Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 67: One Against Two

Chapter 67: One Against Two


As Rhaegar burst from the castle, the thunderous roar of the two dragons reverberated through the air, signaling the commencement of a fierce battle against the Cannibal.

As a seasoned wild dragon, the Cannibal wielded formidable combat prowess honed through countless battles.

It deftly parried the onslaught of the two dragons, denying them any opportunity to exploit its vulnerabilities.

With its colossal size, the Cannibal exuded an aura of fearlessness, confronting its adversaries with confidence in its ability to emerge victorious.

Yet, faced with the simultaneous assault of both dragons, the Cannibal found itself overwhelmed, its disadvantage starkly apparent.

It unleashed a barrage of dragon flames, retaliating against its foes with relentless fury.

Meanwhile, one dragon soared aloft, raining down streams of flames, while the other descended upon the Cannibal with ferocity, determined to kill it at any cost.

Despite its efforts, the Cannibal began to falter under the relentless assault, a grievous wound searing its wing as it plummeted uncontrollably towards the earth below.

With a deafening crash, the Cannibal's descent shattered the city wall, sending stones and debris hurtling into the sky amidst clouds of smoke.

"Cannibal, hold fast!"

Amidst the choking dust, Rhaegar raced to the fallen dragon's side.


The Cannibal's massive body twisted as it strained to see Rhaegar standing before it.

A flash of vigilance flickered in its green vertical pupil as it assessed the situation.

In response, Rhaegar extended his palm, the familiar gesture comforting it, and spoke in High Valyrian, "Cannibal, I stand with you!"

The tension in the Cannibal's eyes gradually softened as it locked gazes with its master, reassured by the confidence he exuded.

With a heavy snort, it raised its neck, unfurling one wing protectively over Rhaegar.

"Very well, let's fight together," Rhaegar declared with determination.

Stepping onto the outstretched wing, he made his way down to the dragon's spine.

With Rhaegar securely in place, the Cannibal shook off the debris clinging to its body and braced its wings against the ground.

At Rhaegar's command to "Fly", it unfurled its wings and ascended into the sky.


As the black dragon rose to its feet, the two wild dragons circling above showed their fangs in a feral display of aggression, launching a fresh assault.

Rhaegar, perched atop the Cannibal's back, observed the dragons with a keen eye, issuing instructions to his companion, "Follow my lead, Cannibal!"

Aware of their recent bond, Rhaegar sought to establish trust and coordination in the middle of the battle.

Responding with a low roar, the Cannibal unleashed a burst of green dragonflame, a sign of acknowledgment and readiness.


As the Cannibal soared into the air, a burst of orange dragon flame descended, aimed straight at its head.

With remarkable agility, the Cannibal twisted sideways, narrowly evading the flames.

The sudden maneuver caused Rhaegar to sway, but he quickly regained his balance.

"Cannibal, focus your attack on the dark green dragon, Silverwing. We must take one down quickly," Rhaegar commanded, pointing decisively at the target.

He had noted the distinct tactics employed by Vermithor and Silverwing in their aerial assault.

Vermithor, the Bronze Fury, relied on its sheer size and unleashed dragonfire from above, aiming to restrict the Cannibal's movements.

Meanwhile, Silverwing, despite its smaller stature, engaged in a frantic and relentless skirmish, displaying an uncharacteristic fervor in its attacks.

This deviation from their usual behavior puzzled Rhaegar, but he pushed aside his thoughts, focusing instead on the immediate task at hand: neutralizing the threat posed by the two dragons.

The prospect of allowing all three dragons to continue their battle was unthinkable, as it would undoubtedly result in catastrophic destruction for Dragonstone Island.

Responding to Rhaegar's command, the Cannibal surged upward, its massive wings propelling it towards Silverwing, while conjuring a blast of dragonfire.

Silverwing, agile and nimble, deftly dodged the fiery assault, evading the Cannibal's attack.

Meanwhile, above them, Vermithor unleashed another torrent of golden dragon flame, targeting the Cannibal once more.

