Genius Club

Chapter 119: Speeding Wildly


A blue Bentley raced down the elevated expressway like a missile.

Lin Xian felt the cold, hard metal of a double-barrel shotgun pressed against his forehead, sending shivers down his spine. He had often fantasized about such scenarios, but now, faced with the reality, he was frozen with fear.

“Turn back, you idiot!”

The ragged man cursed, pressing the gun barrel even harder against Lin Xian’s forehead. His instability was palpable. Lin Xian wisely focused and kept driving.

“Calm down,” Zhao Ying Jun pleaded, her voice shaking. “Let’s talk this over. Just put the gun down.”

“Shut up!!!” The disheveled man yelled, pointing the shotgun at Zhao Ying Jun. “No more talking! Take me to Miaoke! I need to see her now!!”

The cold wind rushed past Lin Xian’s ears as he skillfully steered the vehicle, sizing up the situation.

It became painfully clear…

The vulnerability of a convertible was obvious—its lack of security! Remembering the police’s advice at the party, Lin Xian put the pieces together:

Firstly, the singer Miaoke had gone public with her relationship, which this crazed fan couldn’t handle. Armed with an antiquated shotgun, his intention was to confront her, even at the cost of his life. Aware of Miaoke’s schedule and her presence at the party, he concealed the gun within a bouquet of roses, wrapped in bright paper.

He likely planned to enter the party with the bouquet and then target Miaoke. However, the police were tipped off early and averted the attack. The man must have seen the police entering from the parking lot, so he quickly found a hiding spot… That spot turned out to be this luxurious Bentley Continental GT Convertible.

With other cars locked and covered, this convertible was his only option. The back seat of this sports car, meant for pets or small items, barely accommodated the scruffy man as he hid under the seats to escape police detection.

His initial plan was probably to wait for Lin Xian to park, then escape. But hearing Zhao Ying Jun mention that Miaoke was already home, and knowing they knew her… he enacted a desperate plan, forcing them to turn around and drive to Miaoke’s immediately.

At this moment, Lin Xian recalled a line from an autobiography written 600 years in the future…

“Just as the company was soaring, Ms. Zhao Ying Jun was tragically killed in a shooting incident, dying at midnight at the age of 23.”

Lin Xian understood the sequence of events. He had initially thought the shooting occurred while Zhao Ying Jun was en route home from the party, inadvertently getting involved. But he was mistaken. The attack wasn’t en route home but was planned near Miaoke’s residence!

When the police showed up, the party abruptly ended around 9 PM, and everyone dispersed. The criminal, hidden in the back of Zhao Ying Jun’s Bentley, went unnoticed. While driving, he emerged and, at gunpoint, demanded to be taken to Miaoke.

Upon arriving at Miaoke’s residence, something went awry, and it likely resulted in Zhao Ying Jun and Miaoke being murdered by the man. Lin Xian’s initial plan to avoid the expected shooting by taking a different route, driving along the outer ring of Donghai to ensure safety, proved futile. The real threat had been with them the entire time in the back seat!

Now, they were in a perilous situation, with the criminal pressing the shotgun to Lin Xian’s head, insisting they find Miaoke.

“Hey, let the lady out of the car. I’ll take you to Miaoke,” Lin Xian suggested as he took an exit off the elevated highway, preparing to make a U-turn.

“Standing up like this isn’t safe; the police might see you. Why don’t you sit in the passenger seat and keep the gun on me? Let the lady go first.”

“Huh?” Zhao Ying Jun widened her eyes, puzzled by Lin Xian’s sudden plan to safeguard her.

“Nobody gets out!” The criminal sternly adjusted the gun, tossing the bouquet onto the back seat and gripping the shotgun with both hands, aiming at Lin Xian’s head. “Don’t stop! Keep going! Hurry up!”

As Lin Xian slowed at a red light, the criminal jabbed him with the gun. With no other choice, Lin Xian accelerated, made the U-turn, and re-entered the elevated highway. As he steered, he exchanged a glance with Zhao Ying Jun. Their eyes met, but their expressions were filled with uncertainty and fear. Unaccustomed to such extreme peril, Lin Xian hesitated to make any sudden moves.

However, he kept an eye on the road signs whizzing by, planning his next steps. The criminal seemed determined to die, indifferent to his own life or the lives of others, hell-bent on a deadly showdown with Miaoke.

Lin Xian suspected that upon reaching their destination, the criminal would likely kill him and Zhao Ying Jun immediately before confronting Miaoke. Facing certain death, what did it matter to him if he killed one or three?

