Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 300 - Invincible Kazu

"No way...Noah is being pushed back?"

Fai was left agasp at the sight of the towering man acting on the defensive, hiding behind his own guard as he stepped backward against the flurry of punches.

"I'm finding this a bit hard to believe; correct me if I'm wrong, but in terms of raw strength, Noah is in our top three, no?"

"No, you're right. I think Kazuya here really is just on another level."

In agreement with Donatien, Tristan's words supplemented the reality before their eyes. Smiling to himself, Noah began to chuckle behind the barrage of fists coming his way.

"...I feel like I'm being underestimated. You're strong, short-stuff, but it's your speed and tenacity that's the real issue. Let me show you!"

Coming out from behind his defensive position, the golden-haired man grabbed hold of the next fist that came his way, swinging the much smaller in comparison body of the young man he fought, bringing him up into the air with a swing of his arm.

This wild's like the time I fought that giant from Shibetsu High; Shino Ariaka--how could I forget the guy that used my own comrades like nunchucks? Kazuya thought.

"And down you go!"

Whipping him down like a sword, Noah brought the delinquent down against the harsh flooring below--slamming him against the metal without any seeming restraint. A loud crash resounded; the flooring was caved in from the impact.

"Don't forget; it's a two-way flight!"

Lifting the compromised, newly summoned Outlander up against by the iron-grip he held on his fist, Noah laughed out as he swung the boy through the air once more before driving him into the ground.

"That's Noah, no doubt about it...once he gets going, well…"

Shaking his head with a sigh and massaging his temple, Donatien winced at the thunderous boom that followed the slam.

Seeing him like this always reminds me of the early days of our group. Noah was unhinged and wild; devoid of restraint like a savage beast—acting only by his own whim. It was only after being handily beat down by Sirius did he become humbled. Well, that…and his ability are to blame for how he is now, Donatien thought.

As another swing was swung, this time--a counterattack was launched as Kazuya used the momentum to twist himself into a kick right against the chin of the overwhelming foe. A crack rang out as the grip on his hand was loosened, allowing the gray-haired delinquent to finally free himself from Noah's hold.

Standing there without saying a word, Noah caressed his jaw as blood began to form at his lips, smiling.

"...little bastard; you broke it."

Spitting out the blood from his mouth straight onto the otherwise pristine floor, the tall man grinned before laughing at this situation.

"Don't get me wrong--I'm not backing down or anything, short-stuff."

Without any hesitation, Kazuya continued his attack, following through with those cold, unmoving eyes of his. It was obvious, clear as day, but it was only in this moment that followed that they all finally realized just what kind of person Kazuya Aibana was.

This kid...he has more experience than all of us. I get it now. I enjoy fighting, but my main reason was money. Most of the others like a good fight, but they also like the opposite even better.

But Kazu, you're different.

You live to fight. You could only live by fighting. It wasn't for money, fame, or anything else. Fighting is all you've done all these years, isn't it? That's why it's just as natural as walking for you, that's why I can't sense any intent from you! Noah thought.

"Come on the-- ghh!"

His taunting words were cut off as the speed of his opponent once more subverted perception; a fist was already thrown right into his gut, pressing deep with overwhelming force. An unnatural grinding met the ears of any within the chamber; the very sound of the one on the receiving end of the vicious punch having the integrity of his skeleton tested by its force.

Even as Noah tightened the muscles around his abdomen, it only seemed to get worse as the heat coursing through him amplified.

Hot. Hot. Hot. Is this guy trying to punch right through me ?! I can feel my organs being compressed together! Noah thought.

I'm not childish enough to give this move a name, but it's defeated over a hundred gangsters the same exact way. I guess you can call it my "special move", Kazuya thought.

Unleashing the punch as he kept his feet planted against the ground, rolling his shoulder and pushing the man off of his fist--straight into the air, a shock wave traversed the chamber, cracking through the winds like a bolt of thunder.

Agasp, Noah coughed out spit that he expected to be blood from what he swore would be his punctured organs; being sent through the air, the man landed harshly on his back with a groan following.

"Talk about David versus Goliath…"

Watching this transpire, Tristan knelt beside Noah as he looked at the expression of the wincing giant.

"Shut up, would you?"

Coughing as he sat up with another pained groan, the man caressed his tattooed abdomen as it was immediately bruised up from the incredible impact.

"That's one hell of a punch you got there."

Obviously, his reinforcement is amazing for only being in this world for less than an hour, but to hurt me this badly when I was actually defending myself? Something else is up, Noah thought.

"I've just got one question. Either you can answer it, short-stuff, or you--Beatrice."

Bringing himself to his own two feet as his tight, sable pants were crinkled from the battle, Noah turned his black irises to the sage.

