Genius Club

Chapter 102: The Sorrowful Genius

Lin Xian pondered how he could uncover when and where Mr. Adams first encountered the number 42 or the concept of the universal constant. He believed solving this mystery was vital.

However, Mr. Adams had died in 2001. Confirming whether he knew about the universal constant 42 was now impossible. The dead don’t speak…

“It seems I’ll have to explore the dream world of New Donghai City, seek out Big Cat Face’s father, or find the book ‘Introduction to Universal Constants’ to truly understand what the universal constant 42 signifies,” Lin Xian mused.

He shook his head. This journey had been nearly fruitless, yielding no conclusive information.

He turned to leave—



As he pivoted, he encountered a familiar face – she had a fluffy brown high ponytail, bright, lively eyes, slightly parted lips expressing surprise, and a tear mole under her left eye like a unique signature.

“…An Qing.” It took Lin Xian a moment to recognize and say her name.


Chu An Qing covered her mouth, suppressing a laugh. Her eyes transformed into crescent moons, and her cheeks revealed two adorable dimples.

“Senior Lin Xian, who did you think I was?”

“Ah…” Lin Xian faltered, realizing she was joking. “Did you think I was the girl you admired in high school?”

“Hold on,” Lin Xian raised his hand to interrupt her. “I did sketch that girl, but I never said I liked her. The drawing was merely for practice, and she and I had no connection.”

He sighed internally. One lie leads to many. He had actually sketched CC, but since CC wasn’t from their era, he had invented a fictitious high school classmate as a cover story.

Chu An Qing looked exactly like CC. Without this fabrication, explaining the sketch would be impossible.

“So, are you here for the sci-fi exhibit too?” Lin Xian changed the subject.

“No,” Chu An Qing shook her head and pointed down the corridor. “I was at the oil painting exhibition over there. I just happened to pass by this hall and thought I’d look around. I didn’t expect to bump into you. What a coincidence!”

Lin Xian nodded. It indeed was a coincidence. He glanced toward the corridor where various oil paintings were displayed, confirming Chu An Qing’s statement.

Turning back, he took a moment to notice her attire today. This was their third encounter: the first at MMMMMMX Company’s celebration, the second at a Donghai University lecture hall, and now, unexpectedly, at the Donghai City Exhibition Hall.

Today, Chu An Qing wore a casual outfit. With the weather warming, she had shed her bulky winter clothes. She sported a bright, light blue hoodie paired with a gray short skirt and flesh-colored tights, giving her a vibrant, youthful look. Her slightly thick-soled boots made her appear taller and more slender than in their previous meetings.

“Did you come here alone?”

“Yes, I had no classes this afternoon, so I decided to visit. I’ve always been drawn to painting… though I can’t seem to master it, no matter how much I practice.”

Chu An Qing chuckled, glancing at Lin Xian. “But you, Senior Lin Xian, have such a knack for drawing. Have you thought about trying other forms of art besides sketching?”

“No, I’m not particularly passionate about drawing,” Lin Xian laughed. “But I don’t mind it. I practiced sketching because it was part of the college entrance art exam. My academic scores weren’t stellar, so to get into a good university here in Donghai City, I had to take the art route.”

“Do you like Donghai City?”

“Not exactly like, more like curious about it, so I wanted to see it.”

Lin Xian spoke truthfully. He had always dreamt about a city named Donghai, and he wanted to see it in reality. However, the dream city had evolved drastically, turning into the impoverished and run-down Old Donghai, replaced by the sci-fi megacity New Donghai, enclosed by 200-meter steel walls.

“I see,” Chu An Qing said, toying with the fuzzy ball on her hoodie strings. “People always think the grass is greener on the other side.”

“I actually prefer your hometown, Hang City! I visited once; it was so beautiful, unlike Donghai, which feels crowded and tense.”

“Speaking of which, the Spring Festival is approaching. Are you going back home for the holidays, Senior Lin Xian, or staying in Donghai?”

“Yes, I’ll be going home.” Lin Xian replied. Returning home for the New Year was a time-honored tradition. Moreover, Gao Yang was organizing a high school reunion that he planned to attend.

Chu An Qing turned towards the oil painting exhibition hall. “Senior, there are many famous paintings in the oil painting exhibition, some even brought over from the British Museum. It’s a rare opportunity. Do you want to visit it together?”

