Genius Club

Chapter 200: The Opening

Chu Shan He was right to be worried.

If there had been any solid evidence that Ji Lin or Ji Xin Shui were involved in a murder or planning one, the police would have already detained them for questioning. Yet, their records remained spotless, both publicly and secretly.

Sergeant Sam had taken responsibility for all the incriminating evidence. Even if the investigation progressed, it would likely lead to a false trail in the USA—a diversion masterfully set up by Ji Lin.

In this context, as long as the taxi driver who hit Lin Xian wasn’t Ji Lin or Ji Xin Shui, they had a solid alibi. They could easily distance themselves from the incident without any direct implications.

Given Ji Lin’s cunning and Ji Xin Shui’s resourcefulness, navigating such a situation was straightforward for them.

Lin Xian had anticipated this too.

Determined to bring these culprits to justice and to seek retribution for Xu Yun and Tang Xin, he had been planning meticulously for a long time.

“Mr. Chu, I understand your concerns,” Lin Xian said. “That’s exactly why I’ve been stressing the importance of making the taxi incident look fatal. We need to establish their intent to kill to even consider pressing charges for attempted murder. It’s crucial to prevent them from slipping through our fingers.”

“However, that alone isn’t enough since Ji Lin hasn’t been directly involved in this affair. But don’t worry about it. I’ll find evidence linking Ji Lin to the crime. If they plan to carry out this assassination on the night of May 3rd, Ji Lin will have to get involved to ensure my demise.”

“As we’ve discussed before, I will only give Ji Lin the opportunity to act against me. If he doesn’t take it, I won’t collaborate with anyone else. So… I can’t give you any guarantees right now because I don’t know Ji Lin’s exact plan. We’ll need to adapt as things unfold that night. However, you can be assured, I won’t let our collective efforts go to waste. I’m confident that I can force Ji Lin to reveal his intentions.”

Chu Shan He nodded in agreement. “I trust you. No need for further explanation.”

“An Qing will also be at Ji Lin’s birthday party on the evening of May 3rd. However, my family imposes a strict curfew, so she’ll need to be back in her dorm by 10 PM. The party should end by then.”

“So, from 10 PM to 12:42 AM, nearly three hours… what’s Ji Lin’s plan to keep you there? I’ve been wondering about this, and it doesn’t make sense. Surely, you two won’t just sit around and chat for three hours, right?”

“I’m puzzled too,” Lin Xian admitted. “I have no idea how Ji Lin plans to detain me. I’m just as curious about his tactics.”

“But knowing Ji Lin and his intellect, I’m confident he’s got something up his sleeve if he’s planning to finish me off on his birthday. All we can do now is prepare on our end and wait for the day to unfold.”

The days quickly passed.

On the evening of May 3rd, at 6:30 PM, Gao Yang stepped out of a taxi dressed sharply in a suit and tie, his hair slicked back as he surveyed the opulent lakeside villa neighborhood.

“Time to impress some college girls!”

“Hold on…”

Lin Xian stepped out of the taxi and grabbed Gao Yang’s arm. “Remember, this is Ji Lin’s birthday, not a college mixer.”

“You mentioned Chu An Qing’s classmates would be here, right?”


“And they’re studying at the art college? Majoring in dance? All tall and stunning?”

“Yes, they are… but focus, please.”

“Perfect!” Gao Yang beamed, pulling out an elegantly wrapped gift from behind his back. “This should impress Ji Lin. I need to mingle with those dance majors to make up for my missed college days!”

“Please stay focused.”

After settling the taxi fare, Lin Xian and Gao Yang walked up to the villa. As they approached, two large septic trucks were leaving the area, their presence marked by a lingering stench.

Gao Yang waved away the odor. “Even in upscale areas, septic issues happen?”

“Everyone has to deal with their waste, even kings,” Lin Xian joked.

They reached Ji Lin’s villa and rang the doorbell.


Chu An Qing’s cheerful voice rang from inside. She opened the ornate double redwood doors, her eyes sparkling like crescent moons. “Lin Xian, you made it!”

