Genius Club

Chapter 138: High School Reunion

New Year’s Day

The small town buzzed with New Year’s festivities. Lin Xian stood in the courtyard, responding to Chu An Qing’s New Year’s greeting when—

“Hey, bro!”

Gao Yang burst in with a loud “Happy New Year!” and playfully bumped bellies with Lin Xian.

“Done with family celebrations?” Lin Xian asked, seeing Gao Yang for the first time in days, despite them living in the same complex.

“Yeah, just finished a marathon of traditions and visits,” Gao Yang confirmed.

Lin Xian’s mother invited them inside and offered snacks, commenting on their appearances.

“It’s been a year since I last saw you two. Lin Xian, you’ve kept in shape. But Gao Yang, you seem to have put on a few pounds!”

“Auntie, you always know just what to say!” Gao Yang laughed, throwing an arm around Lin Xian’s shoulders. “Lin Xian has to stay fit; he’s the top male model at his company. The female executives love him!”

“Stop spreading rumors,” Lin Xian warned, shrugging off Gao Yang’s arm to avoid any misunderstandings about his career.

Lin Xian’s mother laughed and said, “You boys are at the right age to start looking for partners. They don’t need to be from Donghai City; traveling is so easy these days.”

“Don’t worry, Auntie!” Gao Yang said, grabbing some sunflower seeds. “Lin Xian has plenty of options. At our upcoming high school reunion, several girls were asking about him! Tang Xin, Wen Jing, Li Ling…”

“Let’s not gossip,” Lin Xian cut in. “Is everything set for the reunion on the fifth? How many are coming?”

“It’s hard to say exactly; people are indecisive, but about thirty have confirmed, including our class advisor.”

Thirty was a good number, considering their class had about fifty to sixty students. In college, Lin Xian had forgotten many faces and remembered only a few names. He was curious about Tang Xin, who had moved abroad soon after school started. Why would she attend a reunion after such a brief time with them?

“Do you remember Tang Xin?” Lin Xian asked. “What does she look like now?”

“No idea,” Gao Yang shrugged. “I just know she’s female.”

“You didn’t ask anyone about her?”

“Who to ask? She wasn’t well-known to us.” Gao Yang casually tossed some sunflower seed shells. “Why the interest? You’ll see her at the reunion.”

“Fair enough.”

New Year’s Festivities

The following days were filled with visits to relatives, traditional activities, and late-night sessions of drinking and card games. Needing some rest, Lin Xian went to bed early on the third day.

That night, he dreamt of a quiet, poor village. He borrowed Big Cat Face’s motorcycle to enjoy the night scenery of New Donghai City from afar. Arriving at their usual spot near the garbage treatment plant, he found it unusually empty, wondering if Big Cat Face and the others had changed their plans or if something unexpected had happened.

“Not impossible,” he thought, though it wasn’t crucial to his plans. Soon, CC would join their group as the sixth ‘Saint Seiya,’ reuniting their odd crew from his initial dream.

January 5th, Evening, Guihe Hotel

“Hey, Xia Lin Xian, Xia Yuan! You twins have bulked up together!”

Gao Yang playfully teased the twins as he marked their names on his attendance list.

“Always late, just like in school!” The twins laughed. Despite their identical looks, Lin Xian could still tell them apart, their subtle differences now more evident.

“Expecting more people?” Xia Yuan asked.

“A few more,” Gao Yang replied. “Go ahead and mingle; Lin Xian and I will welcome the others.”

As the twins went to the main gathering, Lin Xian and Gao Yang greeted several more female classmates, directing them upstairs.

Watching them go, Gao Yang grinned. “Notice the changes? Four years of college really adds some polish!”

“They’ve learned to use makeup and dress well; it’s quite normal,” Lin Xian observed.

“You should consider your options, Lin Xian. None of our classmates are married yet.”

“That’s expected… we just graduated. Who’d be married already?”

