Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 294 - Cackling Creatures

"Looks like you're starting to get the hang of this, Val."

Commenting from the ground below, Ren watched alongside Iris as the draconic demi-human chased after one of the tauntful, palm-sized impies.

After traversing a series of passageways within the odd labyrinth, they found themselves atop one of the many mountainous formations--gaining a further view of the twisted, warped domain. It was only when reaching a higher level and witnessing the brighter light that came with it, did they notice the floating islands that existed within the space.

"Don't patronize me!"

Clearly disgruntled by the slipperiness of the creature, Valerie responded sharply as she attempted to grab the impy once more--missing completely as her tail then began slapping against the air in frustration.

"Once she gets that one, we'll all be at just one remaining for all of us."

"That's right."

Ren confirmed the thoughts of the blue-haired girl beside him with a nod, keeping his eyes on the airborne chase up above as if it was some sort of entertainment for him.

"We're running low on time, right? It feels like it's at least been ten minutes since the start…On top of that, I've heard at least twelve people qualify already through the announcements."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine, Iris."

Turning to the companion at his side, he gave the girl a smile--attempting to remedy her overthinking with some reassurance of his own.

"Will it…?"

Returning her sights to the airborne demi-human as she flew in circles attempting to capture the impy, a sigh resounded from both of them.

"You've got a point there. Should I…?"

"No. You know how she is...her pride wouldn't allow any sort of assistance."

Iris stopped any thought of assisting the woman, no matter how dreadfully low her chances of catching this particularly slippery impy seemed to be--especially with the dwindling time on their hands.

"Gotcha. I know, I know."

Shrugging his shoulders, a sigh escaped his lips that somehow seemed to reach the ears of the draconic, silver-scaled knight. A sharp-toothed smile packed with fiery resolve stretched across Valerie's lips as an outline of fire inlaid itself on her wings, amplifying her speed mid-flight.

"...No more games, you little bastard!"

The fire wasn't limited to just her wings; spreading down to her boots, the flames propelled her forward like a fireball as the impy's giggles seized, its eye widening out of fear.

"Looks like she's properly motivated now."

Ren's comment earned him a playful elbow to the side from the girl beside him, who looked at him with a slight pout before releasing the air from her cheeks in a sigh, "This is your fault. Which...might be a good thing."

Even with the increase in speed, the chase only seemed to fall even as their agility was even--though the impy still possessed the advantage with having such a small figure, as well as possessing weirdly acute instincts.

"Come on, Val, you've got this!"

Cupping his hands around his mouth, Ren called out to the woman up above, somewhat out of the desire to tease.

Of course, the ever-kind girl with hair was pure blue as the sky itself pitched in, "I believe in you, Valerie!"

This only seemed to conjure a scarlet blush on the tall, draconic woman's cheeks as she gritted her sharp teeth, trying to ignore the words coming from below as she circled one of the floating, spherical islands that was stagnant in the abyssal winds.

So...close! She thought, narrowly grasping it as her fingertips grazed its red hide.

Straining a bit further as the very tips of her fingers still were pressed against its body, she amplified the level of the flames generated--garnering a bit more speed as she grasped the impy at last.

"Got it!"


"She did it!"

Ren and Iris were quick to share in the woman's triumph as she returned to the ground just as the impy was relieved into a gaseous form.

"That's two down for me...and everyone else."

"Yup. Just one each left for all of us."

Running his boot against the grass-covered flooring of the rock structure they stood upon, he looked up just as another announcement came through the magical essence used by the overseer.

"Galaggher, Aiko, and Macheo--qualified! Please remain still, you will be momentarily warped to a waiting room."

Listening to this announcement, momentary perplexment came over the three before they looked at each other.

"Aiko and Macheo…? At the same time? I guess they must've found each other."

"They're faster than I thought. Little bastards."

As Iris and Valerie smiled at this news, the white-haired young man was left noticeably confused and stunned by this news, staring past them as his lips moved silently.

"Ren? What's wrong?"

"You look like you've seen a ghost or something. Hello?"

Waving her gauntlet in front of his face, Valerie's hand was moved away as he slowly shook his head, muttering to himself, "That can't be right. It has to be somebody else."

"Who? Are you talking about the other person mentioned?"

Acting unnaturally worried about this seemingly harmless news, Ren's attitude spurred worry from the azure-haired otherworlder, who attempted to console him by placing her hand on his arm.

Letting out a breath, he nodded his head slowly before turning his gaze up to the two companions by him.

