Genius Club

Chapter 258: Chu An Qings Life Gamble

In the starkly lit, oval conference room of the National Security Bureau, Director Liu An sat pensively, his face etched with concern as he faced his formidable former mentor, President Gao Yan, across the table. The atmosphere was tense, the weight of national security pressing heavily in the air. Liu An’s finger rhythmically tapped against the table, a visible sign of his anxiety. Next to President Gao sat a young man named Lin Xian, who had just handed a significant stack of documents to Liu An. These were quickly forwarded to the information security department for immediate review.

The matter began yesterday afternoon when President Gao had unexpectedly called Liu An. He wanted to introduce Lin Xian, a young man who had uncovered a startling number of vulnerabilities in X Country’s formidable Great Wall of Internet Security. Initially, Liu An had been dismissive, suggesting that Lin Xian simply email the details for the security team to examine at their leisure.

However, the situation had escalated with the upcoming 2023 World Hacker Competition, where a notorious American hacker had boasted about his plans to breach X Country’s equally famous Skynet system. This declaration had sent waves of patriotic zeal throughout the nation, propelling it into a state of high alert.

Inundated with messages from overzealous volunteers daily, the National Security Bureau’s email system was flooded with a mix of amusing and earnest offers of help:

“Top technician from Huai Bin Long City Internet Café, volunteering to defend the nation!”

“Advice on thwarting network hacks by physically unplugging cables and cutting power—simple but effective!”

“Wang Yiming here, Licheng’s youth hacking champion, ready to serve!”

“Proposal: Initiate a nationwide internet blackout to foil American hackers!”

“Alert! Found 127 critical flaws in our Great Wall. Recommend immediate patches using 2345 Security Housekeeper.”

While these messages brought a smile to Liu An’s face, they were largely impractical, filled with the public’s misunderstanding of the nuanced world of cybersecurity, often skewed by cinematic portrayals of hacking. However, amidst this sea of suggestions, some gems of genuine insight occasionally surfaced, affirming Liu An’s belief in the hidden talents scattered amongst the populace.

Thus, despite his initial skepticism, when President Gao insisted on a face-to-face meeting instead of the simpler email correspondence, Liu An was intrigued. If someone like President Gao, a revered figure in X Country’s scientific circles, deemed Lin Xian’s findings worthy of such urgency, there had to be something extraordinary about them.

The meeting was set with minimal attendance—just Liu An and his two top security experts. Both were seasoned professionals; one was even a core developer of the Great Wall project. Their initial reaction to Lin Xian’s documents was one of shock and disbelief.

“Look at the thickness of this report! How did he find all these holes in the Great Wall?” one exclaimed, flipping through the pages rapidly.

“It doesn’t seem possible,” muttered another, pushing his glasses up his nose as he read through Lin Xian’s findings. “This attack method—is it even viable?”

“This is beyond anything we’ve anticipated,” the first technician added, his brow furrowed in concern. “Can these really be exploited? How did he even discover them?”

The severity of the situation dawned on Liu An as he observed their reactions. This wasn’t just a routine vulnerability report; it was a critical, potentially devastating revelation. “Verify these findings immediately,” he instructed. “We can’t take any risks.”

Twenty minutes later, the door swung open, admitting a group of grim-faced technicians. “Director Liu, it’s all true,” one of them reported, their tone somber. “And it appears some vulnerabilities have already been exploited, poised to cause havoc at any moment.”

“This is a level of intrusion we’ve never seen before. If this is the work of Kevin Walker, we stand no chance on September 17th,” another added, referring to the upcoming hacker showdown.

“Honestly, I’ve always been in awe of Kevin Walker’s techniques,” a third technician admitted, awe mixed with a hint of fear in his voice. “He’s a phantom online, never seen, always felt. His methods are almost otherworldly. But these tactics—this young man’s findings—they’re out of this world!”

Liu An swiftly directed them to patch the vulnerabilities and delve deeper into Kevin Walker’s techniques. “We need to understand this threat if we are to stand any chance against him.”

As the technicians dispersed to begin their urgent tasks, the soundproof door closed with a decisive thud, sealing the room and the weighty implications of their discussions inside.