Lin Xian needed a plan. His experiences in dreams had sharpened his mental fortitude. Although real life offered no second chances, he had navigated numerous life-threatening situations in his dreams, and now he maintained his composure.

He noted in the rearview mirror… The old double-barrel shotgun was quite outdated, loaded with two rounds of buckshot—sufficient to kill small animals at close range and effective for hunting. But in a combat scenario, it had two major drawbacks:

It lacked a magazine or clip; after each shot, the barrel had to be opened and manually reloaded. Its lengthy barrel required at least half a meter to effectively hit a target in close quarters.

He needed to exploit these weaknesses…

“Drive faster! Don’t try anything funny!” The criminal cursed, jabbing Lin Xian’s head with the gun barrel once more. The barrel brushed past Lin Xian’s right ear, briefly pointing in front of his eyes, then was swiftly pulled back.

Hmph. Lin Xian smirked internally, having formulated a plan.

“You want me to drive faster?”

“Shut up and floor it!”


The twin-turbo engine roared like never before, unleashing its full 650 horsepower. The blue beast charged down the elevated highway like a leopard, like a tiger, roaring into the night. Finally, he could drive without restraint.


The thrill of acceleration! The fierce roar! The intense speed! The speedometer needle kept climbing—





This was an 80-km/h city expressway, yet Lin Xian had pushed the car to 180! And the speed was still climbing!

“Lin Xian!” Zhao Ying Jun, her eyes squeezed shut against the wind, yelled in panic, “Slow down! Slow down!”




The roaring Bentley Continental GT continued to unleash the full power of its legendary 12-cylinder engine. At 230 km/h, it was twice the highway speed limit, but still far from the Continental GT’s top speed!

“Hey!!!!!!” The breakneck speed and the razor-sharp wind left the criminal pale-faced in the backseat. “Who told you to drive this fast!” He cursed, jabbing the back of Lin Xian’s head with the gun.

This was the moment!

Lin Xian suddenly jerked his head to the left! The gun muzzle slid past his right ear and struck the dashboard!

Screeeeech— Lin Xian slammed on the brakes, the brake pads instantly sparking!

Bang!! The gun went off, shattering the dashboard glass! The vehicle’s warning lights lit up, and all the control systems and driving aids failed!

Due to the sudden stop, the criminal was thrown between Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun.

“Hold on tight!” Lin Xian shouted to Zhao Ying Jun, then floored the accelerator again!

VROOM! VROOM! VROOM! The tires screeched, the smell of burning rubber filled the air! The 650-horsepower Continental GT shot forward like an arrow from a bow—


The sudden acceleration flung the shotgun away, and the criminal couldn’t hold on, falling back into the rear seat.

“Lin Xian!” Zhao Ying Jun saw the criminal pulling out a knife and quickly threw her handbag at him.

“Ignore him! Hold on tight!” Lin Xian had seen it all through the rearview mirror…

The explosive acceleration had pushed the speed to 200 km/h in seconds. Up ahead was a sharp left turn, impossible to make at this speed. Not turning would mean crashing into the wall! Turning would mean flipping over!

“Lin Xian! Look out!!” Zhao Ying Jun screamed as the guardrail rapidly approached.

“Hold on tight!” Lin Xian shouted one last time, then bit down and floored the gas! He yanked the steering wheel to the right—

This was a move he had practiced countless times in his dreams! This was a skill he had perfected in his dreams!

The power was enough!


The Bentley Continental GT mounted the curb and hit the noise barrier, sending the car body nearly vertical! But the speed kept climbing!

The end of the turn was approaching—


The car flew over the guardrail, soaring through the air!

Everything went quiet… No tire screeching. No collisions with the guardrail. No engine roaring. Just a blue Bentley convertible soaring through the night sky, illuminated by the bright moonlight, with Zhao Ying Jun’s screams filling the air… flying toward the opposite elevated highway.

They made it! Lin Xian gripped the steering wheel tightly, staring intently at the approaching highway—


“Huh?” Below the highway, a young man taking pictures of the moon with his girlfriend frowned at the photo he had just taken…

Under the dark night sky, a convertible flew from one side of the elevated highway to the other, with a man and a woman inside. The man gripped the steering wheel tightly, and the woman covered her eyes. At the moment of the shot, their car had just leaped into the center of the full moon, turning the beautiful moonlight into a romantic backdrop, wild and spectacular.

“James Bond?” The young man scratched his head, looking up at the convertible that had flown over the moon and was crashing onto the other side of the elevated highway.

“Donghai 007?”

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