Genius Club

Chapter 162: Su Su

“No, Auntie,” Lin Xian replied with a smile. “I just graduated six months ago and recently started working. I really don’t have time for a relationship right now.”

Cough, cough… cough!

Chu An Qing quickly took a sip of water, trying to stop the rice that had gone down the wrong way. She elbowed her mother gently. “Mom, stop asking! Senior Lin Xian might get embarrassed!”

“Hehe, men should focus on their careers, but family is equally important,” Chu Shan He said, raising his glass to clink with Lin Xian’s. “However, you can’t rush these things. Starting a family is a major step, and it’s all about destiny.”

Chu Shan He then smoothly switched the topic, and the meal continued joyfully. During this time, Lin Xian observed another facet of Chu Shan He—a caring father and husband. This deepened his respect and admiration for him. He came across as warm and responsible, and it was clear why he was so respected.

After they finished eating, Lin Xian excused himself, saying he had work to do in the afternoon and left. Chu Shan He had his driver take Lin Xian home, and the trio waved him off at the villa’s entrance.

“Lin Xian, call me if you need anything,” Chu Shan He offered.

“Do visit us often! I have many more recipes to share with you,” Su Xiu Ying chimed in.

“Drive safely, Senior Lin Xian!” Chu An Qing called out.

Lin Xian waved back as the car pulled away from the estate. Watching the car disappear around the corner, Chu Shan He nodded in approval.

“He’s a good kid—ethical, kind, well-mannered, and polite. No wonder Zhao Ying Jun thinks so highly of him. He truly is a rare talent.”

“Right?” Chu An Qing grinned, feeling proud. “I told you, Senior Lin Xian is impressive! Many seniors and teachers at our school look up to him. He’s a celebrity at Donghai University! He used to host all the events there. Even the current hosts were trained by him!”

“Yes…” Chu Shan He agreed, nodding. “He certainly has the poise and charisma of a great host. Talent really does stand out, no matter where you are.”

“I like him too,” Su Xiu Ying added, then turned to Chu Shan He. “Remember what I mentioned earlier. If there’s a chance, try to set them up.”

“What?” Chu An Qing nearly leaped up, flustered. “Set up who? I’m still—”

“Your aunt,” Chu Shan He clarified calmly. “She’s not getting any younger, and she’s always causing trouble, making us worry. She’s fantastic in many ways but a bit too reckless. A stable man might calm her down.”

“Huh? My aunt?” Chu An Qing’s eyes widened. “Dad, you’re not seriously considering setting up Senior Lin Xian with my aunt, are you?”

“What’s gotten into you today?” Su Xiu Ying gave Chu An Qing a puzzled look. “Such unladylike behavior! I asked Lin Xian about his situation because he’d be a good match for your aunt. They’re close in age, just a few months apart. Normally, no guy can handle your aunt’s strong personality, but I think Lin Xian could. He’s dependable and compassionate.”

“I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with Lin Xian!” Chu An Qing protested, overwhelmed. She turned to her father. “It’s my aunt who’s the issue! Dad, you can’t do this to Senior Lin Xian! She doesn’t deserve him!”

“Oh, please. It’s up to them, not you,” Chu Shan He chuckled, dismissing her concerns. “We’re just introducing them. Whether it works out is their decision. Besides, Lin Xian isn’t getting any younger. He should think about settling down. He’s an only child, and his parents are retired. They’re probably looking forward to grandchildren.”

“And your aunt, always stirring up trouble, needs to settle down too. She’s only four years older than you. I’ve known her all her life, since I practically raised her alongside you. How could I not care about her?”

“Let’s head inside. Next time I see Lin Xian, I’ll bring it up. Xiu Ying, why don’t you talk to Su Su about him, and we can arrange for them to meet?”

Su Xiu Ying nodded and began walking inside with Chu Shan He.



Chu An Qing grabbed hold of Chu Shan He’s shirt with one hand and Su Xiu Ying’s arm with the other. They turned to see her serious expression.

“I disagree!”

“What’s gotten into you?” both Su Xiu Ying and Chu Shan He asked, amused by her reaction.

“Senior Lin Xian saved my life! I can’t let you throw him into the fire pit!” Chu An Qing sighed, looking at her parents earnestly. “You both know what my aunt is like…”


A blood-red McLaren tore down the highway like lightning. The sleek, low car weaved through traffic like a phantom, its roaring engine forcing other cars to make way.

