Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 317 - Love And Mawashi

I can barely feel my legs. It feels like there are a million grains of sand running along my skin, flowing through my's not just thoughts--so hazy. My lungs practically feel like they're going to explode--it's not just that I can't breathe in, I can't even breathe out, Macheo thought.

As his legs quivered under the immense stress, attempting to summon every ounce of strength he had left, Macheo attempted to leap--only managing to stand up without his boots leaving the embrace of the sand below.

Beginning to teeter forward, Macheo's eyelids fluttered as the crowd already began their mixture of roars--some in joy, some in upheaval.

I...I did it...I won, Aiko thought, loosening her grip.

However--the plummet forward suddenly switched from a limp, decline into unconsciousness into a swift, smooth maneuver. It didn't fade in the slightest; the glint yearning for victory--commanding it--present so vibrantly in Macheo's crimson jewels that almost seemed to shine under the stress inflicted on his body.

Huh? What is this feeling…? He's not falling, he's--! She began to realize.

Turning his fall into a different maneuver, he allowed his feet to slip from the ground, turning himself into a half-flip as the girl on his back was closer to meeting the ground than himself. Colliding head-first into the harsh, golden sediment below, Aiko grip fell limp completely as her body was flung forward from the impact--freeing the Lucrauvian royalty from the lengthened choke-hold as he fell to his knees, gasping for air.


With roars that surpassed any match previous, the arena lit up, shaking under the immense buildup of celebratory calls.

Caressing his throat left with a distinct, beet-red mark, Macheo looked at the girl as she remained laid out on the sand.

"...Aiko, you won. You got what you wanted from me, didn't you? A unanimous defeat.'s the most painful loss; when your fingertips graze the victory just beyond your reach...but maybe it's the most beautiful. Knowing you gave it your all, knowing your opponent gave it their, we both won."

Rising back to his feet, he listened as a groan resounded from the small, but feisty girl as she turned herself over, looking up at the bright lights manifested from the ceiling's magic stones with a face stained with blood. Even so, she didn't look pained--holding a blank expression as she regained her breath before her vision was obscured by a hand extending down to her.

Standing over her as he hoisted her up with the meeting and grasping of their hands, Macheo smiled softly, "A deal is a deal, right? I'll hold my end of the bargain if you hold your--"

Before he could even finish his sentence, their lips met. Widening out of sheer surprise, he looked at the girl as she shut her eyes tightly--her lips met with his cheek, reeling in a deep blush from both of them.

Without speaking a word, Aiko pulled back, returning to her side of the arena as Macheo stood there--dumbfounded for a few moments before slowly going back to the spectator's room, holding his cheek.

"Is this the pride of a father…?"

Holding his chest playfully as Aiko returned, Ren's words earned a soft jab to the side as he winced and chuckled.

"You know, a gesture like that...I mean, you're a noble yourself, right?"

Adding in, Jae-Seong rested his elbow on the girl's shoulder as leisurely as ever as she looked up at the man with a slightly confused expression.

"...How did you know that?"

"It's kind of obvious just looking at you. I guess you can kind of say I'm a connoisseur of this world's fashion--that outfit you're wearing is clearly made out of tundra behemoth hide--it's as soft as a baby's rear. Ha-ha."

"You figured it out from that…?"

Aiko muttered as she pinched the fine, silken robes she wore, inspecting them as if not realizing just what exuberance they truly held. Moving his elbow away from the clearly exhausted girl's shoulder, Jae-Seong leaned against the wall as he fixed his shades.

"As I was saying...a kiss like that, from noble to noble...well, you can put two-and-two together."

Telling her this, a crimson tinge returned to the girl's cheeks as she huffed, seating herself down on the bench beside Bakar as she hung her head down.

"I guess you really did act out of the heat of the moment, didn't you…? Well, kids will be kids, I guess."

"Don't talk like you're so much older than me!"

"But I am."

Ren teased, holding a smile as he rarely held a seniority over somebody else in this world. Returning to his side, Macheo didn't allow so much as an utterance to come from anyone, "Not a word. Not a single word."

Holding a blush of his own still, Macheo quickly retreated from the room without saying anything else. Slamming the door behind him, Iris and Valerie blinked at the series of unusual events that took place in only a few minutes.

"Well, that's certainly something."

Valerie commented without much care, ruffling her own crimson locks as she placed her arms over her chest once more.


Without much time to even settle from what was just witnessed, the announcer's call for the next match set Ren's heart into a silent trance as he froze.

"Iris…? Versus him…?"

Turning around, he watched as the massive mountain of a man stood himself upright without an expression that resolved itself for combat.

Squeezing his fist, Ren wasn't exactly sure what words would spill from his lips as he was topped by a hand on his shoulder--looking to see Jae-Song shake his head softly, watching with him as Ju-Long traversed the hall to the arena.

"I wouldn't worry too much. Ju-Long doesn't really seem like the type to kill."


"Just trust in your friends. It's the least you can do."

Saying this, Jae-Seong's golden eyes were somehow vibrant behind his dull shades as he gave the young man a reassuring smile. Though it was hard to feel relaxed as the audible tremors of Ju-Long's footsteps growing distant filled his heart with a burning anxiety.

"Give him hell."

Valerie slapped the blue-haired girl on the back without any restraint, pushing her forward as she sucked in a relieving breath straight into her lungs.

"You've got this; for a big guy like that--aim for the knees."

Giving his own piece of advice, the quiet Arsya maintained his calmness as his silver locks were brushed by a passing wind.

"Right...right, I've got this."

Resolving herself, Iris released a slow breath before traveling through the quartz tunnel. Though little light came in, the bright radiance cascading down the arena mixed with the constant roars of the anxious crowd filled the tunnel with a unique sensation.

I can do this, she thought.

Stepping foot into the massive arena, her heart was lit ablaze by the sight of the countless stands, feeling eyes and yells aimed at her as she was in the centerlight. Seeing the massive, quartz pillars that existed in likely over a dozen, supporting the weight of the grandiose arena--she felt tiny, yet massive in the eyes of the many spectators.

Standing across from her, she gulped at the sight of her designated opponent, watching as he removed the simple robes that sat over his body—casting it aside as his body formed from countless years of training was put on display.

All he wore beneath the robes was a prominent, golden loincloth—something that quickly caught Ren's eye as he spectated worryingly.

"Isn't that a mawashi…?"

Asking this to no particular set of ears, he received his answer from the ever-knowledgeable Jae-Seong, "Indeed it is. Both Jinyue and Akitein share in the same sport…they actually hold an annual tournament for it each year. Though, it isn't called "sumo" here, but "Oriru". I've always wanted to see it in action."

Adjusting his shades, Jae-Seong leaned over the sill as he rested his head in his arms.

​ A fantasy sumo wrestler…? I really don't like the idea of that, Ren thought.

Placing his hands on his thighs, the massive man raised one leg to the air before slamming it down—lowering his stance as he kept his eyes locked on the young woman before him.

I can't let him get close, I'll have to be quick with the magic I use. Maybe an arrow will keep him away at the start, Iris planned.

"I'm just letting you know: I will not disrespect the foundation of this match nor will I disrespect you by holding back. That's my code as a warrior."

Saying this to Iris, Ju-Long's breath came out like steam from his nostrils as he looked at her with his calm gaze.


Taking in a few breaths to calm herself, she steadied her mana output before at last, the announcer called out.


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