Then, turning to Gao Yang, she added, “And you must be Gao Yang! We met briefly at the MX company celebration! Lin Xian mentioned you, but we didn’t get to chat much then.”

“That’s right.” Gao Yang straightened up, adjusting his hair. “I’m Lin Xian’s closest friend. You can call me ‘senior’ too!”

Chu An Qing blinked. “Senior Gao… did you also attend Donghai University?”

“Sort of.” Gao Yang, exuding confidence, draped an arm around Lin Xian. “Pretty close to graduating.”

“Just 300 points short of admission,” Lin Xian whispered under his breath.


Quickly changing the subject, Gao Yang suggested, “Let’s head inside and see if we can help with the preparations!”

Before long…

While Lin Xian and Ji Lin busied themselves with the party setup, Gao Yang had already integrated himself with a group of young, attractive college students. His effortless charm had them laughing in no time.

“Senior Gao, did you and Lin Xian go to the same high school too?” Chu An Qing asked, clearly intrigued.


Gao Yang chuckled. “We’ve been classmates since kindergarten—except for middle school when we were in adjacent classes. We practically grew up together!”


Chu An Qing glanced at her shoulder-length hair, which she had left loose today instead of tying it up, trying a new style. She remembered a sketch Ji Lin had shown her, featuring a girl with her hair up.

Impulsively, she gathered her hair, twisted it into a bun, and held it with her hand, smiling at Gao Yang. “Senior Gao, do I look familiar this way?”

To clarify, she mimicked the expression of the girl in the sketch, her dimples just barely showing.

Gao Yang choked on his drink!

“Are you alright?” Lin Xian came over, patting his back.

After a few coughs, Gao Yang managed to respond, “You do look familiar, but only because we met at the MX company party.”

“No, not from that event!”

Chu An Qing shook her head, still smiling. “Do I remind you of someone from your old class?”

Gao Yang was taken aback.

Was she hinting at something?

But flirting was the last thing on his mind, especially since she was Chu Shan He’s daughter!

“No, no,” he quickly denied. “I was the class president; I knew everyone. There was no one as charming and pretty as you, honestly!”

He set his drink down. “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.”

After Gao Yang departed, Chu An Qing let her hair fall back into soft waves. She bit her lip, pondering the sketch hidden in her room.

So, Lin Xian had lied…

She had believed Lin Xian’s tale about a classmate resembling her. But Tang Xin had also mentioned that no such girl had been in their class, though she had only been there briefly before transferring.

If Gao Yang, Lin Xian’s lifelong best friend and class president, didn’t recall such a girl resembling her, then…

Her heart pounded as she recalled Lin Xian’s uneasy expression when the sketch fell.

Could it be… that the girl in the sketch was her?

In the kitchen.

A pale-faced Gao Yang approached Lin Xian.

“What’s up?” Lin Xian asked, noticing his friend’s distress. Moments earlier, Gao Yang had been lively, mingling with the guests.

“Lin Xian, we’ve got a problem.” Gao Yang looked genuinely terrified. “I might end up thrown into the Huangpu River by Chu Shan He.”

“What are you talking about?” Lin Xian was baffled. “Explain yourself. How could you possibly offend him?”

“Just hear me out.” Gao Yang pulled Lin Xian aside, ensuring their conversation remained private. “You’re not going to believe this…”

“Spill it.”

Gao Yang’s face was a mask of worry. “I think Chu An Qing has a crush on me!”



Lin Xian felt as if he had turned to stone.

“That’s impossible.” Ji Lin emerged from the kitchen, holding a tray of appetizers. “She doesn’t like you.”

“Whoa! Where did you come from?” Gao Yang jumped, startled. “You scared me!”

“Chu An Qing does like someone,” Ji Lin said casually as he passed by. “But it’s definitely not you.”

“That’s a relief…” Gao Yang wiped his brow, feeling a sudden surge of relief. “These young women today are so daring. Times sure have changed.”

“I think you might need a reality check,” Lin Xian said, exasperated. He grabbed some utensils and motioned for Gao Yang to follow. “Stop being dramatic and let’s go… the party’s about to begin!”

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