"Galaggher...he was someone I met on the first floor. An undead merchant, to be exact. He told me he tried clearing Purgatory a long time ago, but failed so he entered a pact to become a merchant here. But...why would he be here now? In this tournament, I mean."

Placing his hand on his chin as he thought about this, the two women looked at each other before returning their gazes to the young man.

"Right...sorry, we can think about this later. Right now, we should focus on passing this qualification. Let's move out."

"That's the spirit!"

With a slap on the back from the not surprisingly strong demi-human, Ren winced a bit before returning her energy with a smile, "Right."

With a cold breeze passing by, the troubling winds for some reason unbeknownst to him made him look to the left--catching the sight of a man who reeked of trouble.

"Iris, Valerie--stop."

His words were enough to make the two stop, mostly out of confusion as they looked at the snow-haired man for an explanation.

"Over there. Somebody is watching us."

"Mm...Oh, I see him now. Kind of creepy.

"...Really creepy."

Discovering the existence of this enigmatic watcher, the two women made disgusted expressions while Ren was focused on the potential threat posed.

I might've jinxed it by thinking we were lucky so far not to run into anyone...guess luck only runs so long, he thought.

Placing his fingers around the hilt of his sheathed blade, he placed himself between his two companions and the distant watcher.

"If you want a fight, I'm ready."

Preferably...not around them, he thought.

Whispering quietly, he focused his eyes to try and discern the appearance of the man--only to realize there were actually three figures, two having been standing behind the forefront watcher. The figure standing in the center, lankier than the others, slid his finger across his throat--gesturing the universal threat of death. Before he could call out to them or make any further discernment, all three of the mysterious figures vanished as they hopped down into the core of the labyrinth.

"...Crap. That doesn't seem good."

Did they hear us? From that distance...seems unlikely, but with magic--who knows what's possible? If so, they know we're close to qualifying, that could be enough to stir a fight, he thought.

"Looks like trouble."

"Mhm...let's go. Fortunately, I doubt they could find us in a labyrinth like this--but let's not waste time and give them any chances."

Agreeing with Valerie, he spoke as he moved, descending the rocky structure and entering the bowels of the windy, confusing labyrinth alongside his companions. There were four immediate pathways to turn down--the centermost one being the closest to whatever direction the enigmatic strangers were.

"If they're after us...well, maybe it'd be better to confront them."

"I didn't think I'd hear that from you of all people, Iris…"

Ren replied as he walked down the wide corridor alongside the two, looking to his left at the usually pacifistic companion of his.

"Don't get me wrong, if at all possible, I'd like to avoid unnecessary fighting, but…"


The conversation seemed to exist solely between the two otherworlders as Valerie took it upon herself to act as their scout--taking flight just high enough to get a bird's eye view.

"...In a place like this, so dark and murky...during a time like this, where we will definitely be distracted while capturing impies...well, I just think it'd be in our best interest to deal with any looming threats."

Answering with her hand placed over her heart, Iris came to a halt as her eyes were set on Ren--making the young man come to a stop as well as he looked back at her.

She's right. I don't want to admit it, but it's true. I don't know why I don't want to accept it...maybe because it's coming from her, or maybe I don't want to sink into those depths of bloodlust again. I can still remember it; the sounds of flesh squelching, the warmth of his blood on my fists...and just how good I felt during it.

I felt transcendent; so lost in the ecstasy that was violence that I would've surely killed him in the stupor I was in. I don't want to risk that again...more so, I don't want her to see that side of me, he thought.

Looking down at the ground for a moment as his fists were clenched, his pained thoughts were alleviated as a hand gently wrapped around his forearm. Looking up, Iris smiled at him, looking at him with those gentle, serene eyes that glistened like waves under the warm rays of the sun.

"Ren, it'll be alright."


Even through the sable coat he wore, lined with light armor underneath, he could still clearly feel the gentle touch of her lithe fingers gently holding his arm.

Just the thought of the potential bloodshed that may lie in confronting whatever malicious participants lied in the depths of this labyrinth made his head spin, stirring up the fresh memories of Purgatory he seldom wanted to remember.

That's right. I'm a murderer. I killed Goldheve. I tried so hard to deny it, but I knew it was the truth. There's no way I could forget the feeling of sinking my blade into another person, feeling their warmth disappear as their life dwindled into nothingness.

That's why...I should be the one to do it. I can't endanger them...I can't let them see it. If it means protecting them...I can put up with it--one more time. I won't kill--I won't. But if it comes down to the lives of them or my comrades...Don't think about it, Ren, he thought.

Moving his arm from Iris' grasp, a surprised expression came over the girl's face as she looked at the young man.

"I'll handle it."

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