Genius Club

Chapter 173: Forged History

“Controlled nuclear fusion…” Ji Xin Shui paused, searching for the right words. “You mean using a room-temperature superconductor to create a strong magnetic field, and using that field to contain the scorching plasma, tackling the issue of managing the intense heat from nuclear fusion?”

Despite being out of active research for years, Ji Xin Shui, once a respected scholar, still understood the complexities of controlled nuclear fusion.

The use of tritium as a fuel for nuclear fusion was nearly perfected in theory. The main hurdle was managing the immense heat generated by the fusion process, as no existing material could withstand such extreme temperatures. The best approach seemed to be using a strong magnetic field to contain the superheated plasma, allowing the reaction to occur without any material contact.

However, another challenge presented itself. To maintain a strong magnetic field, superconductors needed to be kept below minus 100 degrees Celsius. Any higher and the superconductivity would cease. Thus, the challenge was to simultaneously maintain a system with plasma at millions of degrees and another with superconductors at sub-zero temperatures.

If room-temperature superconductors were developed, it would simplify the entire system significantly, making sustainable, controlled nuclear fusion a real possibility. While other problems would undoubtedly emerge, if Dr. Ponsmike’s research into room-temperature superconductors proved successful, it would mark a major advancement in achieving controlled nuclear fusion.

“That’s correct.”

Knowing Ji Xin Shui’s academic background, Ji Lin didn’t delve further.

“Even though it’s a minor breakthrough, once this material is unveiled, it will cause as much buzz globally as Xu Yun’s invention of the hibernation chamber fluid.”

Ji Xin Shui turned to Ji Lin.

“So, you’re planning to use this to lure out Lin Xian? Is this your ‘forged history’ plan?”

“Exactly,” Ji Lin confirmed.

“Right now, according to the actual timeline, Dr. Ponsmike secretly developed the room-temperature superconductor. But since we’ve eliminated him, only we and the Genius Club members are aware of this. You’re great at keeping secrets, and you wouldn’t share unnecessary details with Gluttony and Envy. Even Gluttony, who was merely our driver for the operation, doesn’t know this real piece of history. Based on this, we can fabricate a false history.”

Ji Lin raised a document in his hand.

“We’ll introduce someone as the pioneering scientist behind the room-temperature superconductor, then replicate Dr. Ponsmike’s assassination at 00:42.”

“Controlled nuclear fusion could revolutionize human civilization. The murder of such a pivotal figure will certainly make history. If Lin Xian, as we suspect, can manipulate historical events, he’ll discover this fake scientist’s death.”

“In that case, Lin Xian will probably use this setup to try and trap us. Each time a scientist arrives, and every night at 00:42, Lin Xian will be vigilant, waiting for our move so he can apprehend us.”

Ji Xin Shui nodded in understanding.

“If we invent a scientist and Lin Xian still manages to save him, it suggests he indeed possesses some extraordinary ability to foresee or alter the future.”

“To ensure we collect solid proof, we’ll add two more layers of security on the day we execute the fake scientist,” Ji Lin whispered.

“Pride, use your connections to bring two real scientists to Donghai City that night. We’ll have our impostor and the two legitimate scientists appear in three different places. Let’s see which one Lin Xian tries to save.”

“If he rescues the impostor to catch us, then our suspicions about him are confirmed.”

Ji Xin Shui chuckled.

“Ji Lin, this is why you’ve been provoking Lin Xian, right? By murdering Tang Xin right before his eyes and challenging him openly, you’re forcing him into a confrontation. Otherwise, if he remains hidden, we can’t touch him.”

Ji Lin nodded.

“Now the question is, who will pose as this fake scientist?”

“Greed,” Ji Xin Shui suggested casually.

“He’s a charlatan in academic circles. I turned his life around, made him rich and famous, but he’s just a shallow man. After all the benefits he’s reaped, it’s time he paid his dues.”

“Has Gluttony met Greed before?” Ji Lin asked.

“No,” Ji Xin Shui smiled.

“He’s insignificant, just a thug who kills with a car. Let’s use him this time. If sacrificing these two leads us to proof of Lin Xian meddling with history, it’s worth it.”

“Alright, I’ll make the arrangements for them to come to Donghai.” Ji Lin gestured and started walking towards the rooftop stairs.

“Donghai… won’t be peaceful again,” Ji Xin Shui mused, turning away from the railing.