As Lin Xian walked back into the quiet intensity of the National Security Bureau’s conference room, Director Liu An rose solemnly to greet him. He extended his hand, grasping Lin Xian’s firmly. “Mr. Lin Xian, thank you for bringing these vulnerabilities to our attention. Without your timely intervention, I can’t imagine the position we would be in come September 17th.”

Liu An then turned to acknowledge President Gao Yan with a respectful nod, the gravitas of the situation not lost on either of them. Facing Lin Xian again, he continued, “Mr. Lin Xian, I understand that a man of your talents didn’t come here solely to deliver documents. You must have other requests. You’ve done a great service to our nation, so please, feel free to ask for anything. As long as it’s within our principles and regulations, I’ll see it done.”

Lin Xian responded with a modest smile, already aware of Director Liu’s reputation for straightforwardness, a trait President Gao had often spoken of. Liu An was known not just for his temper but also for his deep commitment to national security.

“Director Liu, there are indeed a couple of things I’d like to request,” Lin Xian began, his voice even. “The first might seem a bit unusual… I’d like to join our national team at the World Hacker Competition. I don’t need an official role; even a support position would suffice. I just want to be there, to be part of it.”

Liu An laughed, the tension in the room easing slightly. “That’s not difficult at all,” he replied warmly. “Our team is under the direct supervision of the National Security Bureau, and we have a number of staff accompanying them. Adding one more won’t be a problem. In fact, with your skills, I’m curious—what would you prepare if you were competing as a formal team member?”

Lin Xian maintained his modest demeanor. “My skills are just average,” he claimed. “The vulnerabilities were a team effort. But hypothetically, as a team member, I’d focus on hacking into Tesla’s systems. I have a plan for a TOCTOU attack on the Tesla Gateway, employing heap overflow and out-of-bounds writing to gain complete control over the vehicle system.”

Liu An was visibly impressed. “A complete takeover of Tesla’s system is unprecedented,” he marveled. “You have capabilities that surpass our current team members.”

After a moment of contemplation, Liu An proposed a solution. “One of our key figures in the Skynet project prefers to stay back from the competition to focus on security. He’s asked to be replaced several times. Given your expertise, you could take his place, allowing him to concentrate on Skynet. What do you think?”

“I’m willing to accept that role,” Lin Xian agreed, ready to take on whatever was necessary to contribute.

“Excellent,” Liu An said, clapping Lin Xian on the shoulder. “You’ll face Kevin Walker in the final round. But remember, it’s the total score that matters, not just one match.”

“Now, what’s your second request?” Liu An inquired, still riding the high of resolving the first so smoothly.

“After the competition, I’d like the same protection unit to accompany me to Princeton University,” Lin Xian stated. “I have personal matters there that require attention.”

“That can be arranged,” Liu An assured him, nodding in understanding. “Princeton isn’t far from New York, so it shouldn’t complicate your return.”

With their agreement sealed with another handshake, Liu An encouraged Lin Xian, “Let’s aim for victory together!” He advised Lin Xian to wrap up any pending affairs and report back soon for pre-competition preparations.


The next day, Lin Xian was back at Donghai University, entering the Rhine Joint Laboratory to meet with Liu Feng. He updated him on the progress of the Guizhou Sky Eye project, a joint venture with the Astronomical Research Institute. “It’s almost set. Once their team clears out, our lab can take over. You’ll have plenty of resources here—graduate students, doctoral candidates… After the competition, I’ll handle the formalities in the capital. You’ll get full access to the Sky Eye.”

Liu Feng nearly dropped his instrument in shock. “You’re going to the US? For the World Hacker Competition?”

“Yes,” Lin Xian confirmed with a nod.

Liu Feng burst into laughter. “You’re joking! What do you know about hacking?”

“I picked up some programming a few months back,” Lin Xian replied, his tone casual yet confident.

“And what can someone learn in just a few months?” Liu Feng asked, incredulous.

“People have different aptitudes,” Lin Xian answered with a knowing smile, leaving Liu Feng speechless.

As Lin Xian prepared to leave, Liu Feng glanced around the lab suspiciously. “What are you looking for?” Lin Xian asked, amused.

“Checking if any women are around,” Liu Feng replied, returning to his work.

