook his head. “Ah… it’s no good, Lin Xian, they didn’t give me leave.”

He smacked his lips. “I told the store manager, said I want two months off, no salary needed, no need for social security I’ll pay it myself, even said they could waive my position… I just wanted to ask for a long vacation to help my brother with a very important task.”

“Then just quit,” Lin Xian picked up a peanut with his chopsticks, chewing thoughtfully. “I’ve always said you should quit, come to Rhine Company, do whatever job. Or what project do you want to do? Got any dreams? I’ll invest in you, stop selling cars.”

“Hey, you can’t say that, Lin Xian,” Gao Yang poured himself another drink. “It’s not about loving what you do, I’ve always felt that there’s no high or low, no noble or humble in work, and I actually seem to have a talent for sales, just like you said… I’m a natural sales saint, born for sales!”

“My personal value is just this, my vision is just this, and I’m quite happy mixing in this circle. If you really let me be a department head or go start my own business as a boss, I know I don’t have the capability… It’s not that I don’t want to break out or leave this comfort zone.”

“I’m very clear about my own position, I can talk a bit, have some glibness. But hey, in the end, the world is vast! But brothers are greatest!” Gao Yang raised his glass to Lin Xian. “I quit! I quit, damn it! I’m done!”

“Worst case, after we come back from Jiuquan, I’ll just find another place to sell cars! Anyway, the oil car market isn’t doing well now, maybe I’ll switch to a new energy 4S shop and sell there!”

Lin Xian grinned at his friend’s antics.

It was clear that Gao Yang was quite reluctant to leave this job. After all, having worked there for so many years, he probably had some emotional attachment, some social interactions, and some sense of achievement and value. Really making him quit for his own sake, Lin Xian felt somewhat remorseful. He downed the drink in his glass and set the cup on the table. “Don’t panic, don’t rush to quit, wait for me at your 4S shop tomorrow.”

That night, he called Yellow Finch.

The next day, at the 4S shop. Lin Xian came in and handed Gao Yang a thin, ordinary-looking, folded piece of A4 paper that even seemed transparent and blank like a blank piece of paper. “Give this to your boss.”

“What is this?” Gao Yang was puzzled.

“Don’t worry about it, just give it to the boss, go directly to him, don’t go through the manager.”

30 seconds later, Gao Yang entered the CEO’s office. 38 seconds later, the CEO scrambled to rub Gao Yang’s shoulders, respectfully and fearfully, sending him out. “It’s okay! Go! Just go! We’ll keep paying your salary! Position reserved! No, no, no… when you come back, you’ll be promoted! This manager position will be yours!”

“You tell me… hey, Gao Yang! My brother Gao! Was it necessary to alert the state over such a trivial matter?! You, you, you… you really scared me to death!”

“Out, out there, don’t talk nonsense! When you come back, you’ll be the manager of this shop! I’ll promote the current manager to the general company, and this shop will be yours to run! From now on, you call the shots in this shop!!”

Gao Yang was dumbfounded, looking at the silently smiling Lin Xian, taking the A4 paper handed over by the CEO himself. He opened it… And discovered the paper was very blank, with just a red seal in the bottom right corner! From the top governmental department in all of X Country!

The red seal’s unit name was very short, but it made Gao Yang’s legs go weak, almost collapsing to the ground. At the top of the paper, the simplest three characters were written—

[Let him go]

The next day.

Capital city, astronaut secret training base. In the hall. Space shuttle pilot and coach Wei Cheng, Lin Xian, Gao Yang, lined up. Yellow Finch stood three to four meters in front of them, like a leader giving a speech.

“No way!” Gao Yang shouted. “Just the four of us!?” He pointed at himself, looked left at Lin Xian, looked at Wei Cheng in his national space uniform, and then at the beautiful woman across from him, Yellow Finch. “Just the four of us to pilot a spaceship!?”

“Have you seen that childhood cartoon? The one with the two mice flying a plane and a tank, Shuke and Beta?!” Wei Cheng, ten years their senior, smiled gently, correcting. “A space shuttle is not a spaceship. If the flight altitude isn’t too high, it’s actually not that complicated.”

Yellow Finch looked at Gao Yang, already knowing what to expect, and chuckled. “Besides… it’s not four people, it’s five.” She turned her head, looking towards the corridor. “Are you dressed yet? Come on out! Everyone’s here, just waiting for you!”

“Here I come~!” A voice as pleasant as a lark rang out. Along with the voice, appearing around the corner was also a bouncy, deep brown, fluffy ponytail. The girl hopped out in a snug-fitting astronaut training suit, a tear mole by her eye just right, her charming eyes curving into cute crescents.

“Senior Lin Xian! Senior Gao Yang!” With her dimples faintly visible and a charming giggle, she mockingly saluted the two. “Chu An Qing! Reporting for duty!”

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