Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 63: Successful Taming

Chapter 63: Successful Taming

"Cannibal, do you still not recognize me?"

Rhaegar lay helplessly on the dragon's back, trying to communicate with the creature beneath him.

At first, he did not expect an answer.

But in a surprising development, the Cannibal's gaze shifted backward, its green vertical pupils no longer filled with madness, but instead tinged with a hint of humanity.

It had to be said that the unwavering will of the insignificant creature on its back had made an impression.

Cannibal snorted at Rhaegar in disdain before pulling its head back and resuming its flight.

At that moment.

Rhaegar locked eyes with the Cannibal.

Reflected in the Cannibal's vertical pupils was Rhaegar's face.

A brief but powerful connection was formed between them.

In that brief connection, Rhaegar sensed the essence of the Cannibal's being.

Fierce, lonely, and cold.

Such were the depths of this black dragon's mind, wild and free.

It didn't care about the world, and it didn't want a rider to disturb its peace.

Now, however, the cannibal sensed Rhaegar's resolve.

It was willing to give him the opportunity to bend its will.

Reading this, Rhaegar grinned, "Come on, the harder the test, the greater the reward."


The Cannibal roared into the sky, lifting his wings to rise violently.

The Cannibal soared through the air at high speed, piercing through the dark clouds laden with water vapor.

Reaching its highest point, Cannibal slowed down.

It looked back at the tiny figures below it.


The Cannibal's thick neck arched backward, performing a mid-air backflip.

Once, twice...

Three times in a row, the Cannibal used the momentum of each somersault to maintain its posture before leaping downward, wings outstretched.

Rhaegar clung desperately to anything he could reach.

After enduring the onslaught of the three flips, dizziness enveloped him and his body went limp.

The Cannibal roared triumphantly above the clouds.

Unable to maintain his grip on the dragon's scales, Rhaegar tumbled from its back.

The Cannibal had been keeping a watchful eye on the insignificant pest that had clung to its back.

Satisfied with the release of its prey, the Cannibal let out a victorious roar.

Diving even faster, it positioned itself beneath Rhaegar's falling body.

Opening its jaws directly beneath him, the Cannibal ignited a fire in its throat.

Intent on burning him to a crisp before devouring him whole.


Green dragon flames erupted in the cloudy sky.

Despite the danger, Rhaegar remained conscious.

His descent continued, and as the fire drew closer, he braced himself for the searing heat.

Death was near, but Rhaegar still sought a solution.

With the Cannibal positioned directly below him, his chances of survival were not entirely lost.

Spreading his limbs, he tried to change his trajectory in mid-fall.

But the dragon's flames descended, leaving him no way out.

"I am Rhaegar Targaryen and I am capable of subduing any dragon in existence."

Reciting these words as a mantra, Rhaegar closed his eyes and embraced the heat.

Protected by blood and fire, he still wanted to tame the black dragon.

The dragon's flames consumed Rhaegar's clothing, exposing him to the intensity of the fire.

Just as it was burning his flesh, a system beep interrupted.

"Congratulations, the Last Flame has been activated. You have received..."

[True Dragon's Blood]

Grade: Legendary (Red) Effect: Fire Elemental Affinity +50%.

Review: "An ancient bloodline filled with mysterious power. They are the epitome of blood and fire."

A fiery tendril emerged from the system panel, plunged into Rhaegar's chest, and fused with his heart.

In an instant, Rhaegar's eyes snapped open, an unnatural flush spreading across his pale skin, veins pulsating in his temples.

The system panel floated in front of him and changed.

[Rhaegar Targaryen]

Talent: Dreamer (Gold), Longevity (Green) Bloodline: Old Valyrian Dragonlord (+20%)

Skill: Old Valyrian Language Proficiency

Relic: Blood and Fire (+50% Resistance to Flame), True Dragon's Blood (+50% Fire Affinity)

Evaluation: "The ancient bloodline continues to grow, its purity unmatched."

He stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the bloodline section as the percentages continued to rise.

20%, 23%, 27%...

In a single breath, the bloodline jumped to 33%, the "+" icon disappearing.

Unknown to him, a shroud of flame enveloped his body, merging with the dragon's flames.

Though he was unaware of the change, he felt a surge of power erupt from his heart, coursing through his veins.

He continued to fall, not slowing down.

Green flames still engulfed him, their heat electrifying his senses.

Rhaegar made no sound, allowing the flames to consume him.

Yet his skin remained unblemished, even as his body temperature rose.

He was adapting to the fire.

Still falling, Rhaegar maneuvered out of the dragon's flames.

He avoided falling into the Cannibal's maw.

He altered his trajectory, brushing the dragon's jaws before crashing into its spine.

The Cannibal's head and tail lay close to him.

Rhaegar reached for something, finally grabbing the tip of the tail as he prepared for the next descent.


At that moment, the sky and the sea seemed strangely still.

The wind and rain stopped.

The Cannibal hovered over the surface of the sea, its wings no longer stirring the wind.

Perhaps it began to doubt its own Dragon Flame, and wonder what happened.

It was taken by surprise by this insignificant human intruder.

Seizing the opportunity, Rhaegar regained his position atop the Cannibal's spine.

Gripping its scales tightly, Rhaegar braced himself for the resistance.

But to his surprise, the Cannibal remained motionless.

Rhaegar lifted his head to meet the dragon at eye level.

Cannibal turned his head to look at Rhaegar with a calm gaze.

At that moment, man and dragon locked eyes, their silhouettes mirrored in each other's gaze.

The dragon's mouth was close to Rhaegar, its breath scorching hot against his skin.

Rhaegar hesitated, then cautiously held out his palm.

The Cannibal's green pupils narrowed suspiciously and he let out a growl that nearly knocked Rhaegar off balance.

Turning his face to shield himself from the sulfurous stench, Rhaegar's palm remained in the air.

After a brief moment of anticipation, a rough texture grazed his palm, causing Rhaegar to slowly turn his head back, his brows relaxing.

The Cannibal craned his neck, allowing the scales to brush against Rhaegar's palm in a gesture of acceptance.

Rhaegar watched in awe, his lips curling into a gentle smile, his heart brimming with pride.

In return, the Cannibal looked at him with a hint of condescension in its vertical pupils, as if acknowledging his victory.

It seemed to say, "You earned it, boy!"

Rhaegar's smile widened, his hands caressing the Cannibal's scales with a sense of accomplishment.

"Cannibal, take flight!"

With a command in High Valyrian, Rhaegar gripped the Cannibal's scales tightly, ready to take flight.

The Cannibal responded with a roar, but this time without resistance.

With a powerful flap of its wings, it rose into the sky, its flight smooth and seamless.

Rhaegar marveled at the experience, unaware of the Cannibal's extraordinary flying skills.

As he loosened his grip and closed his eyes, enjoying the cool breeze on his face, the bond between Rhaegar and the Cannibal deepened.

Though still adjusting to their newfound connection, both could sense each other's thoughts and intentions.

In a sign of understanding, the Cannibal slowed his pace and glided gracefully over the sea, occasionally letting out a proud roar.

It knew that Rhaegar had never ridden a dragon before, and it wanted to show him its best.

Rhaegar, amused by the Cannibal's behavior, couldn't help but feel emotional.

Pressing his cheek to the cool scales, he embraced the moment, knowing that this was his dragon - uniquely his.

With hope in his heart, Rhaegar closed his eyes, inhaled the Cannibal's scent, and whispered softly, "Our story, from this moment forward, shall echo through the ages."

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