“Su Su! Slow down!” the girl in the passenger seat pleaded. “There’s a police car chasing us!”

“Haha, that makes it even more exciting,” Su Su laughed. She had bright yellow hair whipping in the wind and wore a perfectly made-up face. She chewed bubblegum, resting her left arm on the window, and steered with her right.

“You’re way over the speed limit!” The passenger stared at the dashboard, her face turning pale.

“If I slow down, they’ll catch us,” Su Su stated nonchalantly.

“But they have cameras!”

“Don’t worry.” Su Su blew a bubble and suddenly swerved off the highway. “My brother-in-law will handle it.”



“Su Su.”


“Living off my family.”

At the Donghai City Police Department, Su Su sat in a chair while a policeman questioned her, taking notes.

“Living off your parents isn’t a job. If you’re unemployed, I’ll write that down.”

“Then write unemployed,” Su Su shrugged.

A few minutes later, an officer unlocked the detention room door and released Su Su and her friend. “Su Su, how many times has this been now? If you want to race, go to a track. It’s too dangerous on the highway!”

He handed her a phone. “Mr. Chu wants to talk to you.”


Su Su immediately hung up the phone and grabbed her friend’s hand. “Let’s go.”

“Hey! You…!” The officer sighed, shaking his head as he redialed Chu Shan He.

Su Su led her friend through the police station to the parking lot.

“Su Su, you know this place so well,” her friend remarked, amazed.

“I’ve been here often, almost like home,” Su Su replied, popping another piece of gum into her mouth.

Ahead, a group of officers surrounded a thin, pale boy.

“Ji Lin! Thanks to you, we solved this decade-old case! We never expected the culprit to be in such an unexpected place…”

“Ji Lin, can you help me with this old case? It’s been unsolved for years, and I’d like to close it before I retire.”

“Weren’t you supposed to help us first?”

“Come on, guys! Don’t forget why Chief invited Ji Lin. We need to focus on Professor Xu Yun’s case!”

Su Su’s friend, amazed by the commotion, stepped aside, watching the boy surrounded by officers.

“Wow, he’s so handsome… Su Su, did you see him? He looks like he stepped right out of a manga!”

“Handsome, sure,” Su Su replied, without even looking back. “But too girly for my taste.”

In the parking lot, Su Su started the red McLaren with a roar, speeding toward the exit.

“Why are you speeding here?” her friend yelled.

“I don’t like driving slow.”

“Stop! The barrier is still down!”

Her friend screamed as the McLaren didn’t slow down. Instead, it sped right under the barrier, which was too high for the low car.

The security guard came out, scratching his head in confusion. “How am I supposed to handle the parking fee…”

“Haha! See? Isn’t it cool?” Su Su laughed, patting the steering wheel. “That’s why I love this car—it’s low enough to go under barriers!”

Her friend, teary-eyed, replied, “I want to go home.”

“Don’t be silly. I booked a hotel. Let’s rest and head out again tonight.” Su Su yawned, merging back onto the highway.

“By the way, Su Su, won’t it be a problem that you hung up on Mr. Chu?” Her friend looked concerned. “He’s your brother-in-law, but he’s still Chu Shan He! Aren’t you afraid he’ll get mad?”

“He wouldn’t dare,” Su Su said with a smirk. “I was his first investor. He wouldn’t get mad at me.”

“What?” Her friend was puzzled. “He’s been successful for years… how could you be his first investor? And the Shan He Group isn’t even publicly traded.”

“That was nearly twenty years ago,” Su Su explained, blowing a bubble. “Back then, Chu Shan He was struggling. He had married my sister, but his business failed, and he lost all their money, including my sister’s dowry. He owed a lot, but he always treated me well, buying me things and taking me out. So, I broke my piggy bank and gave him all my savings.”

“It wasn’t much, just a few thousand yuan. I remember he got teary-eyed, picking up the coins with me. He promised that no matter how successful he became, I’d always have a share. I thought he was just saying that, but he kept his word. Now, I can’t even spend all my annual dividends.”

Her friend gasped. “Wow, your brother-in-law is really incredible, keeping such a promise. Most adults wouldn’t take a child’s piggy bank seriously.”

“Yeah, he’s a decent guy,” Su Su admitted, turning onto another highway. “But he can be a real nag. It’d be better if he didn’t.”

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