“True enough,” Gao Yang agreed, checking his nearly complete list. “It’s amazing; everyone pursued further education, regardless of the school’s prestige. It’s different from some other classes where people stopped after high school.”

“Just two left to arrive… Tang Xin and Zhou Duan Yun. What’s holding them up?”

“Should I call Tang Xin? She might need directions, being barely acquainted with us,” Lin Xian suggested.

“Good idea,” Gao Yang agreed, reaching for his phone, but just then—

“Hi, Lin Xian.” A soft, melodious voice stopped them.

They turned to see a tall woman with short hair in a stylish brown coat, exuding the confidence of a TV presenter.

Gao Yang gave Lin Xian a knowing look.

“Remember me?” she asked, her voice gentle as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her smile shy. “I’m Tang Xin.”

“Oh—oh oh oh oh!” Gao Yang exaggerated his reaction, laughing. “Of course, we remember you! How could we forget someone like you? Right, Lin Xian?”

Lin Xian smiled and nodded. Whether he remembered her or not, he couldn’t be impolite to Tang Xin.

“It’s been so long. I hardly recognized you at first; you left for overseas studies so soon. When did you get back?”

Lin Xian feigned familiarity, relying on the little he remembered.

“I’m surprised you remember me,” Tang Xin said, clearly pleased, her gaze locked on Lin Xian. “I thought I’d been forgotten.”

“How could I forget? We were classmates, after all.”

“I just got back a few days ago,” Tang Xin shared, her eyes sparkling. “I heard you’ve made quite a name for yourself in Donghai City, even becoming a VP at a major company. That’s impressive.”

“Just luck,” Lin Xian downplayed.

“I plan to move to Donghai City after the New Year,” Tang Xin revealed, adjusting her bag. “I’ll definitely need your guidance since I’m not familiar with the area.”

“Absolutely,” Lin Xian assured her, patting Gao Yang on the shoulder. “Gao Yang is there too. Feel free to reach out. We’re classmates, after all; don’t be a stranger.”

“Thank you,” Tang Xin responded, her smile sweet. “You haven’t changed at all, Lin Xian. I recognized you right away.”

“That’s quite a memory…”

Tang Xin’s warmth was disarming, especially since Lin Xian had no recollection of her. Yet, she remembered him clearly from their brief days as classmates five years earlier.

“Absolutely! You made a strong impression,” Tang Xin giggled, showing a bright, confident smile. “Do you remember…”

“Whoa! Lin Xian, look! A Rolls-Royce! Whoa!”

Gao Yang’s sudden shout drew their attention. Lin Xian turned to see a striking black and purple Rolls-Royce Phantom arriving at the hotel.

Hotel attendants quickly approached as a man in a sleek suit with slicked-back hair stepped out, adjusting his collar confidently.

“Lin Xian… Dragon King Asura Chen Beixuan is here,” Gao Yang whispered.

“Who?” Lin Xian whispered back.

“Zhou Duan Yun! Don’t you recognize him?”

Lin Xian blinked in surprise. Zhou Duan Yun, once a quiet, simply dressed student, was now unrecognizable as a polished businessman.

“Gao Class Rep,” Zhou Duan Yun greeted Gao Yang warmly, extending his hand.

“Zhou Duan Yun! You’ve really made it big!”

“Just business. Didn’t have time to change. Didn’t want to be ridiculed for my appearance.”

Zhou Duan Yun then turned to Lin Xian with a smile, offering his hand. “Lin Xian, long time no see. You’re still as sharp-looking as ever.”

“And you seem more mature than any of us,” Lin Xian noted.

It seemed everyone remembered him distinctly. Was he genuinely that memorable?

“So, where are you working these days?” Zhou Duan Yun inquired.

“In Donghai, just making a living,” Lin Xian replied casually.

“Really?” Zhou Duan Yun’s smile broadened. “I’m planning to move to Donghai City after the New Year too!”

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