Garden Of The Abyss

Chapter 292 - A Mysterious Ally

Now, his sights were once more set on the tiny impy, which had spectated the exchange with its little fits of laughter now manifesting once more.

"Gyu! Gyu! Gyu!"

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up, I'll catch you right here and now."

I'm guessing I can't just jump wildly at this thing with my arms flailing and hope to catch it. If I know Purgatory, and sadly I do: there is always a gimmick to just about everything, he thought.

Watching the tauntful, red-scaled creature that possessed a singular, watchful eye, it bounced around amidst the air, spinning and flipping.

Rubbing the palms of his gloves together, he kept his crimson eyes on the creature before spreading his arms out--keeping his palms pointed towards the small, red fiend. A layer of magically-formed water began to line his hands, pulsating as he focused his magical energy. Propelling from his palms, small blasts of the azure, clear essence shot towards the impy. Even though the raw, watery magecraft wasn't moving particularly fast, it was still a surprise to him when the impy effortlessly dodged the two blasts like a walk in the park..


Clicking his tongue, he followed up with a sigh before returning to simply watching the creature.

I'm wasting time here; I have to do something and do it now, he thought.

Manifesting a bit of water between his fingers, he drew a long breath into his lungs before launching himself into the air with a kick off the ground, hurling directly towards the small, evasive creature.

"Come here, you little bastard!"

Attempting to grab at it, he missed as it barrel rolled over his hand, following up with a taunting giggle as it circled him.

"Real funny."

Going for another attempt for a grab, he maintained his air time by manifesting pressurized water beneath his boots, swinging his right arm around in a large arch--missing once more as his fingertips only graced the air.

Attempting to switch up his arsenal, he kicked up, using his foot as a means to try and at last knock the winged fiend down--this time coming close, but still missing.

This time, his miss was punished by the fiend--who revealed its maw full of sharp teeth before sinking them into his calf.

"Gah! What the hell?!"

Macheo yelled out more in surprise than pain, trying to grab the creature while it attached itself to his body via its fangs, only for it to depart quickly.

"Gyu! Gyu!"

Once more, it taunted him, but this time--Macheo returned the gesture with a smug smile of his own.


"Good; I was hoping to see a perplexed look on that one-eyed face of yours. You're mine…!"

Bringing his hands together as he yelled out, Macheo revealed his plan to the small fiend as lines of water that anchored themselves in the spots between his fingers were revealed. Being dragged towards the golden-haired, sharp-tongued young man, the tiny creature began to squeal in surprise as its body was tightly wrapped in water bindings.

Even as slippery as you are, you're not very bright. Each time I tried to grab you, I knew I'd miss; I was simply planting these bindings, knowing you'd find your way into their hold. And that's why...Macheo thought.

"I've got you!"

Seizing the impy, Macheo grasped it tightly in his hand, holding it with such a vice grip that the small fiend looked as if it might explode before finally returning to a form of smoke.

"...One down, two to go."

Landing back down onto the floor, he brushed his hands together with his smile fading back into a resolved, idle expression.

Running blindly down one hall and into the next, something caught his eye that he had forgotten about during his bout with the slippery creature.

Short, beige hair with an unmistakable crimson streak; baggy, snow-white robes that he always thought looked comfortable, like pajamas--his heart held itself still for a moment as he saw this person.


Yelling out her name without any hesitation, he only realized after her name left his lips what was going on.

The room he had entered was built similar to a small-scale colosseum, with a dome-like array of walls attempting to close into a ceiling above them, though still inhabiting an array of different material.

There was a man standing beside her, dressed in gallant, ivory armor that was decorated with an emerald scarf. In every sense, the tall, muscular seeming man dazzled with exuberance and power.

"...Macheo? Is that you?"

Turning to face the voice that called her name, her amethyst eyes seemed surprised as they fell on the form of the Lucrauvian prince.

"No shit, it's me! What're you doing here?"

Confronting the girl like an angered relative, he greeted her with a flick to the forehead as she winced quietly, caressing her afflicted skin.

"What do you mean…?"

"What do I mean?! Last time I saw you, you were passed out from some sickness! Now you're here, trying to participate in a tournament…? What the hell doesn't even begin to describe it!"

