Genius Club

Chapter 121: Donghai 007

Zhao Ying Jun stood in surprise, staring at the crumpled bouquet. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she picked it up, gently cradling it in her hands.

“This is quite the surprise,” she remarked, her expression softening.

Carefully, Zhao Ying Jun examined the wilted roses, adjusting each stem to recreate a graceful arc. Lin Xian watched her, noticing a relaxed smile on her face, something he wasn’t used to seeing. She was usually so consumed with work, her brow perpetually furrowed in thought. To him, she often seemed more like a machine—efficient, precise, flawless. But now, as she smiled, she looked genuinely joyful, the smile transforming her into a vibrant 24-year-old.

A gentle breeze played with her shoulder-length hair and made her crystal blue earrings glint like a constellation under the moonlight. After a moment, Zhao looked up at Lin Xian, her smile broadening.

“This might be the most unique birthday gift I’ve ever received.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Lin Xian responded, smiling back. “It’s probably not as elaborate as the ones you’re used to.”

Given Zhao’s background as a wealthy heiress, her usual birthday gifts were nothing short of lavish and opulent.

“Those gifts…” Zhao turned away, her gaze drifting to the shimmering reflection of the Pearl Tower on the water. “I can barely remember them. There were just too many.”

Her eyes snapped back from the waterfront. “But this bouquet… I think I’ll remember this one for a long time.”

“Let’s go,” she said abruptly, turning so quickly her hair swirled around her. The fragrance of her shampoo lingered in the air as her high heels clicked toward the police car.

The police quickly located the culprit and the discarded shotgun. Despite tumbling from the elevated bridge, the criminal survived with minor injuries but faced a lengthy imprisonment due to his actions.

A tow truck hauled away the mangled Bentley Continental GT, and a police car escorted Zhao Ying Jun and Lin Xian back to the station to give their statements.

“You two again?” the officer exclaimed, recognizing them immediately.

Lin Xian nodded at Officer Liu, the same officer who had taken their statements during the incident at the hospital involving Xu Yun.

“Do you two have some sort of magnet for trouble?” Officer Liu joked as he settled down with his notebook.

“Do you mean… a Conan Syndrome?” Lin Xian quipped.

“That’s the one,” Officer Liu laughed. “Just kidding, though. As a cop, I’d prefer our paths crossed less often—it’s usually not under the best circumstances.”

They quickly recounted the evening’s events, and their statements were soon recorded.

“Alright,” Officer Liu concluded, closing his notebook and standing. “That’s all for now. We have your contact info and will reach out if needed.”

“But I’d suggest staying cautious for a while… avoid risky areas. There’s always a chance of backlash, though nothing’s certain. We’ll inform you if any threats emerge.”

Both nodded and exited the station. Zhao Ying Jun’s driver was already waiting with a sedan at the entrance.

“Get in, Lin Xian. We’ll drop you off first.”


By the time Lin Xian arrived home, dawn was breaking. He stretched, his body aching, then took a hot shower and collapsed into bed, staring at the ceiling. Reflecting on their wild drive over the bridge, the entire episode felt surreal. It was his daring, no-hesitation attitude that had made their escape possible. Any pause could have spelled disaster.

As sunlight began peeking through the curtains, Lin Xian thought back to their conversation at the railing. Zhao had unexpectedly opened up about her family, her parents, and her motivations for starting her business—details she hadn’t even shared with her closest associates.

“She trusts me,” Lin Xian realized. “Our relationship is definitely evolving.”

“One step at a time,” he thought, turning off the light and drifting off to sleep.

Lin Xian’s sleep was interrupted around noon by his ringing phone. Gao Yang’s name flashed on the caller ID.

“Hello?” Lin Xian answered, still half asleep.

“Donghai 007!”


“James Bond Xian!”

“If you’ve got nothing important, I’m hanging up.”

“Wait, wait! Don’t you know you’re famous now?”

Lin Xian sighed, frustrated. “Of course, I know. Saw it this morning…”

While taking a break in the restroom, Lin Xian scrolled through his phone and noticed several group chats buzzing with short videos that seemed straight out of a Hollywood action flick.

The clips were shot from various angles—some from surveillance cameras, others from high-rise buildings, and a few from underneath an elevated bridge. Despite the differing viewpoints, they all captured the same jaw-dropping scene: a blue Bentley Continental GT convertible soaring across an elevated bridge under the moonlight.

The most popular video, which was slightly blurry, was filmed from below the bridge. It showed a man and a woman in the car. The person who posted it said they were taking moonlit pictures of their girlfriend when they accidentally caught this “epic moment.”

