Genius Club

Chapter 112: The Choice

A shooting incident? An accidental death?

Lin Xian stared at the ominous words.

“Did Zhao Ying Jun really die so young?”

He focused on the phrases [a beauty’s passing], [died at 23] was a cruelly short lifespan.

Lin Xian scratched his head, uncertain of his emotions. Accidents and death were daily realities, yet it felt different when it involved someone he knew, someone he interacted with almost daily. They had even spoken in her office earlier that day. If the book had claimed Zhao Ying Jun died at 30 or 40, it wouldn’t have seemed so shocking. But 23? That was far too young.

More importantly, Zhao Ying Jun was 23 now…

Was her death imminent? Lin Xian gazed at her name on the water-damaged book. He never imagined he would find a friend’s death date written in a book from 600 years in the future.

Whistle! Whistle!

Outside the wall, a sound like a bird call echoed.

Lin Xian checked his watch.


Big Cat Face was probably signaling that it was time to move. They had to leave before 00:19 when the surveillance blind spot would last only 30 seconds.

“Lin Xian, we need to go! The surveillance blind spot is only 30 seconds starting at 00:19!” Ning Ning called, rushing toward the wall with a stack of books.

Lin Xian quickly flipped through the biography again but found no further useful details. The book briefly mentioned the founding of MX Company and Zhao Ying Jun’s accidental death, then reverted to a self-indulgent tone.

“Lin Xian! What are you doing? Hurry up!” Ning Ning ran back to drag him away. “Stop reading! We can read it outside!”

Lin Xian was taken aback that Ning Ning had come back for him. He thought she would have already scaled the wall. He hadn’t planned to leave, preferring to find a hidden spot to read the book thoroughly.

“Hurry, we’re running out of time!”

Ning Ning grabbed his arm, pulling him through the trash heap. Lin Xian tucked the book into his waistband and followed.


Buzz! Buzz!

The buzz of a drone’s propellers grew louder as it approached quickly! Ning Ning’s return had delayed them; they were about to be caught in the drone’s surveillance range!

“You go first.”


Ning Ning was startled. The next second, Lin Xian lifted her up and used himself as a makeshift ladder, boosting her over the wall.

“Climb over!”

With Lin Xian’s help, Ning Ning scrambled over the high wall.


There was no harsh landing sound. Big Cat Face had assured them they would be caught safely outside.

“Lin Xian—” Ning Ning’s voice called from beyond the wall!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Urgent alarms grew closer rapidly! Lin Xian looked up to see several drones with red lights flashing.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Lin Xian sat up in bed, panting heavily, rubbing his head. Was it all a hallucination? He had witnessed his own brain exploding—a vivid, yet thrilling scene he hadn’t encountered in dreams for years.

He glanced at the clock.


Since his death had awakened him, it wasn’t the usual 00:42. The time of death determined the wake-up time. Once dead, he couldn’t return to the same dream; even if he slept again, he would be in a dreamless state until the next 12:42 pm cycle.

Lin Xian sat at his desk, turned on the lamp, and jotted down Zhao Ying Jun’s death details from memory:

Just as the company was flourishing, Ms. Zhao Ying Jun was tragically killed in a shooting incident at midnight, dying at the age of 23.

Following her death, MX Company was taken over by the Zhao Group from the capital, leading to significant personnel changes and business restructuring. MX Company embarked on a new trajectory under the new leadership.

Lin Xian capped his pen, deep in thought.

Initially, he had theorized that Zhao Ying Jun received the Genius Club invitation, joined the club, used a hibernation pod to travel 600 years into the future, and founded New Donghai City with MX Company, remaining as its president 600 years later.

But now, his theory was completely off. The Genius Club might still be connected to the founding of New Donghai City, but Zhao Ying Jun played no part in it. She had died too young at 23. After her death, MX Company was taken over by the Zhao Group, possibly changing hands multiple times over 600 years, unconnected to her.

“Zhao Group…” Lin Xian speculated it was her father’s or family’s business. Since MX Company was her sole proprietorship, only her parents could legally inherit her assets.

Then, returning to the matter of Zhao Ying Jun’s death, Lin Xian stared at the heavy words on the white paper. Even without personal feelings, her death complicated his investigation. The Genius Club invitation in her office drawer was his only lead. If it were lost, he would have no safe way to access information about the Genius Club. The book was clear that after her death, the Zhao Group took over, altering the company’s strategy and personnel.

A new regime would likely replace the executives, including himself. Being fired wasn’t a major concern; money wasn’t an issue for him. But losing access to MX Company meant losing access to the Genius Club invitation.

The contents of that invitation were crucial. The nature and purpose of the Genius Club were shrouded in mystery, both in reality and in his dreams. Yet the existence of the club was undeniable, evident from the black handprint on the moon and Big Cat Face’s father’s abduction.

That invitation was his only connection between his reality and his dreams.

Lin Xian felt that all the mysteries might be linked to the Genius Club. He couldn’t afford to lose this vital clue.

“I can’t let Zhao Ying Jun die.”

Lin Xian lifted his gaze.

“Her death would severely hinder my investigation.”

He twirled the pen in his fingers. Losing Zhao Ying Jun would sever his only clue, his only link, his only chance to delve into the Genius Club. Moreover, he was curious whether preventing her death might alter the future. Would New Donghai City remain walled? Would the MX Company towers still dominate the city center? Lin Xian disliked the dystopian world of his second dream. Ning Ning and many others did as well. The twisted future seemed less appealing than the underdeveloped world of his first dream.


“If Zhao Ying Jun doesn’t die young, could the future and New Donghai City change?”

Considering the laws of time and space and the butterfly effect, Lin Xian saw a high probability. If he could prevent her untimely death, it would establish a temporal anchor point. If this temporal change could break the 600-year cycle, it might trigger a butterfly effect, altering the future and the dream world.

“It’s worth a try.”

At the very least, he couldn’t just stand by and watch her die. Professor Xu Yun’s horrific death was still fresh in his mind. Lin Xian didn’t want to witness another friend’s demise. If Zhao Ying Jun were a villain, it might be different. But she had shown no signs of wrongdoing. He couldn’t judge her based solely on a Genius Club invitation and Big Cat Face’s suspicions.

Though Lin Xian regarded the Genius Club as a potential adversary, he entertained the possibility of misunderstanding both the club and Zhao Ying Jun. The true nature of the club and her alignment were still unknown.

Overall, saving Zhao Ying Jun outweighed the risks.

“But I must ensure my safety first.”

Lin Xian stopped twirling the pen, staring into the dark night outside.

“Zhao Ying Jun received the Genius Club invitation, and the club’s nature remains unclear. I mustn’t reveal my intentions or that I know her fate.”

“Dreams are my greatest secret and weapon. I can’t expose my knowledge of the future.”

When planning to save Zhao Ying Jun, he needed to be cautious and discreet, adhering to three principles:

Don’t inform Zhao Ying Jun of her impending death or reveal his foresight.

Avoid suspicious, abrupt actions to keep her safe.

Ensure she naturally and inconspicuously escapes the shooting incident.

Staring at the words “accidental death” on the paper, Lin Xian recalled Big Cat Face’s father’s incident, Professor Xu Yun’s tragedy, the future world with its blackened moon, and MX Company’s towering buildings. He shivered.

Was Zhao Ying Jun’s death truly an accident?

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