Genius Club

Chapter 208: Copernicus

Ji Xin Shui’s eyes flew wide open as he gasped for breath. He stared in disbelief at the dark red invitation card on the table before him. The deep red cardstock, the seal stamped with a carved emblem—there was no mistaking it. This was definitely an invitation from the Genius Club!

In his whole life, Ji Xin Shui had seen such an invitation just once before. Yet, that brief glimpse had left an indelible mark, the image of the club’s emblem etched vividly in his mind. The emblem—a right hand with its index finger pointing skyward—had struck him profoundly, symbolizing the club’s immense and mysterious power.

This emblem was Ji Xin Shui’s most guarded secret. He had never shared it with anyone, not even his close friend Ji Lin, who had once managed to wheedle the club’s name out of him. He dared not even sketch it, choosing instead to bury it deep within his heart, where it haunted his dreams every night. It was his constant yearning.

And now, unexpectedly, right here in this ordinary place, he was seeing that emblem again!

He was looking at the very card he had dreamed of—the Genius Club invitation!

Seeing this invitation for the second time confirmed its authenticity. This was no illusion—this was a real, tangible invitation!

Ji Xin Shui looked up, his eyes shaking with excitement. He stammered to Lin Xian, “Is it… was it Copernicus who sent you? Yes, it must be! I’ve done it! I’m worthy!”

“Copernicus?” Lin Xian repeated, his smile hiding his confusion. He knew Copernicus, the Renaissance astronomer who proposed the heliocentric theory. But why would Ji Xin Shui bring him up now?

Before Lin Xian could ponder further, Ji Xin Shui’s excitement grew. He had jumped to his own conclusions about the invitation, his mind racing with possibilities.

Ji Xin Shui’s reaction to the invitation, his uncontrolled excitement, confirmed that the fake invitation crafted by Yellow Finch had deceived him. Yellow Finch, a real member of the Genius Club, had the means to create a flawless forgery. As long as Ji Xin Shui didn’t scrutinize the invitation’s contents too closely, he would be none the wiser.

Lin Xian’s smile widened, knowing it was time to move to the next phase of the plan.

While Lin Xian was momentarily distracted by his thoughts, Ji Xin Shui was engrossed in examining the invitation’s seal and the embossed English letters. His emotions swirled across his face until he settled on a tearful realization.

“I understand now… this is a test! An examination!” he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe as he looked at Lin Xian with newfound respect. “You are the final test! And you are the examiner!”

Everything clicked for Ji Xin Shui in that moment.

The Genius Club had been his lifelong obsession, his dream since he first heard of Copernicus. Now, that dream seemed to be culminating right before his eyes. The person delivering this unexpected invitation was shaping up to be an incredible disruptor of history.

This was all a meticulously designed test to see if he could identify the person altering the course of history and gather sufficient evidence. The examiner, a member of the Genius Club himself, was right there, integrating into the scenario to precisely assess every move.

What a brilliant method of examination! No wonder this young man could predict the future, see through their schemes, and even get the police to cooperate effortlessly. He wasn’t just anyone—he was a member of the Genius Club, an entity seemingly capable of anything!

Understanding dawned on Ji Xin Shui. Manipulating a small police station in Donghai was mere child’s play for those who could alter time and fate itself!

As Lin Xian remained silent, only offering a mysterious smile, Ji Xin Shui nervously began to introduce himself, “You—you must be a member of the Genius Club too, right? Copernicus is my sponsor… Ah, sorry, I’m just really excited. You probably already know all this.”

“Thank you for bringing me the invitation… I never expected to receive it here, but now I understand everything is a test by the club! I can finally join Copernicus and you in the Genius Club!”

Realizing his words were jumbled, Ji Xin Shui apologized, “Sorry, I’m a bit scattered.” His excitement had made him lose his composure.

He took several deep breaths, managing to still his trembling body, though his voice still quivered as he looked at Lin Xian: “May I ask… how should I address you?”

He was eager to know the name of the person who might lead him into this secretive organization.

Lin Xian observed the older man before him, sensing the internal debates and conclusions Ji Xin Shui had reached—namely, casting him in the role of a Genius Club examiner.

Now, how to respond to the question about his title? Lin Xian considered carefully. Any slip-up could give him away. He understood that Ji Xin Shui was not asking for his name, which he already knew, but rather for a title or codename, like ‘Copernicus’—likely a special designation within the Genius Club.