“After all these years, it’s still one of my favorite places, next to Brooklyn. I hate to see it tainted with so much blood.”

“There won’t be much more bloodshed.”

Ji Lin opened the stairwell door and stepped through.

“After this staged play at 00:42… it’ll be Lin Xian’s turn next.”

He vanished into the shadows of the stairwell, the iron door slamming shut in the night wind—


Inside Chu Shan He’s mansion, the door was suddenly kicked open.

“Su! Xiu! Ying!” Su Su yelled, glaring at the woman lounging on the sofa, infuriated: “Why did you freeze my card?”

Su Xiu Ying leisurely sipped her tea before setting the cup down. She calmly met Su Su’s enraged gaze: “Your brother-in-law told you to go on a blind date. You hung up on him. Freezing your card seems fair.”

“Why do you have the right to freeze my card? What gives you the authority?” Su Su demanded, pacing around the sofa, hands on her hips. “You and Chu Shan He think you’re above the law? Just freezing someone’s bank card on a whim?”

“Hmph,” Su Xiu Ying scoffed.

“Calling your brother-in-law by his name so disrespectfully? Shan He is more patient than I am. If I were him, I’d take away all your shares. Who else would count the few thousand dollars in your piggy bank as shares?”

“You’re being unreasonable. I’m done talking to you!” Su Su stormed off but quickly returned.

“Where’s my brother-in-law?”

“Not home,” Su Xiu Ying replied coolly.

“Unfreezing the card isn’t hard. Just listen to us and go on the blind date.”

“Su Su, you’re my sister, only four years older than An Qing. I’ve practically raised you. Why would I harm you? Look at you, wasting your time. How long do you plan to just laze around?”

“I have money; why should I work?” Su Su collapsed onto the sofa, looking defeated.

“Please, sis! Just leave me alone, okay? I’m only 23. Why rush to get married?”

“If you don’t get married and have kids, who will take care of you when you’re older?”

“An Qing, of course!” Su Su responded confidently. “Instead of finding me a date, find An Qing a good match! When I’m old, I’ll live with her, and her kids can call me godmother. They’ll take care of me. See, I have it all figured out. Just waiting for An Qing to have kids. The more, the better.”


Su Xiu Ying grabbed a sofa cushion and hurled it at Su Su.

“Great plan! Depending on the old, then depending on the young, huh?”

“I’m warning you, Su Su—”

Su Xiu Ying glared at her troublesome sister.

“You’re going on this blind date, whether you like it or not! I’ve found a good candidate. He’s tall, handsome, and has great character! If he likes you, consider yourself lucky!”

“I’m not forcing you to marry him, but at your age, it’s time you met decent men, learned to be a good woman, a suitable wife, and did something meaningful.”

“If you want your card unfrozen, you’ll go on this date tonight! Your brother-in-law set it up, so no tricks!”

She handed Su Su a business card for the restaurant.

“7 PM, second floor, don’t be late!”

Su Su turned away, annoyed. But she knew arguing or being stubborn wouldn’t work with her sister. To get her card back, she had to go on this date. She grabbed the card.

“I’ll go, but if I don’t like him, don’t come crying to me!”

“Don’t be so full of yourself,” Su Xiu Ying scolded.

“He might not even like you.”

“You’re joking!”

Su Su flipped her bright yellow hair and laughed.

“Do you know how many guys are after me?”

“Are they decent?” Su Xiu Ying looked skeptical.

“I don’t even give them a second look! They’re not worth it!”

“Are they decent?” Su Xiu Ying pressed.

“You know what they want, right?”


Su Su shrugged.

“All they see are my looks and my money. What else could they want? Maybe they’re hoping to get close to my brother-in-law. You think your choice is any different?”

“This one’s different,”

Su Xiu Ying smiled confidently.

“He’s noble, not greedy, exceptional in every way. You’ll see. Don’t mention our relationship. Your brother-in-law kept your identity a secret to avoid pressure. Just say you’re a friend’s daughter.”

Su Su snorted, looking at the restaurant card. She knew the place; the caviar was excellent, a favorite spot among her friends.

“Fine, but you better unfreeze my card after. Who is he, and what does he do?”

“He’s the deputy general manager of MX Company, young and promising!”

Su Xiu Ying beamed.

“His name is… Lin Xian!”

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