Genius Club

Chapter 211: A Hug

Click. Click.

The police officers secured Ji Lin’s wrists and ankles with electronic handcuffs and ankle monitors.

“Ji Lin, although you’ve been released without charges, you still need to help us with our investigation during this time,” Officer Liu explained, glancing at Ji Lin, now equipped with electronic tracking devices.

“You’re free to move around, but only within Donghai City. If you leave this area, these devices will automatically notify us with their built-in GPS. We’ll always know where you are,” Officer Liu added. “Stay within the city limits. We won’t disrupt your life too much, but if you have any information or leads, please contact our team immediately.”

Ji Lin stood, stretched, and yawned before walking out. His driver was outside, holding the car door open, and they drove away from the Donghai City Police Station.

The next day, the Donghai City Police Department announced they had solved the 00:42 serial murder case. The mastermind was finally behind bars.

The citizens of Donghai City celebrated, relieved and joyful.

Chu Shan He sat in his living room, reading the Donghai Daily’s morning edition. The front page featured a black-and-white photo of Ji Xin Shui, outlining his many crimes, including the murders of Xu Yun, Tang Xin, Dr. Ponsmike, and others still unidentified.

The newspaper also unveiled Academician Leon’s deceitful involvement. Once a respected inventor, he was now shown to have collaborated with Ji Xin Shui in academic fraud, theft, and other serious crimes. Sergeant Sam, the actual murderer, was also implicated.

According to the police, these three were behind the recent murders of scientists. However, the report only named these individuals.

Chu Shan He reflected on this as he read. The crimes of Ji Lin and Zhou Duan Yun weren’t mentioned. This omission was Lin Xian’s influence. Both he and Officer Liu didn’t understand Lin Xian’s motives but trusted that this clever young man had a plan. They waited quietly for Lin Xian to surprise the world again.

“Indeed, new talents rise with each generation,” Chu Shan He mused with a smile as he turned the newspaper page. “We older folks really should step aside and let the young take the lead…”

The second page featured a large photo of Lin Xian in a sharp suit, praising his “significant achievements.” It detailed his collaboration with the Donghai City Police Department, from tracing the suspect’s taxi to setting up the ambush that captured Ji Xin Shui. Lin Xian was hailed as a modern-day Sherlock Holmes or even James Bond.

The article concluded with news that Donghai City officials planned to honor Lin Xian with a special commendation ceremony and organize a city-wide inspirational event.

Chu Shan He nodded in approval. Lin Xian deserved this recognition. Though he had declined such honors before, after this case, he finally accepted.

“Donghai City needs more role models like you,” Chu Shan He had told Lin Xian. “It’s everyone’s duty to promote positive energy and set good examples for the young.”

However, these events would wait until Ji Xin Shui’s case was fully resolved and Lin Xian’s ultimate plan was revealed.

Chu Shan He closed the newspaper and set it on the coffee table, leaning back and crossing his arms with a slight frown.

“What is Lin Xian’s final plan? He’s already let Ji Lin go. Could there be more to it?”

In his office on the 20th floor of MX Company, Lin Xian also had a copy of the morning’s Donghai Daily on his desk. He looked at the front-page news and Ji Xin Shui’s photo.

Ji Xin Shui’s execution was inevitable, happening within the next ten to fifteen days. He had not contested the charges or appealed. The report had carefully omitted any mention of Zhou Duan Yun and Zheng Cheng He.

Zheng Cheng He had no criminal record and there was clear evidence he tried to avoid any wrongdoing. Plus, considering his tragic family situation and his sister Zheng Xiang Yue’s health, his involvement was not pursued further.

“Good deeds are rewarded, and evil deeds are punished,” Lin Xian quietly said to himself, echoing Zheng Cheng He’s words to his sister. “Maybe this is your reward for the good you’ve done.”

Lin Xian set down the newspaper, picturing the polite and gentle man he had read about. Despite the ugly scars on his right face, Zheng Cheng He felt more like a dependable, kind older brother than someone to fear.

Lin Xian guessed that Ji Xin Shui had thought Zheng Cheng He, having seen his parents murdered and suffered dog attacks while protecting his sister, would be full of anger and desire for revenge. Ji Xin Shui probably saw him as the perfect ally—a loyal follower who would do anything, even break the law, for his sister.

