Genius Club

Chapter 128: The Growing Gang! New Members!

“Who said it’s just the two of us?” Lin Xian grinned at CC, pointing to the motorcycle behind them. “Hop on.”

“Where are we going?” CC asked, a mix of curiosity and worry in her eyes.

“To meet our big boss.”


Lin Xian started the motorcycle with a swift kick. He glanced at CC. “Just follow my lead and do exactly as I tell you.”

“What do you need me to do?” she asked.

“Not much,” Lin Xian mused. “Our gang members are easygoing. They’ll believe whatever we say. Just stick close.”


The motorcycle sputtered black smoke as they bounced along the rugged dirt road.

Earlier, CC had informed Lin Xian that at 9:11 PM, two garbage trucks would leave the waste processing plant, taking their usual route past the abandoned Time Bank.

Lin Xian mentally noted the time. That meant if they managed to sneak onto the garbage truck by 9:11 PM, they could hitch a ride into New Donghai City and get dropped off near the Time Bank.

Of course, this depended on CC cracking the password in time, bypassing the biometric scanner, and safely unlocking the security door.

This mission could very well be a one-way trip for both of them.

Lin Xian didn’t seem to care; he didn’t place much value on his life.

But CC’s willingness to risk everything for this operation surprised him. It seemed the name VV meant more to her than her own life.


A sudden bump nearly sent CC flying off the motorcycle. She quickly grabbed onto Lin Xian, then leaned back to maintain some distance.

“Can you tell me about you and VV?” Lin Xian shouted above the wind’s roar.

“No, I don’t want to talk about it,” CC replied coldly.

“Don’t be so distant,” Lin Xian coaxed with a smile. “Actually, the future you spilled some beans earlier, just not the whole story. Maybe VV is connected to me too.”

“Humph! Nice try,” CC laughed softly. “I would never reveal secrets about VV. Lying will only make me trust you less.”

“I believe you because you mentioned VV’s name, and that was shock enough. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have believed your tale.”

“But even if I were to believe what you said, I wouldn’t divulge more about VV.”

“Alright,” Lin Xian refocused on the road, letting the conversation drop.

Despite the time difference, past and future, CC was sharp enough to catch his lie.

The past involving VV was clearly her most treasured and painful memory. He couldn’t guess the secrets hidden there, but they likely weren’t joyful.

CC obviously held some resentment towards VV. Given her reluctance to discuss it, Lin Xian would have to rely on piecing together future bits of information.

The motorcycle sped onward.

Thump, thump, thump!

Three more bumps had CC clinging to Lin Xian again.

“Can you drive more smoothly?” CC complained.

“Stop clinging so tight!” Lin Xian retorted. “Your hair… it’s tickling my neck.”

“You think I want to?” CC grumbled, pushing herself away once again.



Another bump.

Once more, they found themselves pressed together.

“Are you doing this on purpose?” CC scowled.

“You’re so self-centered… What would I gain from this?” Lin Xian muttered.


A small fist thumped Lin Xian’s back.

“Why don’t you drive, and I’ll sit at the back?” Lin Xian suggested irritably. “Can you just cooperate a bit?”

CC huffed but remained silent.

“I know someone who looks just like you,” Lin Xian shouted over the wind.

“That’s the oldest pickup line ever.”

“See! That’s what I wanted to say! You know the biggest difference between you two?”

“I don’t want to hear it,” CC cut him off sharply.

“The biggest difference is you’re so self-centered and arrogant!” Lin Xian yelled into the wind. “She was a princess, beloved by the entire city. Yet, she never acted as vain as you! She never assumed every man was out to get her.”

“No need to beat around the bush,” CC propped herself up on Lin Xian’s shoulders, smirking. “So, you like her? Think all girls should be like her?”

“I didn’t say that.” Lin Xian swerved to avoid a pothole. “Don’t twist my words. I’m just saying we need to work together for a while. Better to clear the air now.”

“This bike is old, and the road is rough. Either hold on tight or get off and walk.” Lin Xian refused to coddle her.

People aren’t always what they seem… Even with the same face, their true nature can differ drastically.


Another bump.

CC pressed against him once again.



The rocky ride continued, with CC alternating between gripping Lin Xian’s shoulders and hugging him for stability.

Finally, they reached their destination.

Lin Xian parked the motorcycle and led CC into a nearby alley.

He checked his watch.

Just after five-thirty.

In under ten minutes, the notorious three-knife thief was due.

“What are we waiting for?” CC asked, her curiosity piqued.

“A three-knife thief.”

“A what?” CC looked bewildered.

Suddenly, the distant cries of Mrs. Li echoed through the air: “Catch—catch the thief! Catch… catch the… thief!”


A thief wearing a black hat sprinted past the alley’s entrance.

Lin Xian stepped forward, coming face to face with the frantic Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li clutched Lin Xian’s arm as if holding onto a lifeline. “Young man…”

“Alright, wait.” Lin Xian dashed after the thief without hesitation.

“Hey!” CC, unsure of her role, quickly followed, watching Lin Xian’s expert maneuvers.



Like a seasoned assembly line worker, Lin Xian swiftly confiscated three knives from the thief, then used the thief’s belt to tie his hands behind his back.

CC watched, amazed by the smooth sequence, blinking at Lin Xian. “How are you so good at this?”

“I’ve done it so many times… I could do it blindfolded.”

Lin Xian looked at the thief, who lay on the ground, pants around his ankles, writhing like a fish out of water, then dusted off his hands.

“Now, we just wait for our boss. You hide in the alley.”

CC nodded, remembering Lin Xian’s earlier mentions of time loops, the future, and the looming destruction at 00:42…

She took cover in the alley, stealing one last glance at Lin Xian.

