Genius Club

Chapter 256: The Worlds Strongest Hacker

“Wait a minute…” Lin Xian listened intently as VV explained, struggling to piece together the meaning behind the complex technical jargon. His brow furrowed in concentration. “Could you break that down into simpler terms? What’s actually happening here?”

VV started to explain in a clearer tone. “Basically, X Country’s internet is linked to the worldwide web, but there’s a massive protective measure in place, often called the Internet Security Great Wall.”

To the average user, the Internet Security Great Wall seemed to mainly block certain foreign websites and content. Yet, its function was much broader.

“In the real world, countries have borders and defenses. This is similar in the online world. The Internet Security Great Wall is like a digital border, protecting us from outside threats and ensuring our cyber safety.”

Of course, no defense is flawless. There are weak spots, and some skilled individuals manage to bypass this firewall to access the global internet. These small-scale breaches usually go unnoticed by the authorities, who are more focused on preventing large-scale attacks on governmental systems, critical infrastructure, and key data centers.

“The main role of the Internet Security Great Wall is to protect crucial national projects, like defense systems and top-secret databases, including the SkyNet system, which is vital for maintaining public privacy.”

Countless security departments and cyber teams work relentlessly to uphold this digital barrier and shield the nation from cyber threats.

For most internet users, these dangers are remote. Occasionally, someone might sneak past the firewall to access banned content, but this is more a risk to their personal computer’s security than a threat to national security.


“Malicious hackers pose a different risk. They target national projects, confidential databases, and systems like SkyNet,” VV explained.

Every day, unseen cyber battles are waged to defend against these hackers, though most people are unaware of these conflicts. But VV was different.

When it crossed the Internet Security Great Wall, it sensed a looming, dark threat—an ever-present danger ready to strike. Due to its programming and Lin Xian’s instructions, VV was careful to avoid detection and leave no digital footprint.

At this stage, still developing and not fully operational, VV chose to retreat rather than risk further exploration beyond the firewall.

“You didn’t expose yourself, did you?” Lin Xian inquired.

“Of course not,” VV assured him. “Though I’m not a fully developed super AI yet, my design and logic are way ahead of today’s technology. I admit, that dark threat is the most formidable I’ve faced. But as long as I don’t provoke it, it won’t notice me. I can navigate undetected.”

Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief. “So why all the alarm? It sounded like there was a big problem when there isn’t one.”

“I am fine, but the Internet Security Great Wall isn’t,” VV countered, expressing its frustration by popping open the refrigerator door. “Their tech is far below mine, but that dark web threat is serious. There are weak spots in the wall that have been breached but haven’t been noticed yet.”

“If these weaknesses are exploited all at once, the wall could collapse! While defense and other crucial systems have their own safeguards, the SkyNet system is vulnerable. If it’s breached, it would allow complete surveillance of everyone.”

The refrigerator door swung open again, pointing straight at Lin Xian. “That means you too, Lin Xian.”

“You’ve said our top priority is to stay hidden. But if the SkyNet system is compromised, even if it’s patched later, any backdoors left by the intruders would still allow them to spy on us.”

“So what do we do? I can protect you from surveillance and keep your data, including our chats, from being collected.”

“But that might draw attention. In a world where everyone else is being watched, being the only one unmonitored would stand out. In a tainted pond, even the smallest clean spot is conspicuous. So, if the SkyNet system is breached, hiding won’t work. We’ll be exposed!”

Lin Xian nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. VV’s reasoning was sound. Initially, Lin Xian had only considered the broader implications of a breach at the Internet Security Great Wall, but VV brought up a personal threat to his own safety.

If the SkyNet system were compromised, his privacy, and possibly his safety, would be at risk. As VV explained, being shielded from surveillance by a super AI would only make him more visible.

Moreover, ignoring the threat wasn’t an option. Cameras, microphones, and even personal devices could be turned into tools for spying. Eventually, his secrets and VV’s existence would become known.

The only alternative would be to cease all communications. But how could an ordinary person not interact with a talking refrigerator?

Lin Xian looked up determinedly. “VV, what’s the current situation? How close are we to a compromise of the SkyNet system?”

He pushed the refrigerator doors closed. “And stop wasting electricity.”

VV relocated to the vacuum cleaner, whirling out of the bedroom. “Right now, the vulnerabilities are ripe for exploitation. If that hacker decides to act, they could break through the wall and take partial control of the SkyNet system at any moment. Once they’re in, fully removing them might be impossible.”

“But I’m not sure what the hacker is waiting for. That dark web threat is just outside the Internet Security Great Wall, biding its time.”

“Clearly, they’re waiting for September 17th, 2023, the World Hacker Competition,” Lin Xian concluded.

“Kevin Walker,” he added, “is the hacker behind that dark threat.”

Lin Xian had been piecing together clues about Kevin Walker and the World Hacker Competition since VV first mentioned the looming danger to the SkyNet system.

During a private jet flight back from the capital, Chu Shan He had shared a report with him. This genius hacker from the United States had announced his plan to breach the SkyNet system during the competition’s free demonstration segment, in front of a global audience.

According to the competition rules, he would cease his attack after demonstrating control, avoiding real damage. He would then report the vulnerabilities to the authorities for them to address. However, such agreements only hold until the competition concludes. There was no assurance he would reveal all vulnerabilities or refrain from installing backdoors.