What should his title be? Lin Xian wasn’t sure. It was risky to invent something on the spot. He didn’t know how much Ji Xin Shui knew about the club’s members and their titles. Answering carelessly could blow his cover.

“These things, you’ll naturally learn once you officially join the Genius Club,” Lin Xian replied, keeping his smile steady and confident as he skillfully dodged the question.

At that moment, Lin Xian was curious to learn more about the Genius Club from Ji Xin Shui, but asking outright was too risky. Since Ji Xin Shui believed he was a member, any ignorant question could expose him.

It was better to stick to the plan.

“However,” Lin Xian said, changing the subject and adding a hint of mystery to his demeanor, “your exam isn’t over yet. The next step is the final test for you to join the Genius Club.”

Ji Xin Shui sat up straight, his full attention on Lin Xian.

“Ji Xin Shui, do you know why the Genius Club has remained so hidden throughout history, leaving no trace?” Lin Xian posed the question solemnly.

“I don’t know, please tell me,” Ji Xin Shui responded, his voice serious.

“That’s because the members of the Genius Club are part of history themselves; they’ve merged with history, detached from the real world. They leave no trace because they operate in the shadows, influencing events from behind the scenes,” Lin Xian explained, locking eyes with Ji Xin Shui.

“The dead don’t draw attention or leave marks in the world. That’s how they—and the organization—can remain hidden within the river of history, subtly shaping the future.”

The idea of manipulating history resonated deeply with Ji Xin Shui. Copernicus had hinted at such concepts, but Ji Xin Shui had struggled to grasp why these future events were already considered history. Now, hearing Lin Xian speak with the same emphasis on history, everything clicked. The future, to them, was already a fixed part of history.

This revelation was thrilling, almost intoxicating. It was the ultimate power and control he had always sought—the ability to dictate fate and time itself!

Ji Xin Shui didn’t question Lin Xian’s explanation. After all, the Genius Club was supposed to be beyond ordinary, capable of transcending time and fate—exactly what he had suspected all along!

Leaning forward, his eyes filled with anticipation, he asked, “Then please, tell me… what should I do?”

Lin Xian gave a small smile, pleased to see Ji Xin Shui still fully engaged without any doubts. He noticed something intriguing: every time he mentioned “history,” Ji Xin Shui’s excitement grew. This was unusual—most people were more concerned about the future than the past, but he decided not to delve into that now. Since the term “history” resonated so strongly with Ji Xin Shui, Lin Xian planned to keep using it to his advantage.

“Your final test,” Lin Xian began, crafting his words carefully, “is to disappear from reality. You must completely erase your existence and become an unknown part of history.”

“You mean…” Ji Xin Shui’s eyes widened, “I need to ‘fake my death’? To make my presence vanish from this world?”

“Exactly,” Lin Xian confirmed, somewhat surprised at how quickly Ji Xin Shui grasped the concept. Had he prepared mentally for this? Or had he come across similar ideas before? Lin Xian couldn’t be sure, but he knew he had to tread carefully. With the limited information he had, any misstep could unravel his entire plan.

In this precarious situation, it was crucial to gauge Ji Xin Shui’s thoughts about ‘faking his death.’ After all, Lin Xian’s ultimate goal was to coax Ji Xin Shui into revealing his criminal activities and to ensure he embraced his ‘death’ willingly. If Ji Xin Shui sensed any deception or refused to play along, he could become dangerous.

Meanwhile, Ji Xin Shui’s mind raced. He thought of Copernicus, whom he had always revered almost religiously. Faking death—so that was the key!

Suddenly, everything made sense. The reason he and Ji Lin had never found any trace of the Genius Club was clear—they had all faked their deaths, detaching from reality and merging into the annals of history.

In the real world, they staged their deaths. Within the Genius Club, they were reborn. Essentially, they continued to live under a new identity.

With newfound clarity, Ji Xin Shui steadied his breathing and looked earnestly at Lin Xian. “Then, please tell me… what should I do? How do I stage a convincing fake death?”

On the surface, Lin Xian appeared calm, but internally, he sighed with relief. Ji Xin Shui’s request confirmed that his ruse was still secure. Now, moving forward should be straightforward.

He chuckled softly, “Ji Xin Shui, your current predicament is an ideal setup for a staged death and subsequent rebirth.”

Lifting his gaze, Lin Xian continued, “Our country uses lethal injection for the death penalty. Do you know… how many injections are typically used?”

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