Even as he spoke with as abrasively as he usually did, it was clear to the short, young Akitienien girl that he was clearly worried by that distinct glisten present in his royal eyes.

"I can answer that for her."

Placing his ivory gauntlet on the girl's shoulder, the tall, fair-faced man looked down at Macheo with a warm smile.

"And who the hell are you?"

Asking with a squint of his eyes, Macheo looked up at the man who resembled a knight in full glory, meeting his emerald gaze with his crimson own. A brief fit of wind brushed against the man's shaggy, but healthy, hazel locks as he momentarily closed his eyes with a small smile, finding his answer at last.

"Galaggher, at your service."

"So, "Galaggher", what's the explanation, huh? I'm pretty damn curious."

There wasn't a semblance of manners in Macheo's words, who placed himself between Aiko and the towering, gallant knight--holding himself large despite the clear difference in size.

It was only when being brought to close that the Lucrauvian could recognize the fine detail and craftsmanship put into the ivory armor the man wore; each groove was embroidered with hieroglyphs, a series of dragon talons ran along his breastplate--invoking a true sense of power.

Still, there was only a still, animosity-free aura emanating from the hazel-haired man, who looked to be around his mid-twenties.

At the man's side, a sword rested, sheathed in its exuberant, white and golden scabbard that was decorated in a mixture of jagged patterns as well as the maw of a lion. From what he could see of it, the pommel of the sheathed blade possessed an orange array of fabric, mimicking the mane of a lion as well.



Looking at the beige-haired girl, he watched as she fiddled with her fingers before following up with what she truly meant to tell him.

"Please...calm down, don't be rude to him."

Those softly spoken words hit like bricks to the young Lucruavian, whose mouth was left slightly agape as no words found their way out.

"It's quite alright, Miss Aiko."

Galaggher assured, waving his hand to dissuade any notion of disrespect having been taken. For some reason, seeing the man be as benevolent as could be only further seeded the anger bubbling in Macheo's gut--but it was overtaken by disappointment in himself.

Am I really that kind of guy...that gets mad at the guy who saved his companion? He thought.

"In short, I happened to be passing by when I noticed Miss Aiko here in the infirmary--I recognized the symptoms she possessed...I had a young sibling once before who suffered the same sickness. I knew how to help, so I did."

"And that sickness is?"

Continuing to press the man for answers, Macheo's gaze didn't let up in the slightest as his hands remained on the sides of his sable coat.

"Is it alright?"

Galaggher looked down to the side at the girl, receiving a nod as if telling him it was alright to divulge the information.

"Binding of The Witch...that's what they call the sickness in my home country. To put it simply, it makes the afflicted's own mana almost like poison to their own body. It's a cruel thing, but luckily, it seemed whoever gave those gauntlets to her was a knowledgeable man, or a resourceful one, at least."

This was all news to Macheo's ears as he listened to Galaggher's words, finding his eyes switching over to Aiko as he looked at her in utter surprise at this realization.

That's why she preferred to never use spells, isn't it? He thought.

"So, what is it you did? I mean, to help with this "Binding of The Witch" ailment."

"It's only a half-measure, really, but I added an enchantment to those gauntlets of hers--allowing them to filter her mana with even more efficiency. Now she can use a few spells in a day without facing the effects of her sickness."

Explaining with his constant, warm smile, Galaggher answered the question delivered from Macheo.

"...Is that right? Huh…"

Slumping his shoulders a bit, he finally lowered his gaze out of shame of his attitude. It was clear to him his anger was irrational; it held no meaning, it existed only by the feeling of pressure aching at his heart.

"Are you alright? Macheo?"

Hearing the worried words of Aiko, he raised his head with a smile, matching her gaze with his own as he left a pat on her shoulder.

"Yeah. I guess we might as well get things done together now that we're here, right?"

Looking between the gallant man and the beige-haired girl, Macheo's words were affirmed by a smile-backed nod from the armor-clad man.

I still don't like this guy, but...unless I find a reason besides my own jealousy, I'm not going to hold him accountable for my own emotions, he thought.

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