Famous paintings… Lin Xian was somewhat intrigued. After all, it was his field, and he had studied it in university. Viewing the masterpieces of legendary painters was certainly appealing.

“Alright, let’s take a look.”

“Hehe, great! I have a guide now! You must know a lot about these paintings, right?”

“I’m just a novice.”

They wandered through the exhibition, exchanging thoughts and laughter. As Chu An Qing mentioned, there were indeed several authentic works of modern European painters, which Lin Xian was seeing for the first time. The craftsmanship and historical allure were breathtaking.

Previously, he had only seen these oil paintings in textbooks or prints. The difference between flat images and the tangible reality was significant. Oil paintings possessed a unique depth and texture, almost inviting one to step into the Renaissance era.

Chu An Qing, ever inquisitive like a lively lark, had numerous questions. Luckily, today was Lin Xian’s area of expertise; he could effortlessly explain the artists, styles, and contexts, impressing Chu An Qing.

“Senior, you’re incredible! You know everything, so knowledgeable!”

“It’s just luck.”

As they conversed and explored, they rounded a corner and encountered a black-and-white painting on the wall. The disheveled old man depicted in it appeared so lifeless that they both recoiled in surprise.

“Hanging such a haunting painting in the corner… must be intentional.”

Lin Xian looked up to reassess the artwork. The old man portrayed was someone familiar to everyone—a great physicist who featured in countless textbooks: Albert Einstein.

In the painting, Einstein appeared despondent, as if he had endured a great loss. His hair was unkempt, his face lined with wrinkles, and his eyes hollow, exuding a sorrowful aura.

To enhance the melancholic atmosphere, the painting utilized minimal colors, almost entirely in black and white, creating the impression of a memorial portrait as though he were deceased.

“The Sorrowful Einstein.”

Chu An Qing read the painting’s title aloud. “This piece was created in 1952 in Brooklyn, New York, by the renowned American realist painter Henry Dawson…”

She stepped back to examine the painting anew, observing Einstein’s profound sadness and despondence, almost as if lifeless.

“Why… is there such a portrayal of Einstein?” She blinked and looked at Lin Xian. “Einstein was a successful and respected scientist with high academic stature. Why does he appear so sorrowful and depressed in this painting? Do you know the background of this painting?”

Surprisingly, Lin Xian nodded once more!

This amazed her—how did this senior know everything? He was like a walking encyclopedia.

Lin Xian began to explain the artwork. This was one of the advantages of watching numerous sci-fi films; he had picked up a bit about nearly everything.

“Einstein’s later years were indeed filled with melancholy and depression.” Lin Xian began narrating while studying Einstein’s lifeless gaze in the painting. “Einstein believed that his mass-energy equivalence formula had opened Pandora’s box, granting humanity access to uncontrollable nuclear energy, which led to the creation of nuclear weapons and the deaths of millions.”

“But his concerns extended beyond that. He worried about the future of humanity, fearing that if another global war erupted, countless nuclear weapons would be unleashed, potentially causing human extinction and the end of civilization.”

“Though his fears might seem exaggerated now, in 1952, such concerns were well-founded and reasonable.”

“Once these thoughts took hold, he couldn’t escape the cycle of guilt and regret, which led to his reclusive and depressed later years.”

Lin Xian’s serene narration captivated Chu An Qing. Soon, they finished touring the exhibition hall and walked to the entrance of the Donghai Exhibition Hall to say goodbye.

“Thank you so much for today, Senior Lin Xian. I learned so much new knowledge!”

“It was nothing, really.”

After watching Chu An Qing get into a car, Lin Xian hailed a taxi to go home. After a simple dinner and wash, he checked the time.


It was the perfect time to sleep, and if he fell asleep quickly, he might catch the three-knife thief in his dream, join the Face Gang, and follow the plot to meet CC at the garbage disposal site.

Lin Xian changed into his pajamas, lay down, and closed his eyes.

“Come on, CC,” he thought, imagining the smiling face of either Chu An Qing or CC.

“I have so many questions to ask you…”

Still not feeling any of the sweltering summer breeze, Lin Xian opened his eyes in the quiet countryside, surrounded by chaotic self-built houses.

He walked to the corner of an alley. In the distance, he heard Aunt Li’s gasping voice, shouting:

“Catch—the thief! Catch… catch the… thief!”

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