“If you can really manipulate time… why not bring me here directly? Seeing the future would convince me more.”

“Good point.” Lin Xian acknowledged her suggestion.

CC was right. Mentioning VV was just a way to build trust. To fully earn CC’s trust, he needed to show his control over the future.

Next time, he could skip the explanations and directly expose her to future events to convince her.


A stack of firewood at the end of the alley toppled over, and Big Cat Face appeared as expected.

“I think it’s a good idea.”

San Pang nodded wisely, supporting Lin Xian’s decision to join the gang.

“Alright! That settles it then!”

Big Cat Face laughed heartily, draping an arm around Lin Xian’s shoulders. “From today, you’re one of us!”

“Brother Face, this capture wasn’t all my doing.” Lin Xian pointed to the grounded thief. “I have a skilled partner who can climb walls as well as I can. She has extensive knowledge of New Donghai City’s waste processing plant. She’s truly talented. How about letting her join the gang too?”

“Oh? A talent!” Big Cat Face nodded. “We always welcome talent, but… even with your recommendation, she must undergo our initiation process and secure a majority vote.”

“No problem,” Lin Xian motioned to CC, who was lurking in the shadows. “Come on out, CC. This is our big brother, Big Cat.”

CC, dressed in a sleek black outfit, stepped forward with graceful movements. Her model-like stature cast a long shadow in the setting sun.

She smiled, her eyes forming graceful crescents, and faint dimples appeared. Her delicate features resembled a blooming white pear blossom. She raised her slender right hand and waved to everyone.


San Pang stood up straight, his nostrils flaring like a steam engine. He stepped forward and firmly shook Lin Xian’s hand, eagerly asking, “Is she your girlfriend?”


San Pang sneered, eyeing CC with skepticism. “We don’t welcome women in the gang. This is a joke! Other gangs would mock us! I vote no to her joining.”

Big Cat Face nodded in agreement. He hadn’t expected Lin Xian’s partner to be a woman.

“What’s wrong with women?!” Ah Zhuang stepped forward, his voice rising. “Change is necessary! If we don’t evolve, we’ll become extinct! I vote yes! Let this heroine join!”

“Damn!” Big Cat Face was taken aback, tapping Ah Zhuang on the head. “Where did you pick up such words? That’s not your usual style!”

San Pang glanced at CC, then at her charming smile, and nodded thoughtfully. “I think it’s a good idea.”

Big Cat Face turned and thumped San Pang on the head. “You agree again? Learned to make quick decisions, huh?”

In short…

Two votes in favor, one against.

“Alright.” Big Cat Face nodded reluctantly. “We’re a democracy. So, welcome to the gang! What’s your name?”

“CC.” CC couldn’t help but laugh, looking at Lin Xian. “Your friends are entertaining. Why not call it the Cat Gang instead of the Face Gang?”

“That’s a deep philosophical question,” Lin Xian whispered, joining Big Cat Face, Ah Zhuang, and San Pang in a round of applause.

“Welcome to the gang!”

“Thank you, I’m honored.”

“Hmm… this gadget does look like something the waste plant supervisors use.”

In the courtyard of Li Cheng’s residence.

The burly Li Cheng examined the Bluetooth earpiece-like device and handed it back to CC. “You cracked this? You can monitor all the operations at the waste plants in New Donghai City?”

“Yes.” CC explained, “You can track the departure and arrival times of all the garbage trucks, along with their tasks.”

“Tonight at 11:19, a shipment of water-damaged books will be transported to the waste plant,” Lin Xian informed Li Cheng, getting straight to the point. “Boss Li, this is a golden opportunity. While they may not be historical texts, there are many other valuable books and materials. The drone patrols are the same as usual. It’s the perfect time for you to steal the books.”

Li Cheng nodded. Seeing the Bluetooth-like device, he had no doubts about their claims.

“Thank you for this crucial information. What do you need from us? I’ll assist with whatever I can.”

Lin Xian and CC exchanged looks and laid out their plan.

They aimed to infiltrate Waste Plant 221, a facility that Big Cat Face and his crew had long targeted. Two garbage trucks would leave at 9:11 PM, offering an ideal chance to sneak into New Donghai City. If they managed to bypass the security door, the truck would transport them directly to Time Bank, where they could disembark and crack the safe.

All they required was some manpower and a human ladder. Big Cat Face and Li Ning Ning didn’t need to join them on the perilous mission.

Once they were inside, Big Cat Face and Li Ning Ning could head to Waste Plant 314 to pilfer the books.

It was an exchange of information for aid.

Li Cheng was taken aback by their daring plan to breach New Donghai City, but after witnessing their resolve, he consented.

“See, we’ve got our ladder,” Lin Xian told CC.

CC bit her lip and nodded. “You’re impressive. At first, I doubted you were really Lin Xian… but now, with all these incredible events unfolding, you might actually be him.”

“That’s right.” Lin Xian grinned. “While we should rely on science, phenomena that defy explanation aren’t necessarily unscientific. Maybe the safe and VV in your thoughts are both connected to me.”

“That’s impossible.” CC shook her head confidently. “You’re nothing like VV.”

Not alike?

CC’s words brought Lin Xian back to his thoughts of her and Chu An Qing…

Identical in appearance, different in personality, not the same individual.

If so, what about the middle-aged man with the beard and himself?

Could they be the same?

Same voice, possibly similar in other ways, but not the same person.

What could it mean?


Lin Xian shook his head, puzzled.

But he sensed that if he could unravel the mystery between CC and Chu An Qing, he might also discover the secret of his own enigma with the bearded man.

“Let’s go!”

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