Not saying a word, Kazuya slid his hands back into his pockets as his blazer, acting as a cape, draped over his back.

Meanwhile, the sage was as still as a plant, simply acting as a spectator the entire time as she, without a word, turned her eyes to the blonde-haired man.

"Tell me...did you already awaken your innate ability?"

As this question left Noah's lips, everyone present in the room, save for the sage and Kazuya, had their eyes widened in surprise at the very notion.

"Ability? Yeah, I think I felt something like that."

It was an unprecedented answer; within his first hour in the fantastical world of Gaia--Kazuya Aibana had reached that which is isolated to the most elite of mages.

Sitting herself on a magically conjured chair, Beatrice rested her cheek against her soft hands while retaining her smile.

I expected nothing less of their reactions, but they likely have the wrong idea; this growth from Kazuya isn't going to continue much further--simply put, he is able to reach his baseline at a ludicrous speed, but it's not a continuous level of growth, she thought.

"We should call it a day. I mean, the kid probably needs to be filled in on, you know, everything."

Tristan patted his hand against the sweat-clad shoulder of the towering, blonde-haired man in front of him. Sharing a glance with the others present in the chamber, this seemed to be the general consensus as even Noah let out a hesitant sigh before cracking his neck once more.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I could go for some ale right about now. I know the Sky Dragon Conglomerate always has some nice booze lined up~"

Chuckling to himself at the prospect of the magical, amber liquid, Noah began to leave the room before the door was opened just before he could reach it. In walked a familiar man with jet-black hair, staring directly past Noah with his keen, magenta irises.

"Thought I'd drop back in to see what kind of guy you brought into our team."

Stepping right past everyone else, Sirius directly approached the cold-eyed delinquent, standing over him as he looked down at the young man who stood on the shorter end of the spectrum.

The very presence of Sirius within the room gave everyone the exact same, foreboding vibes--"he's bad news", is what they thought. With two who held onto such title proclaiming themselves as the strongest, trouble was surely waiting.

"The name is Sirius Federov, I'm the strongest--"

"Sirius, watch out, he's a feisty one!"

As he introduced himself with his usual, confident greeting, he was interrupted by a warning from Fai as a swift kick was thrown towards the uniform-wearing man--who blocked it easily with a raise of his arm.

He's fast! Kazuya thought.

"Now, now, did anyone ever teach you any manners, pipsqueak?"

Placing his hand just in front of Kazuya's forehead, Sirius smiled as the delinquent could only look at the man's hand which was clad in a white glove in utter confusion. The next moment came with complete darkness for the newly summoned Outlander as a simple flick from Sirius resounded through the room, knocking the delinquent unconscious.

The seemingly invincible entity fell limp as his pupils vanished, leaving only the whites of his eyes visible.



Taken aback by the complete casualness at which Sirius promptly stifled the rambunctious delinquent, the surrounding spectators' were left with their jaws on the floor.

"Sorry, I guessed he was being troublesome, right?"

Catching the boy before he fell over with his limp, unconscious body, Sirius looked at Beatrice, who seemed almost frustrated at this development.

"Uh, what the hell?"

Noah muttered with slumped shoulders, watching the boy he had a relatively difficult time with go down like a sack of potatoes by the most marginal effort.

"Well, take care of him."

Leaving the gray-haired boy at the feet of the sage, Sirius waved with two fingers before once more leaving the chambers--followed alongside the rest of the spectators.

Sirius Federov, just what kind of man are you? Strife asked himself.

It was something Strife remembered clearly; the day the meeting was held to decide his fate--a meeting that had his future and life held by the whims of the Outlanders.

There was one member besides Charlotte that stuck his neck out for me the most, Strife thought.

"I'm all for him joining us!"

At this gleeful statement in favor of Strife, every present Outlander was left stunned by the maximum trust the man put into that statement.

"...Are you sure? I don't need to remind you of how rotten these bastards can be, do I?"

Sora looked at his comrade with his shining blues, keeping his fists clenched as clear memories of the capabilities of Argonauts flooded through his mind.

Sitting near Sora, Tristan, who had his boots kicked up on the maplewood table, put in his opinion, "Who's to say he isn't a spy either?"

"It's alright."

Once more, Sirius' optimism shut down the constant chit-chat as all eyes fell on him, holding his folded arms across his chest.

"I mean, after all, if he does anything, I can take care of him in a jiffy!"

Said with complete frivolity, the words were nonetheless chilling to the elven ex-Argonaut who sat across from the magenta-eyed Outlander.

After that, most fell into agreeance with keeping me on the team. All because of the trust they held in Sirius Federov. I believe I owe my life to him just as much as I do to Miss Charlotte, Strife thought.

I have to wonder: was it even necessary to bring in another Outlander with someone like Sirius around? Strife asked himself.

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