Rhaegar monitored Vermithor's movements, issuing commands to evade the attack.

The Cannibal, in the midst of attacking Silverwing, abruptly altered its flight path, narrowly evading the oncoming golden dragon flames.

The heat scorched the air, burning Rhaegar's hair and sending a wave of panic through him. Swiftly, he extinguished the fire, sparing himself from a potentially embarrassing predicament.

"Cannibal, trust me. I am your eyes in the sky," Rhaegar reassured, his tone firm despite the tension from their close call.

Rhaegar's focus sharpened as he contemplated the crucial bond between dragon and rider. The Cannibal's split-second decision to dodge the attack the importance of their cooperation.

Had the Cannibal hesitated, Rhaegar would have borne the full brunt of Vermithor's dragon flame— even with Blood and Fire he would probably die.

As they resumed their pursuit of Silverwing, the Cannibal acknowledged Rhaegar's guidance with a roar.

Cannibal surged forward, its target clear: Silverwing, the green dragon who had dared to challenge it.

Meanwhile, Silverwing, undeterred by the Cannibal's advance, met its adversary head-on, wings outstretched in defiance. Its goat was to stall the black dragon long enough for its ally to join the fight.

Fuelled by a primal fury, the Cannibal roared in response, its ferocity unleashed as it lunged at Silverwing with lethal intent. In a clash of titans, the two dragons collided, their immense forms entwined in a frenzied dance of claws, teeth, and wingbeats.

Rhaegar clung to the back of the Cannibal, his grip tight as he crouched low to avoid any accidental injury.

His gaze remained fixed on Vermithor, vigilant against the berserk dragon's unpredictable movements.

At the slightest hint of danger, Rhaegar would swiftly issue commands, guiding the Cannibal to evade the imminent pincer attack from the two dragons.

As Vermithor unleashed a deafening roar and dove towards them, Rhaegar's heart raced. "Cannibal, Dracarys!" he commanded urgently, bracing for the impending clash.

The Cannibal, sensing the threat, obeyed without hesitation, spewing a torrent of dragon flame backwards, aimed directly at the descending Vermithor.

With a deafening boom, the two majestic flames collided in a dazzling display, engulfing the sky in smoke. In the ensuing chaos, it was Cannibal's emerald flame that emerged victorious, piercing through Vermithor's golden fire to strike the dragon's body.

Stunned by the assault, Vermithor faltered mid-flight, his massive form momentarily frozen.

Seizing the fleeting opportunity, Rhaegar's eyes gleamed with determination. "Now's our chance! Vermithor's vulnerable—target Silverwing!" he commanded.

Without hesitation, he issued the order to strike. "Cannibal, Dracarys!"

In the heat of battle, the Cannibal and Silverwing clashed furiously, their instincts driving them to claw and tear at each other. Sensing an opening, the Cannibal deftly evaded Silverwing's snapping jaws, then unleashed emerald dragon flames.

The resounding boom echoed through the air as the dragon flame found its mark, striking Silverwing's head with force. The silver dragon let out a scream, wings flailing in panic.

Cannibal pressed its advantage, lunging forward to sink its teeth into Silverwing's thrashing neck, its fangs gleaming with icy resolve.

With a sickening sound, the Cannibal's jaws closed around Silverwing's flesh, drawing forth a gush of crimson blood.


The anguished cry of its mate spurred Vermithor back to action, snapping him out of his momentary stupor. With a roar of fury, the bronze dragon launched himself towards Cannibal once more, intent on avenging his companion.

"Cannibal, fall back!" Rhaegar's voice rang out, a command urgently. He knew that once Vermithor attacked, there would be no second chances, dragon fire could only work once.

Yet, driven by the scent of blood and the heat of battle, the Cannibal seemed deaf to his master's plea. Ignoring the retreat order, it continued its relentless assault, jaws snapping shut with lethal intent, determined to deliver the final blow to Silverwing.

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