His iPhone’s video feature had captured the spectacle: the blue Bentley Continental GT convertible rocketing over the Donghai City suburbs’ elevated bridge against the backdrop of a full moon. It resembled a scene from a romantic fairy tale or an exhilarating anime.

The comments section was filled with humorous reactions:

“Wow! Donghai 007! James Bond has arrived!”

“Oscar-worthy ‘Leap of Donghai.'”

“This is real ‘Drive Wild’! How can yesterday’s fishmonger film even compare?”

“Donghai now has its own Hollywood!”

“What were those two thinking? Risking it all for love? Did she say yes?”

“Using a $700,000 Bentley Continental GT with a V12 engine for stunts like this?”

The event had made “Donghai 007” a viral sensation.

Fortunately, it was nighttime and the videos were too unclear to identify the individuals in the car. But for those familiar with Lin Xian and the car, there was no mistaking it.

As Gao Yang put it, “I’ve known you so long I could spot you even if you were ashes! Even pixelated, I’d recognize those color blocks!”

“If there’s nothing else, I’m hanging up,” Lin Xian interjected.

“Wait, wait! There’s something else I need to ask about your New Year plans.”

Gao Yang’s voice grew serious. “This year, I’m going back home alone. You won’t see me there.”


“An uncle of mine passed away yesterday, so I’m heading back today. I’ve taken some leave and won’t return until after the Spring Festival.”

“That’s quite a break,” Lin Xian yawned, not really thinking much of it. Donghai and their hometown of Hangzhou were close, and with Gao Yang having family issues, it made sense for him to leave earlier.

“Alright, go ahead. I have to be at the office this afternoon, so I won’t be able to see you off.”

“Okay. And don’t forget the class reunion on the fifth! Lots of girls have been asking about you!”

“Got it,” Lin Xian replied before Gao Yang ended the call.

Lin Xian checked his calendar. It was January 15, 2023. The twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month. The Spring Festival was just about a week away, and Gao Yang had left quite early.

The high school reunion was scheduled for the fifth day of the first lunar month, still some days away.


As he put down his phone, WeChat pinged again. It was a message from Chu An Qing.

Chu An Qing: Video

Chu An Qing: Lin Xian, senior! Is that you and Zhao Ying Jun in the video? I’ve seen her driving that blue car!

Without even opening the video, Lin Xian knew which scene it was—he had seen that moonlit Bentley and elevated bridge image far too many times. He filled Chu An Qing in on the situation.

Chu An Qing was astounded. “This… this is more thrilling than a movie! No wonder everyone’s calling you Donghai 007! Are you good at driving?”

“Just a bit.”

“Haha! Could you take me for a spin sometime?”

“You’d have to ask the Bentley first.”

“What does the Bentley say?”

“The Bentley’s totaled.”


After wrapping up the chat with the always-cheerful Chu An Qing, Lin Xian prepared for work.

At the office, the buzz was all about “Donghai 007” and “Leap of Donghai.” Everyone had seen the car in the parking lot and figured that Zhao Ying Jun and Lin Xian were the daredevils involved.

As Lin Xian entered, he felt every eye on him, their faces wearing mischievous grins.

“What’s going on?” he asked, uneasy under their stares.

“You’re a legend,” said Wang from marketing, slapping Lin Xian on the back. “Zhao is usually so punctual… Today, she’s late because of you.”

“What do you mean ‘because of me’? I was a victim too…” Lin Xian retorted. The criminal had jabbed him several times with the shotgun, and his head was still throbbing.

“Zhao went to the hospital,” mentioned Sister Juan from design, passing by with a smile. “She hurt her leg, but it’s nothing serious. She should be back later today.”

“Oh,” Lin Xian nodded. “Must be from the crash.”

“You crashed into her?” Wang leaned closer.

“The car crashed…” Lin Xian sighed. “Why does everything sound so twisted when you say it, Wang?”

“It was a close call, and I just couldn’t stop the car. I never planned to jump the bridge; it wasn’t a game…”

Wang chuckled and pulled Lin Xian aside, lowering his voice. “You know, I’ve been with Zhao from the start. She’s never been out alone with any man before you! You’re the first!”

“The driver doesn’t count?”

“The driver is just the driver, and you’re you. Don’t you see? I’m not saying Zhao loves you!”

“Then what are you trying to say?”

“Zhao trusts you! That’s a big deal!” Wang’s face turned serious. “I have some news for you.”


“I visited Zhao at the hospital this morning. She mentioned that with the company expanding, she’s thinking about promoting a secretary!”

Wang grinned and clapped Lin Xian on the back. “She’s very interested in you!”

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