Lin Xian shook his head, smiling at the ongoing drama around him. “I’ll see you when I get back,” he said, stepping out of the lab and into his car, ready for the next challenge.


Twenty minutes after Lin Xian had departed, the lab door swung open with a rush. A flurry of hurried footsteps resounded through the space, and a young woman with a fluffy brown ponytail peeked inside, scanning the room. It was Chu An Qing, looking slightly out of breath.

“Mr. Liu Feng, is Senior Lin Xian here? I saw his car outside and came straight over after class,” she inquired eagerly.

“You’re too late,” Liu Feng replied without looking up from his instruments, his tone casual. “He left a bit ago. He’s on his way to catch a flight to the US for the World Hacker Competition.”

“What?” Chu An Qing’s eyes widened in disbelief. “He’s going to the US?”

“Yes,” Liu Feng nodded.

“For the World Hacker Competition?”

“Mm-hmm,” Liu Feng affirmed with another nod.

“You must be joking!” Chu An Qing laughed, incredulous. “He’s not even a hacker. What’s he doing in a hacker competition?”

“People have different aptitudes,” Liu Feng echoed Lin Xian’s earlier words, though he himself seemed to be still grappling with the reality of the statement.

As they were talking, more footsteps approached, and a tall woman dressed in a stylish short skirt and crop top leaned nonchalantly against the doorframe, playfully tousling Chu An Qing’s hair.

“You ran so fast! I called you, but you didn’t hear. Your phone was off too!” she chided gently.

“Auntie!” Chu An Qing chuckled. “Phones have to be on silent during class, and I forgot to turn mine back on.”

“Still, you shouldn’t run so fast,” her aunt, Su Su, admonished with a laugh, her tone light. “Running like a rabbit chased by a wolf.”

Liu Feng, momentarily distracted from his work, noticed Su Su’s vibrant presence. She looked to be about Lin Xian’s age, around 23 or 24, with an attractive figure and a strikingly confident demeanor.

“Hmm…” He mused, his eyes reflecting approval. It was as if a missing piece of an equation had just clicked into place.

“You’re late too,” Liu Feng remarked, returning to his serious tone. “You should have come 20 minutes earlier.”

“Huh?” Su Su looked puzzled. “Why 20 minutes earlier?”

“Lin Xian was here then,” Liu Feng explained.

“What does that have to do with me?” Su Su exclaimed, a mix of amusement and confusion in her voice. “What’s his deal?”

“He’s Lin Xian’s friend, Liu—”

“Birds of a feather flock together,” Su Su interrupted, pulling Chu An Qing towards the door. “Let’s go eat. Don’t hang around lunatics.”


That Friday afternoon, Su Su, having been nearby, had volunteered to pick Chu An Qing up from school. With her niece’s phone on silent, Su Su had ended up waiting outside the classroom building. When the final bell rang, Chu An Qing had dashed off towards the empty lab building, prompting Su Su to chase after her.

“Let’s not go to your place for dinner. Let’s eat out,” Su Su suggested as she maneuvered her sleek McLaren through the streets. “Your parents are too naggy. If I go there, they’ll start pushing me to get married again.”

They settled into a quaintly decorated restaurant, ordering some of the house specialties. As they chatted, the conversation inevitably turned back to Lin Xian.

“What?” Su Su paused, her chopsticks hovering mid-air, her expression shifting to one of disbelief. “Lin Xian is competing in the World Hacker Competition? He’ll embarrass himself!”

She couldn’t help but snort, a smug look crossing her face. “Sure, he’s good at driving, but hacking? That’s a whole different ball game. He’s not even trained in computers. It’s crazy for him to represent our country.”

“He’s going last, facing that American genius hacker, Kevin Walker,” Chu An Qing added, scrolling through updates on Douyin. “The internet’s full of talk about it.”

“That’s even worse!” Su Su laughed heartily. “Kevin Walker is a legend, the top hacker in the world. His skills are on another level. The matchup is just absurd.”

“Lin Xian won’t lose,” Chu An Qing declared confidently. “He’s too smart to enter a contest he’d lose.”

“Really?” Su Su raised an eyebrow, her interest piqued. “Want to bet on it?”

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