Genius Club

Chapter 230: Safety and Pinky Promise

Li Ning Ning’s bold statement left Big Cat Face at a loss for words. He stared at her, memories of her mother flooding back. Her mother had been a daring woman who defied all odds, tragically perishing years ago in the second skydiving attempt.

Big Cat Face had always wished for Li Ning Ning to grow up as a normal, happy girl. Yet, he wasn’t ready to be reminded that the women of the Li family possessed an unyielding spirit, often leading them into dangerous situations.

Li Ning Ning’s mother had known the sky diving journey was perilous, possibly fatal, but she embarked on it with unwavering conviction. Her words resonated with Li Ning Ning’s recent declaration: “If I don’t go, why should I make someone else go?” Her mother had said something similar: “After the men have all died, the women must continue. If the women of the Li family won’t go, why should other women?”

These reflections cast a shadow over Big Cat Face’s face, plunging him into a grim silence, unsure how to respond.

Observing from behind, Lin Xian sighed inwardly at the sight of this brave, stubborn girl who mirrored her mother’s defiance. Li Ning Ning had always been a fierce spirit. From her childhood adventures in the second dream world, where she braved drone fire to retrieve books from a junkyard, to the third dream world, where she stood fearless, ready to lead like her parents.

Lin Xian found himself admiring her. He believed every era needed individuals who dared to challenge the status quo, risking everything to reshape history and save the world.

With a soft chuckle, he stepped forward, resting his hand on Li Ning Ning’s head, meeting her determined eyes. “Ning Ning, you’re still young. You don’t need to face these dangers.”

“But…” she protested, standing on her tiptoes.

“You’ll have your chance to visit Rhine Sky City, but not just yet,” Lin Xian gently interrupted her, his smile soothing her puzzled look. “Don’t worry, I’ll bring that city down to us. Then you can visit it safely, without needing to skydive.”

“Bring… it down?” Li Ning Ning blinked, confused by his metaphor.

“Just wait here on the ground,” Lin Xian continued, kneeling to level with her and linking his pinky with hers. “Let’s make a pinky promise. I will definitely keep my word this time. So for now, watch the sky from here.”

Li Ning Ning eyed their linked pinkies, skepticism mixing with hope. Could a simple pinky promise really bring down a city? Yet, the earnestness in Lin Xian’s eyes stirred a belief in her heart that perhaps, just maybe, he could achieve the impossible.

Reflecting on his plans to infiltrate Rhine Sky City and his knowledge of the anti-aircraft net gap her mother had once navigated, she wondered if he too could be her miracle.

After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded firmly, emulating her father’s way of sealing a promise, her thumb pressing against Lin Xian’s. “Pinky promise, no changes for a hundred years.”

This solemn vow bound them. “Don’t lie to me,” she stared into his eyes, “I’ll be waiting.”

Lin Xian nodded, his assurance clear as he stood up. Just then, Li Ning Ning tugged at his arm, pulling a tattered pouch from her clothes. Despite multiple repairs, the pouch bore the stitched word “safety,” a memento from her mother.

“This pouch… My mom had it when she took the hot air balloon,” Li Ning Ning shared quietly, her voice trembling. “I didn’t understand back then. It took me days to realize she was never coming back. Our last moment together had already passed without me knowing.”

“Since then, I’ve always carried it. Despite its wear, it feels lucky, like mom is still protecting me,” she explained, her voice laden with emotion.

“So, I’m giving it to you,” she concluded, placing the cherished pouch in Lin Xian’s hand, her smile filled with a mix of hope and sadness. “I wish you safety.”

Lin Xian gripped the pouch, feeling its weight and warmth. This time, with no formalities, he said with a firm voice, “I’ll return it to you personally, along with the gift I promised.”

With a wave, he turned towards the helium balloon, ready for his daring ascent. He patted Big Cat Face and Ah Zhuang on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”

At an altitude of 20,000 meters, the winds were brutal, even within the relatively calm stratosphere. Lin Xian signaled to his team to get ready as they neared the critical moment of their mission.

Hovering 10,000 meters directly above the Zhao Ying Jun statue—a landmark invisible from the ground—Lin Xian used a combination of visual markers and sensory memory from previous missions to navigate. He was the first to jump, confident in his path but with a hint of uncertainty that could be heard through the intercom in his helmet.

“Let’s go!” he commanded.

Diving from the balloon, Lin Xian spread his arms and legs to slow his fall, constantly scanning below for those vital landmarks. Ah Zhuang and Big Cat Face followed suit, expertly mirroring Lin Xian’s posture in the vast sky.

The howl of the wind grew fiercer as they plunged through the atmosphere, leaving the stratosphere and entering the turbulent troposphere. They were fast approaching their target, the moment of truth.

As the outlines of Rhine Sky City became more distinct, they expertly maneuvered through the hidden gap in the anti-aircraft net, their hearts silently cheering their covert entry into the city.

Their mission—a mixture of audacity and necessity—had cost many their lives, but now, they were in.

They spread their arms wider, increasing air resistance to decelerate. When they reached about 1,000 meters, they each deployed their black parachutes, gracefully descending towards their landing zone around the statue.

Thud… Thud… Thud…

Their feet touched down on the platform housing Zhao Ying Jun’s statue. Big Cat Face and Ah Zhuang quickly shed their parachutes and space suits to regroup with Lin Xian at the designated meeting point.

Lin Xian gazed up at the towering statue of white jade, its presence now filled with new meaning. He realized why this memorial plaza was a no-fly and no-drive zone, devoid of noise and other distractions—it wasn’t just out of respect but was strategically designed to protect their clandestine operation.

“If they hadn’t restricted air traffic, we’d have been spotted immediately,” Lin Xian thought aloud, appreciating the forethought in the city’s layout that aided their mission.

Big Cat Face and Ah Zhuang approached, equally impressed by their precise landing and the imposing statue.

“Wow! Such a towering figure! I can’t believe the gap in the anti-aircraft net is positioned right above it!” Ah Zhuang marveled.

“It seems too perfect to be just chance, doesn’t it?” Big Cat Face added, looking to Lin Xian for confirmation.

“Probably…” Lin Xian replied with a knowing smile. “Let’s just say it’s a nod from the Goddess of Victory herself.”

“Goddess of Victory, huh? Sounds like a good omen,” Big Cat Face responded, his tone respectful as he and Ah Zhuang nodded in agreement.

“Alright, let’s move. We’ve got a lot to do,” Lin Xian declared, shifting his focus to the tasks ahead.

Just as they were about to move on, a sudden metallic snap froze Lin Xian in place. Looking down, he saw a rusty iron clamp clenching his ankle. His frustration was clear as he prepared to deal with the robotic cleaner, its green eyes glowing as it blared through a speaker, “Trash! Trash! Detected trash!”

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