Genius Club

Chapter 216: Rhine

“Why so sudden?” Zhao Ying Jun asked, a hint of a smile playing on her lips as she leaned back in her chair, her eyes glancing over the resignation letter lying on her desk.

“I’ve been thinking about this for a while,” Lin Xian replied earnestly. “I mentioned my plan to start my own business at the beginning of the year. At that time, I didn’t feel prepared, so I decided to stay and learn more from you. But now, I believe it’s the right moment for me to move on. There are goals I’m passionate about pursuing on my own.”

Zhao Ying Jun studied Lin Xian’s resolute face and paused before responding softly, “You’ve really made up your mind, haven’t you?”

“Yes,” Lin Xian affirmed with a nod. “But don’t worry, the copyright for the Rhine Cat and the exclusive rights to Professor Xu Yun’s chemical compound will remain with MX Company. I’m leaving only with my personal effects.”

There was a brief moment of silence as Lin Xian searched for the right words.


Zhao Ying Jun burst out laughing, the sound echoing around the room. “Leaving with just your personal belongings? What are we, getting a divorce?”

“Uh… I meant that the intellectual property stays with MX Company,” Lin Xian chuckled, amused by his own phrasing. “I feel somewhat guilty about leaving now, so think of it as my way of compensating.”

Their laughter lightened the previously tense atmosphere of the office.

Zhao Ying Jun crossed her arms and leaned back further, assessing Lin Xian with a thoughtful gaze. “But those are your main sources of income, Lin Xian. If you leave them behind, how will you sustain yourself financially? And what’s your plan? What kind of business do you intend to start?”

“I haven’t ironed out all the details yet,” Lin Xian confessed. He had ideas but nothing concrete yet. The concept of the Rhine Cat was borrowed from a future 600 years ahead, and if needed, he could revisit that for income.

The recent resolution of the seven deadly sins case marked the end of an era of threats. With Angelica, a Hollywood actress rumored to be innocent of any crimes, posing no real threat, Lin Xian realized that living in hiding was not a solution. His experiences with Ji Lin and Ji Xin Shui taught him that evasion wasn’t due to his ability to disappear, but because he lacked strength. His ultimate victory was largely due to Chu Shan He’s significant influence and connections.

Running from danger was not a viable long-term strategy. Instead, he needed to use this peaceful period to strengthen himself and prepare for any future challenges. After all, as the old adage goes, “All fear stems from a lack of firepower.”

Zhao Ying Jun sighed and shook her head with a smile. “I knew you were bound to leave someday; I just didn’t expect it so soon. Like I’ve always said, if you have a clear vision and a compelling reason, I won’t hold you back. I accept your resignation.”

“But considering you’re still uncertain about your next steps and you might not have enough capital for significant investments, let’s consider another option,” Zhao Ying Jun suggested as she leaned down to open the safe under her desk. She revealed a small dial lock safe containing the company’s official seal, internal accounts, and other sensitive documents.

She pulled out a check and placed it on the desk, her eyes locking with Lin Xian’s. “This is a bank draft for 2 billion yuan.”

“This is…” Lin Xian started, puzzled. Was Zhao Ying Jun investing in his future?

“It’s from Chu Shan He,” she explained, smiling knowingly. “After you refused his offer of gratitude during your last dinner at his place, he called me. He respects you greatly and felt he needed to contribute to your future endeavors in some way.”

“Chu Shan He knew you wouldn’t accept a direct gift, so he made it an equity investment instead. This 2 billion is to support your startup, and in return, he’ll hold a 5% stake in whatever business you establish,” Zhao Ying Jun elaborated.

Lin Xian was taken aback. With his current savings of about 100 million yuan, a 5% stake in a yet-to-be-formed company certainly wouldn’t be worth 2 billion. Chu Shan He’s move was generous and gave Lin Xian a significant head start.

“If you’re okay with it,” Zhao Ying Jun continued, pulling out another bank draft, this one signed by her and stamped with MX’s seal, “I also want to invest 2 billion for a 5% stake on behalf of MX Company.”

She looked at him intently, “The hardest part about starting a new business isn’t just the funding—it’s finding the right people. You can take any of my employees you believe will be valuable to your new venture. The building next door is available and would serve as an excellent headquarters for your company. It’s close, which will facilitate collaboration and ease the transition for any personnel who move with you.”

“As for your business operations, you’re free to take the Rhine Cat. Also, the rights to develop Professor Xu Yun’s compound will remain with you, allowing you to continue that partnership with MX Company.”

Lin Xian was overwhelmed by her support. Zhao Ying Jun was not only providing financial backing but also offering a ready-to-go team and essential logistical resources.

“Thank you, Zhao Ying Jun,” Lin Xian expressed gratefully.

“There’s no need for thanks,” Zhao Ying Jun replied, her smile brightening the room. “Although we won’t be boss and employee anymore, we’ll continue as friends and partners. And with your new office just next door, feel free to come by anytime you need advice or support.”

“And have you thought about a name for your new company?” she inquired curiously.

Lin Xian paused, then his gaze fell on a Rhine Cat figurine on Zhao Ying Jun’s desk, sparking an idea. “Let’s call it… Rhine,” he decided. “After all, the new company will maintain strong ties with MX—sharing assets, personnel, and even the mascot IP.”

“That sounds perfect,” Zhao Ying Jun agreed with a nod. She then picked up a calendar and pointed to the date. “May 20, 2023. Remember this day, Lin Xian. It’s the beginning of something incredible.”

With a final smile, she concluded, “Welcome to the world, Rhine Company.”

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