Genius Club

Chapter 124: CCs Secret

“Well, let’s hear it. Can you do it or not?”

Time was running out; the dream was about to end. Lin Xian was growing impatient with CC, pressing her to reveal her plans.

CC twirled a device in her hand that resembled a Bluetooth headset. “This gadget can remotely connect to the biometric security door. It needs to be within a certain distance, but as long as we can crack the password quickly, we’re in.”

“Once we get the door’s password, we can skip the security check. It seems like it’s meant for internal use.”

Lin Xian nodded, understanding the situation. CC’s plan involved sneaking into New Donghai City by hiding in a garbage truck and entering through the steel gate. Although there was a biometric security door inside, CC, a skilled password cracker, could use the headset-like device to hack the door’s password remotely. If they managed to crack the password before the biometric system activated, they could safely enter New Donghai City.

The plan was fraught with danger. Any slip-up could be fatal. However, Lin Xian valued his life less than the possibility of success. He was prepared to take endless risks in the dream world if it meant a chance at success.

“I get it,” Lin Xian said, taking off his Rhine Cat mask and standing up. He stared at the distant steel gate. “Your plan is logical,” he began. “The real challenge is…”

“We need someone who can crack the password.” He gazed at CC. “That’s where you come in.”

“Don’t look at me,” CC replied, her smile mischievous as she shook her head. “I just shared the method. I didn’t say I’d join you. I told you because we traded information earlier, nothing more.”

“You said this safe was more important than your life.”

“It’s one thing to risk your life, another to throw it away.” CC brushed her bangs back, looking earnestly at Lin Xian. “Maybe I wasn’t clear before. Cracking a password isn’t always possible within our time limit. I know how the garbage trucks operate because of the data on this device. I’ve never been inside. I don’t know the exact security procedures or the biometric system.”

“In theory, bypassing the biometric scanner by hacking the password could work. But can we be sure it’ll succeed?”

Lin Xian sat next to CC on the safe. “What are you doing?” she asked, eyeing him suspiciously and scooting away.

“I’m thinking…” Lin Xian stroked his chin thoughtfully. “I’m considering how to convince you that the world ends at 00:42, that time can reset, and there’s no tomorrow, just endless todays.”

“Why does sitting next to me help? Can’t you think over there?”

CC stood and leaned against a stack of safes, watching Lin Xian. Trust was the issue here.

Lin Xian sighed internally. Gaining CC’s trust was vital, not just now, but also in her past iterations from earlier in the day. It was a formidable challenge.

He trusted the accuracy of CC’s information. Yet without her expertise, they couldn’t hack the security door. Was learning hacking himself in a few months feasible? Unlikely. Even if he picked up the skills quickly, obtaining CC’s specialized device was another barrier.

It seemed simpler to convince her to trust him.

“CC,” Lin Xian said earnestly, “the man in your fragmented memories, the bearded, long-haired middle-aged man, it might be me.”

“That’s ridiculous,” she scoffed.

“Then why does the voice fit?”

“Lots of people sound alike.”

“My name is Lin Xian.”

“Maybe you should just call yourself Safe, then. It’d be more straightforward.”

Lin Xian threw up his hands in frustration. CC was tough to reach, quite unlike the approachable Chu An Qing.

“Let me lay it out one more time,” he said.

Sincerity can be compelling. Lin Xian decided to be as straightforward as possible, hoping to sway CC.

He looked up. “First, the world ends at 00:42, in just a few minutes. A white light will erase everything. You’ll wait endlessly for the 00:57 garbage truck, but it’ll never arrive. Your detailed plans are futile against the 00:42 white light.”

“And I have the power to reset time, to relive August 28th, 2624, over and over. It sounds crazy. But haven’t we seen enough madness already?”

“You know those memory fragments aren’t from this timeline. And I’m not from this world either, yet I jumped here from another. Isn’t that wild? Knowing where the garbage truck unloads wasn’t crazy, nor was predicting the safes’ landing spots.”

“CC, realize that this world is inherently bizarre. There are many things beyond our understanding. But ignorance of them doesn’t negate their existence.”

“To open the safe, our goals align. I’ve told you repeatedly, the only way to open it and discover what’s inside is to infiltrate New Donghai City today, locate the Time Bank, and access the safe before the garbage truck arrives.”

“This is our only option. If you believe me, we have a chance. If not, you’ll regret it forever in an endless cycle of destruction.”

Lin Xian checked his watch.


“That’s all I have to say.”

He watched CC, who was leaning against the safe.

“You have five minutes to decide. Trust me or not, it’s your call.”

The silence was palpable. In the cluttered junkyard, there was no sound of summer cicadas, only the distant hum of garbage trucks and robots, occasionally punctuated by the stench of burning trash.

Eventually, CC’s expression softened. “Even if I believe you, what then?” she asked. “As you said, you need not just my current trust, but also that of my earlier selves.”

“So even if I believe you now, how can I persuade my past selves to trust you?”

Lin Xian smiled, sensing a shift. Sincerity was having an effect; CC was hesitating.

“If you’re willing to believe me, figuring that out is your task,” he said.

“You know yourself better than anyone. You’ll know what to say or do to convince yourself.”

“If you can trust me now, then likely, your past self can too.”

“If you’re ready to try working together, then we need a secret of yours.”

“A secret?” CC tilted her head.

“What kind of secret?”

“Something only you know, crucial to you. If someone else mentions it, you’d trust them without question.”

Lin Xian explained further to make sure she understood.

“This afternoon, I’ll find you and reveal this secret. If your earlier self hears it and trusts me, then we can proceed with our plan to infiltrate New Donghai City.”

“So, this secret is the key to gaining your trust. Think carefully about what you hold most dear. I don’t need personal details, just something that, if mentioned accurately, would convince you to trust me.”

“Can you think of any secret that would make you risk everything to sneak into New Donghai City?”

CC pondered deeply. Perhaps she already trusted Lin Xian. Maybe she was just seeking a lucky break. For the current CC, sharing a convincing secret wasn’t a burden.

“VV,” she finally said, looking up at Lin Xian. “The bearded man’s name is VV.”

“VV,” Lin Xian echoed. “If I tell your earlier self this name, she’ll trust me?”

“She should,” CC nodded. “This name means a lot to me. If you mention it now, I’d trust you.”

“So I think my past self would too.”

“Good.” Lin Xian nodded. “Thanks for the secret. Where will you be this noon and afternoon?”

“I’ll be hiding in the woods behind Li Cheng’s house.” CC chuckled. “I don’t know why I’m buying into your story. You’d make a great speaker or host. Your words are strangely compelling.”

“You have good judgment,” Lin Xian replied, checking his watch.


Just in time. He had 23 seconds before the world ended to secure CC’s trust.

“Look at your watch,” he urged. “In 20 seconds, the world ends.”

“I don’t believe it,” CC murmured, yet she raised her wrist and watched the second hand tick. “Counting down to the world’s end is bizarre… it feels like this world is unreal.”

“Ever seen The Truman Show?” Lin Xian asked.

“What’s that?” CC appeared puzzled.

“A movie.” Lin Xian smiled and waved. “If we never meet again, good morning, good afternoon… and good night.”




As predicted, a blinding white light enveloped everything.


Lin Xian awoke in the corner of his bedroom.

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