Genius Club

Chapter 132: A Miracle Spanning 600 Years

“What is this?” Lin Xian wondered aloud, turning the card over to read the back. It explained that the book had been discovered in an ancient tomb with this card inside, later restored and printed with the book. The tomb contained the remains of a young woman who archaeologists believed had written the card as a farewell to her lover before dying of an illness.

Lin Xian flipped the card back to its front. The handwriting was delicate yet firm, filled with deep sadness. The woman’s wish was simple: she wanted recognition for her book, Introduction to Universal Constants. Sadly, even 600 years later, as the world faced an impending apocalypse, scholars still dismissed the book as flawed and unimportant. Yet, their enduring love and the book’s preservation touched many hearts.

“Qi Qi…” Lin Xian murmured, thinking it might be her name. He wondered if she had somehow survived into 2023. He planned to visit Liu Feng, the book’s original author, in Shanxi after New Year’s, hoping to meet this resilient girl, Qi Qi. But if the book had been published, why was there no trace of it online?

Suddenly, alarms blared through the bookstore.

“Lin Xian, we need to go!” CC shouted.

Nodding, Lin Xian dropped the book and sprinted with CC towards the ground floor. As they exited, two robotic police dogs leaped at them!

Bang! Bang!

Lin Xian drew his gun and fired, the dogs’ heads exploding in sparks and metal, their bodies twitching on the ground. CC, wide-eyed with her gun still holstered, watched in shock. Then—


Another shot rang out.

“Get down!” Lin Xian shouted, pulling CC aside in a swift motion.

Crash! Crash!

A jet ski-like vehicle crashed down, its uniformed rider bearing a fatal wound, blood and brain matter splattered around.

“Get on!” Lin Xian unfastened the rider’s seatbelt and pushed the body off the vehicle.

“Do you know how to drive this?” CC asked, climbing onto the back seat.

“We’ll find out soon enough.”

Lin Xian hopped into the driver’s seat, grabbed the handlebars, and figured it resembled an electric scooter.

“Hold tight!”

CC wrapped her arms around Lin Xian. He revved the throttle and yanked the handlebars—


The vehicle surged with power, lifting them skyward!

“Woohoo!” Lin Xian yelled, exhilarated.

“Lin Xian! Look behind us!”

CC, still holding onto Lin Xian, turned to see drones with green lights approaching fast.

“Hold on tight!”

Lin Xian maxed out the throttle. The vehicle sped forward, weaving through buildings at breakneck speed.

Buzz! Buzz!

The relentless drones closed in, their green lasers trained on them. Lin Xian dove into the bustling traffic below, narrowly avoiding collisions thanks to some auto-avoidance tech.


Lin Xian was initially puzzled but quickly understood; such technology was already in development in 2023. Suddenly, the vehicle became uncontrollable, ascending away from the traffic flow.

Despite Lin Xian’s efforts, the handlebars wouldn’t respond. He turned to see CC’s terrified face, green laser dots reflecting off her, mirroring those on his own face.

“It looks like this game is over. See you tomorrow,” Lin Xian managed a resigned smile.

“What?” CC was confused.

“Actually, I have a banquet tomorrow… maybe after the New Year.”


Everything turned a blinding green, then darkness enveloped them.

Lin Xian gasped, sitting upright in bed! He clutched his chest and scrambled to his desk, grabbing a pencil with shaky hands to write down:

“Liu Feng, born April 1996 in Shanxi, attended Shanxi University in 2014, graduated with a master’s degree in 2021. Meteor shower, Qi Qi.”

Forcing one eye open, he scribbled the crucial details. After calming down, he sighed in relief, thinking, “Though I didn’t find the safe in New Donghai City, finding the Introduction to Universal Constants is a major breakthrough.”

Staring at Liu Feng’s name on the paper, Lin Xian noted he’d be almost 27, likely still alive. He tried searching online using various keywords—Liu Feng, universal constants, Shanxi University—but found nothing.

“That’s odd,” Lin Xian scratched his head. If the book had indeed been found and published, even privately, there should be some record. “I’ll visit Shanxi after the New Year. I’ll find Liu Feng at the university and speak with him.”

Lin Xian stood, opened the curtains, and watched as early evening darkness gave way to the bright lights of Donghai City. Tomorrow was the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, signaling the New Year’s banquet hosted by the Donghai Chamber of Commerce. It was time to get ready for the festivities.

The following evening, at 6:30 PM, Lin Xian dressed in his banquet suit, tied his bowtie, and styled his hair before catching a cab to Chu Shan He’s exclusive venue. Along the way, he observed the festive streets, adorned with glowing decorations.