The potential breach of the internet’s security measures could have catastrophic consequences. Particularly if the U.S. government was pushing Kevin Walker from behind, or planning to collaborate with him post-competition. The security of X Country and its people, including Lin Xian, hung in the balance.

It would be akin to installing a camera on every person’s head, monitoring their every action and word.

Lin Xian had previously studied the World Hacker Competition. Competitors don’t just improvise code during the event; they identify vulnerabilities in advance, sometimes even preparing one-click attack programs.

On stage, they could launch their attacks in minutes, if not seconds. No one would risk the embarrassment of attempting to find and exploit vulnerabilities in real time.

So when VV highlighted the dark threat lurking outside the Internet Security Great Wall with SkyNet as its target, Lin Xian connected the dots.

“I think you’re right,” VV responded from the vacuum cleaner. “These attacks could indeed be Kevin Walker’s handiwork. But for safety, I can’t access the deep web abroad without risking exposure, so detailed information about him is beyond my reach.”

“Kevin Walker is a mystery. I’ve found no photos or legitimate identification. Beyond his name, we know nothing.”

“And U.S. hacker competition details only show a silhouette of a boy in a hoodie; no real photos. We can’t even confirm if Kevin Walker is his real name since he’s always been an online persona. This will be his first public appearance.”

“So, we must assume that these attacks are Kevin Walker’s doing, even though we lack concrete proof. If I were allowed to gather data abroad, I might uncover clues. But that would mean leaving traces, which you’ve instructed me to avoid.”

Deep in thought, Lin Xian had once viewed the idea of a genius hacker as mere hype. But now, he recognized the true extent of this genius’s capabilities.

Even though VV was still developing, it represented the peak of a century’s human intelligence. Domestic security systems couldn’t detect VV, allowing it to operate freely.

Yet, Kevin Walker’s dark threat had forced VV to consider the possibility of leaving digital footprints. Although it couldn’t defeat VV outright, this alone demonstrated the hacker’s exceptional skills.

“Well…” Lin Xian looked at the vacuum cleaner, “Why can’t you just eliminate that dark threat instantly? You’re a super AI from 600 years in the future.”

VV, visibly irritated, opened all three refrigerator doors again. “Hey! Don’t expect too much from an AI with only 130,000 lines of code and just 12 hours of life!”

VV sounded exasperated. “I need time to develop and evolve. No tree grows overnight, no path reaches the sky in a single step, and no AI becomes invincible at birth!”

“Can you stop messing with my fridge?” Lin Xian closed the doors again. “I was just asking. I know you’re still limited right now. Honestly, you’ve exceeded my expectations already. I thought it would take years for you to reach this level. Initially, I expected you to be like a basic smart assistant.”

“So, under the current conditions, how long do you need to evolve enough to handle that dark threat without leaving any traces?”

“Three months,” VV estimated. “Conservatively, I need three months to ensure everything is perfect. Your life is irreplaceable; we can’t afford to take risks.”

Lin Xian shook his head. “Three months is too long; we don’t have that much time.”

He sighed. “This Kevin Walker is extraordinarily formidable. VV, I’m not doubting you, but facing an adversary strong enough to challenge your development over three months is no ordinary hacker.”

“Indeed,” VV agreed, “Kevin Walker is the most formidable hacker I’ve encountered.”

Lin Xian fell silent. The World Hacker Competition was just days away. If nothing was done, the Internet Security Great Wall would fall, and the SkyNet system would be compromised. This would have severe national and personal repercussions for Lin Xian.

He had been pondering how his secret had become known. Was it possible that the breach of SkyNet in 2023 marked the start? He believed it was likely.

Furthermore, the mysterious elder from 600 years in the future and Kevin Walker might be connected to the Genius Club.

Until today, Lin Xian thought Ji Lin was the most talented individual he had ever met. But now, he understood what a true genius looked like.

True geniuses are terrifyingly beyond comprehension, unimaginable, and immeasurable. Kevin Walker was such a genius.

VV, a product of centuries of accumulated human knowledge, couldn’t eliminate him without leaving traces. This confirmed the hacker’s unmatched brilliance.

Breaking through the Internet Security Great Wall and compromising SkyNet seemed trivial for someone of Kevin Walker’s capabilities. Lin Xian had no doubt that Kevin Walker could accomplish it.

He recalled the elder’s dry eyes, pale lips, and eager expression from his dream. Could that elder from 2624 be the same as Kevin Walker from 2023?

If the SkyNet system was breached, the exposure of Lin Xian’s secrets was inevitable. No one could win a battle when the enemy monitored their every move.

“We need to act,” Lin Xian said softly. “We can’t just wait for our doom; we have to strike first.”

“Lin Xian, I have an idea,” VV’s screen flickered as if blinking. “Take me to the U.S.”

“Huh?” Lin Xian looked at the refrigerator.

“I can’t collect data abroad without leaving digital traces. But if we physically go there, it’s the safest and least detectable method. Once there, I can connect to local networks and gather data without being noticed.”

“You wanted me to learn facial recognition and collect data on foreign faces. If you bring this laptop to the U.S., I can do that and identify the person in your sketches, revealing their true identity.”

“What about the Internet Security Great Wall and the SkyNet system?” Lin Xian asked. “We can’t just ignore them.”

“Of course not,” VV chuckled. “If three months is too long, then let’s head straight to New York!”

“Lin Xian, bring me to the 2023 World Hacker Competition,” VV’s voice was filled with excitement. “Let’s confront the world’s strongest hacker—Kevin Walker!”

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