Genius Club

Chapter 232: The Three VVs

“Why does it always have to be a password?”

This question echoed in Lin Xian’s mind, accompanied by a familiar headache. Ever since his dream about the combination lock on a bank vault late last year, his life had become an unending stream of passwords. Numbers, symbols—it didn’t matter; he had grown to despise them all.

Yet, as he gazed into the bright green eyes of the trash can robot, Lin Xian couldn’t help but feel there was a deeper meaning behind its request for a password. After all, Zhao Ying Jun wouldn’t have left such a device in his path without reason.

His attention shifted to the colossal structure before him: the first-generation intelligent control center of Rhine Sky City, known simply as VV. Towering above the surrounding buildings, this massive computer system was the central nerve of the entire city. Lin Xian had always known that such a technologically advanced city must be governed by a powerful computer. The streets swarmed with robotic vehicles and automated machines, where even the smallest glitch could trigger catastrophic failures.

Clearly, the city depended on a robust control system to oversee its complex operations. Before him was the original brain of Rhine Sky City, also named VV.

Looking from the clamping grip of the trash can robot on his ankle, to the dominating presence of the computer, and then to his own shoes—each labeled VV—Lin Xian realized the significance of this moment. The request for a password suggested that the key to this enigma lay somewhere within the vast intelligence of the VV system.

He read on from the electronic description panel in front of him, which detailed the formidable challenges faced during the construction of Rhine Sky City.

The first challenge was structural. Ordinary materials like steel and concrete could neither support the colossal weight of the city nor withstand the force from its nuclear fusion engines. It was here that Lin Xian first learned of a pioneering technology used in the city’s construction: cold fusion. Despite his extensive research following Professor Leon’s death, Lin Xian found that cold fusion was rarely discussed in contemporary science. This futuristic technology was more stable and safer than the high-temperature fusion processes familiar to him.

To support the immense structure, the foundation was constructed from a specially designed aluminum alloy. This task, while complex, was straightforward compared to the subsequent challenges.

The second major hurdle involved constructing over 6,000 cold fusion engines. These engines, essential for lifting the city, represented a monumental financial burden that ultimately led to the Rhine company’s bankruptcy, despite the heroic efforts of Zhao Ying Jun, the company’s relentless president.

The third and perhaps most daunting challenge was the creation of the control center system. Rhine Sky City, floating high in the troposphere, required constant adjustments to manage the unpredictable forces it faced. The city needed a highly intelligent, central system capable of instantaneously recalibrating the engines’ thrust and direction to prevent disaster.

This led to the development of VV, Rhine Sky City’s first intelligent control center, named whimsically after a puppy Zhao Ying Jun had cherished as a child.

“VV was a puppy’s name?” Lin Xian chuckled at the thought, shaking his head in amusement.

Despite the light-hearted origin of its name, VV was no trivial creation. It was a super AI, designed through two centuries of relentless innovation by brilliant scientists. This AI wasn’t just a static entity but evolved to become an omnipresent data stream within the city’s network, effectively becoming its omnipotent guardian.

Initial fears that such a powerful AI could pose a threat to human safety were allayed by embedding Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics into its core programming:

1. A robot may not harm a human or, through inaction, allow a human to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given by humans, except where such orders conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

These laws, though originally literary fiction from Asimov’s “I, Robot,” had become the guiding principles for this real-world application, showcasing the profound impact of science fiction on technological development.

Over two centuries, VV had ensured the smooth operation of Rhine Sky City, safeguarding millions and earning the reverence reserved for Zhao Ying Jun herself.

The plaque concluded there. Lin Xian now understood the monumental role of the VV AI system—it was akin to the futuristic AIs seen in sci-fi movies. Current AI technology in 2023 was already advancing rapidly, challenging human supremacy in intellectual domains like Go, a stark reminder of AI’s potential.

Human AI research, Lin Xian reflected, had progressed more slowly than anticipated by pioneers like Alan Turing, who had expected AI capable of passing the Turing Test by 2000. It was only with the advent of neural networks that AI research had realigned with its ambitious projections.


Lin Xian faced the persistent green-eyed trash can robot, now more convinced that the password it sought was linked to the super AI, VV.

Reflecting on Rhine Sky City and the company he once founded, Lin Xian acknowledged the erasure of his historical role by Zhao Ying Jun, who now owned what he had started. Yet, some facts remained indelible.

Rhine Company was his creation—an unchangeable truth.

He remembered the day he resigned, a pivotal moment marked by Zhao Ying Jun with a calendar in hand:

“So, today should be memorable for you. On May 20, 2023, you embarked on your true path, founding your company. I’m really proud of you,” she had said, smiling warmly. “No matter where it leads, what it achieves, or how it evolves, today… Rhine Company was born.”


That day was more than just a formal beginning. It was the start of everything for Lin Xian—the day he set out to change his world.

“Please enter the password!” the mechanical voice demanded once more.

Lin Xian, standing before the monumental AI named VV, quietly resolved:

“The password is… 20230520.”

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