“New Year,” he whispered softly.

The past year had been a rollercoaster but fruitful. Since last December, Lin Xian had undergone countless experiences. The two cars that struck Xu Yun remained untraced… Initially, many online users urged the Donghai police to solve the case. However, as time passed, public attention shifted to other events. While Xu Yun had once dominated headlines, now a new TV series, Crazy, captivated viewers with its thrilling climax, overshadowing the tragic New Year’s Day accident of 2023 that claimed Xu Yun’s life.

“Who killed Xu Yun?”

Lin Xian frowned, renewing his vow to uncover the murderer, although still uncertain of where to start. When would Zhao Ying Jun appoint him as her secretary and reveal the vault’s password?

“We’re here,” announced the cab driver, his sunglasses oddly in place despite the night.

“Can you really see with those on at night?” Lin Xian asked while paying.

“Too many high beams!” the driver grumbled.

Lin Xian stepped out of the cab, greeted by the brilliant lights of a grand clubhouse. Familiar faces from TV and newspapers were everywhere, mingling and laughing as they entered. It hadn’t been long since his last visit to one of Chu Shan He’s charity galas, yet here he was, poised among them once more.

A soft, manicured hand tapped his shoulder. “Why are you just standing here?”

Lin Xian turned around and was immediately struck by the scent of Chanel’s jasmine rose perfume. The light caught the diamond and ruby earrings that Zhao Ying Jun wore, making them sparkle brilliantly. She passed by him in a rose-red, off-shoulder evening dress, her heels clicking on the floor.

“I noticed you were lost in thought when I got out of the car. What was on your mind?”

“Nothing much,” Lin Xian replied with a smile, catching up to her. “Just marveling at how quickly time passes. It’s almost the New Year already.”

“Yes,” Zhao Ying Jun agreed, walking beside him into the hall. “It’s been six months since you graduated from Donghai University. You probably didn’t expect to accomplish so much so soon.”

Lin Xian nodded. Just six months earlier, he had started at MX Company as an intern and had quickly been promoted to a full-time position. The success of the Rhine Cat mascot had catapulted his career forward unexpectedly. He was excited to see the surprise on his relatives’ and friends’ faces when he returned home for the New Year.

The hall was alive with activity. Soon, Chu Shan He and his wife made their entrance, dressed elegantly, signaling the official start of the banquet.

“In the past year, we’ve said goodbye to old friends and welcomed new ones. We live in times of constant change…”

Chu Shan He’s deep voice filled the room as he delivered his New Year’s speech. He reflected on the year’s highs and lows, achievements, and poignant moments, even mentioning Xu Yun with deep emotion. His words held the audience captivated, their faces showing nothing but respect.

Lin Xian observed Chu Shan He’s wife, Su Xiu Ying, standing gracefully behind him, her expression one of pride and joy. As his loyal partner, she kept a low profile, focusing mainly on their home. Chu Shan He was known for his strong family values, which made him seem more approachable and sincere.

Although Lin Xian didn’t know much about Chu Shan He’s family life, the couple’s warm interaction suggested a deep and loving relationship. This close family bond likely played a role in shaping their daughter Chu An Qing’s generous nature, as parents are indeed a child’s first role models.

Following the speech, the room burst into applause. Other prominent members of the Chamber of Commerce spoke and then came the award presentations, adding to the celebratory atmosphere. As the official proceedings concluded, music began to play and servers distributed exquisite dishes. The center of the room was cleared for dancing.

It was time for the traditional dance. Most attendees had brought their partners or families and gathered on the dance floor, eager for the music to start.

Up on the second floor, the orchestra conductor gave the signal, and the music intensified, with strings and brass instruments heightening the excitement.


Lin Xian recognized the melody of “Por Una Cabeza,” a classic tango tune. The lively song brought back memories. He had expected the evening to start off slow, but the upbeat tango was perfectly suited for a celebration focused on joy. The guests were already familiar with each other, so there was no need for a slow dance to break the ice.

But Lin Xian was there primarily as Zhao Ying Jun’s plus-one, her protective escort for the evening. He was quite happy to sit on the sidelines, munching on snacks and politely declining any dance requests.


Zhao Ying Jun called out to him.

“Hmm?” Lin Xian turned to her.

Under the ornate ballroom lights, intricate shadows played across her gown, her earrings swinging gently, mimicking the movements of dancers. She stood before him, her eyes shining with anticipation as she looked at Lin Xian.

“Can you dance?”

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