Genius Club

Chapter 156: Tang Xin

“Hey, Tang Xin!” Chu An Qing grabbed Tang Xin’s hand, her smile bright and warm. “I had no idea you were Lin Xian’s high school classmate! What a small world!”

Tang Xin smiled back. “So, you’re the ballet dancer everyone talks about. They were right; you are as beautiful as they said!”

“Hehe, you’re too kind, Tang Xin.”

Just then, a staff member approached and signaled to Lin Xian.

“Sir, it’s time to start. Please take your seat.”

Lin Xian nodded and excused himself from the two girls. Tang Xin and Chu An Qing, now chatting eagerly, bonded over their mutual connection to Lin Xian.

Though their acquaintance with Lin Xian was brief, discussing him energized their conversation.

“By the way, Tang Xin, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“It’s a bit embarrassing. I’m not sure if I should ask, but I’m really curious.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Tang Xin encouraged, finding herself liking the lively girl. “Go ahead.”

Chu An Qing took a deep breath and tied her hair back, revealing her elegant neck. Striking a pose like one from a sketch, she beamed, her cute dimples on display.

“Tang Xin, was there a girl in your high school class who looked like me?”


Tang Xin was taken aback. After a pause, she studied the radiant girl in front of her. Chu An Qing was strikingly beautiful, more so than any young girl Tang Xin had encountered before.

She had a pure and refreshing presence that made her instantly likable. Tang Xin thought back to her high school classmates, trying to recall faces from past reunions.

“I don’t remember anyone like that.”

“Really? No one?” Chu An Qing’s face flushed, her heart rate picking up. “Are you sure?”

“I don’t recall,” Tang Xin said with a reassuring smile. “If there had been someone as pretty as you, I definitely would have remembered.”

“But it’s been a while, and I transferred schools just a few days after starting. So, I might not be the best person to ask. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, it’s nothing really! I just heard Lin Xian mention it once,” Chu An Qing quickly changed the subject and excused herself. “I need to get ready for makeup and hair.”

“Okay, see you later.”

Tang Xin waved her off, smiling, without giving the conversation much more thought.

Lin Xian returned to his special seat as the audience began to filter in. Soon after, Zhao Ying Jun arrived, sitting beside him with her handbag.

“Lin Xian, you’re here early.”

“Yeah, I wanted to say hi to a high school friend who’s performing today.”

“Which performance?”

“The symphony orchestra. She’s a violinist.”

Zhao Ying Jun glanced at the program. “She’s performing ninth, right before An Qing’s ballet?”

“That’s right.” For a moment, Lin Xian was at a loss for words. Feeling a bit awkward, he decided to concentrate on the performances.

The concert kicked off, and each performance was impressive. Even Lin Xian, who typically wasn’t keen on classical music, felt the enchantment of the event.

Tang Xin’s symphony orchestra played various pieces, showcasing diverse styles. Although Tang Xin was the lead violinist, she blended seamlessly with the other musicians. Lin Xian didn’t find anything particularly standout about her performance.

In contrast, Chu An Qing’s ballet solo captivated everyone. The stage was hers alone, with only a piano accompanying in the background. Without Lin Xian’s presence, Chu An Qing’s true talent shone brightly.

She performed with professionalism and grace, earning a roaring applause from the audience. Lin Xian clapped earnestly, recognizing that Chu An Qing’s skill was authentic and not just a result of nepotism.

Somewhere in the VIP seating, Chu Shan He was likely clapping just as hard. Knowing Chu An Qing was performing, he wouldn’t have missed it. Yet, the expansive seating made it difficult to locate him.

The subsequent performances also kept Lin Xian absorbed. Backstage, Chu An Qing joined Tang Xin in the symphony orchestra’s rest area. Their similar dispositions made it easy for them to strike up a friendship.

Chu An Qing’s curiosity about Lin Xian’s high school days dovetailed with Tang Xin’s interest in his current life, sparking an engaging conversation.

Eventually, the concert concluded successfully. As the performers packed up and changed, Chu An Qing and Tang Xin continued their animated chat. The audience began to exit in an orderly fashion.

Lin Xian stretched, feeling worn out from the three-and-a-half-hour concert.

“Lin Xian, I’m heading out,” Zhao Ying Jun called out at the theater entrance, heading towards the parking lot.

Lin Xian explained he had a small gathering with his classmates afterwards, so he wouldn’t join her.

People gradually left the theater, making their way to the parking lot and driving off. Gao Yang also bid farewell before leaving with his colleagues.

Lin Xian lingered at the theater entrance, watching the dispersing crowd, waiting for Tang Xin to finish changing.

He wondered what Tang Xin intended to give him, guessing from her straightforward nature.

After a while, Tang Xin, now wearing a coat, hurried towards him.

“Sorry to keep you waiting!”

“No, I didn’t wait long at all.”

“Hehe, how was my performance? Was my violin playing good?” Tang Xin seemed thrilled with her own performance.

“It was great,” Lin Xian smiled. “So, what do you want to give me?”

Tang Xin glanced at her watch.

“Oh no, it’s still not here. Zhou Duan Yun is so slow!”

“Zhou Duan Yun?”

Lin Xian was surprised by the name. Were they planning something together?

Beep beep!

A car horn sounded across the street. It was late, and the street was mostly empty, the sound distinctly noticeable.

They looked up to see a Rolls-Royce Phantom parked by the sidewalk. Zhou Duan Yun stepped out and waved, grinning.

“Hehe, speaking of him, here he is,” Tang Xin turned to Lin Xian with a delighted expression. “Wait here; I’ll go get it!”

“Uh…” Lin Xian was puzzled, not sure what they were up to or how they had grown so close. But they were all classmates and had shared meals, so it wasn’t that strange.

Tang Xin ran towards the car.

Behind him, he heard the sound of running footsteps. Lin Xian turned to see Chu An Qing, now changed, holding a red phone.

“Lin Xian, where’s Tang Xin?” Chu An Qing approached breathlessly.

“She just went to get a call and forgot her phone,” Lin Xian explained, pointing to Tang Xin, who was crossing the street.

“Tang Xin!” Chu An Qing called out and chased after her.

Suddenly, Lin Xian saw a speeding taxi at the end of the road, coming fast with its lights off. He realized the imminent danger.

“Get back!” he shouted, but it was too late.

As Lin Xian yelled, Tang Xin was already in the middle of the street, turning to look back at Chu An Qing.


Lin Xian used all his strength to pull Chu An Qing back onto the sidewalk. But in that next moment, Tang Xin was hit by the speeding taxi, thrown into the air.

“Tang Xin!!” Lin Xian and Chu An Qing fell onto the sidewalk, splattered with blood. Chu An Qing looked at the blood on her white dress and fainted.

Lin Xian felt as if the world had gone silent. Then—


Tang Xin’s body hit the cement road, blood pooling around her.

“Tang Xin!!!” Lin Xian scrambled to his feet, rushing to her side, his heart breaking. He cradled Tang Xin’s broken body.

The taxi didn’t stop, vanishing around the corner.

“Tang Xin…” Lin Xian felt her body go limp in his arms. He looked into her eyes, seeing them darken, much like Xu Yun’s that New Year’s Eve.

Slowly, Tang Xin’s broken left hand lifted, brushing against Lin Xian’s face.

Her arm dropped, lifeless, leaving only bloodstained marks on Lin Xian’s cheek.

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