That’s why Ji Xin Shui named him “Wrath” in his group known as the seven deadly sins, representing ruthless violence. It fit, considering Zheng Cheng He’s tough life and struggles.

Anyone would understand his anger if he had sought revenge for his parents. But Ji Xin Shui didn’t account for human resilience and Zheng Cheng He’s strong conscience.

Instead of becoming consumed by anger, Zheng Cheng He turned kind and peaceful, thanks to the kindness he experienced from others. Zheng Xiang Yue’s smile, Xu Yun’s caring, and Lin Xian’s birthday gift of the Rhine Cat toy had transformed his heart.

Lin Xian was thankful for this. At least in Zheng Xiang Yue’s eyes, her brother remained a hero.

Thinking back to Yellow Finch’s decision to take him to the hospital to meet Zheng Cheng He, Lin Xian wondered about her real motives. Was she trying to show him the identity of the person who tried to kill him? Or was she suggesting that Zheng Cheng He, a man with a conscience, could be his ally in their strategic game?

Lin Xian scratched his head, reflecting, “If I had realized this earlier from my all-knowing viewpoint, winning would have been easier. But you always talk in puzzles. Who could figure that out?”

He couldn’t help but feel frustrated with Yellow Finch. If she wanted to help, why couldn’t she just be clear?

His phone rang, snapping him out of his thoughts. The caller ID displayed it was from Donghai City Funeral Home.

Answering the call, Lin Xian learned that he could now pick up Zheng Cheng He’s ashes. The cremation was done, and the remains were ready in a ceremonial urn.

After the call, Lin Xian went downstairs and caught a taxi to the funeral home. This was his third visit there in six months, having said goodbye to many friends and loved ones. He had become familiar with the smoky scent of the place.

His first visit was for Xu Yun’s memorial. The crying and the scent of the funeral home had made him uneasy. The second time, he was there to collect Tang Xin’s ashes with her family. By then, he could handle his emotions better, even though he was angry.

Now, this third visit felt almost routine. Lin Xian reached the ashes collection area, filled out the paperwork, and carefully picked up the lightweight urn containing Zheng Cheng He’s ashes.

“It’s so light…” Lin Xian commented, surprised by how little it weighed compared to a person’s life. Holding the urn, he remembered Zheng Cheng He’s strong build, meant to protect his sister, and his broad shoulders.

Now, all that remained was a handful of ashes. The weight of life seemed so fleeting.

Lin Xian had intended to bring Zheng Xiang Yue to see her brother one last time, but the doctor had advised against it, saying her heart couldn’t handle the emotional stress.

“Just tell her her brother died in a car accident. It’ll be easier for her to handle,” the doctor had recommended.

Lin Xian wanted to purchase a burial plot for Zheng Cheng He, but Zheng Xiang Yue wanted to keep the urn in her hospital room. “I don’t want to be so far from my brother,” she had sobbed, her tears and resolve deeply affecting Lin Xian.

Eventually, the doctor agreed, stressing the need to keep Zheng Xiang Yue’s emotions stable. Lin Xian carried the urn to her hospital room, feeling its weight increase with every step.

In the hospital, Lin Xian pressed the elevator button for the 17th floor. In Zheng Xiang Yue’s room, he gently placed the urn on her bed. She said nothing but knelt and hugged it tightly. She didn’t cry. Lin Xian knew that sometimes extreme sadness leaves people unable to cry—it’s a way the body protects itself.

Many thought a girl like Zheng Xiang Yue wouldn’t understand much, but Lin Xian believed she knew everything. Her calmness was her way of sparing others from worry.

Her compliance was her understanding.

Zheng Xiang Yue got off the bed and cleared the nightstand to make room. She tried to lift the urn but couldn’t. It was too heavy for her.

She looked up at Lin Xian, tears in her eyes. “Brother Lin Xian, it’s so heavy…”

Lin Xian moved to help her, but she shook her head, determined. With all her strength, she finally lifted the urn and placed it on the nightstand, arranging it just so.

Turning back, she wiped her tears and managed a weak smile. “Look, I can hold my brother now.”

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