Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 55: The Second Legendary Relic

Chapter 55: The Second Legendary Relic

In an instant, the sky turned to twilight, casting an ethereal glow over the dragonglass mining cave where Rhaegar stood before the stone wall.

The young prince had fallen into slumber, oblivious to the passage of time beyond his rest.

Suddenly he stirred awake, a chill running through his body as he emerged from his sleep.

Perplexed, Rhaegar surveyed his surroundings, his attention caught by a timely system beep.

"The exploration is complete. Please claim the reward," the announcement echoed through the cave.

Instantly alert, Rhaegar's eyes darted around, scanning every nook and cranny.

[Dragonglass Wall]

Exploration progress: 100%

"Where could it be?"

Searching frantically, Rhaegar's eyes landed on a circular, crimson halo hovering above the Dragonglass Stone Wall.

"Red... it's a Legendary Level relic!" he exclaimed, his eyes widening in amazement as he cautiously reached out to touch the halo.

A burst of red light erupted like fireworks, cascading over his head in a mesmerizing display.

"Relic successfully retrieved. Initiating recognition..."

"Recognition successful. Confirmed as a Legendary Grade Relic: The Last Flame."

"It truly is a Legendary Grade - a mysterious relic akin to [Blood and Fire]," Rhaegar remarked, rubbing his hands together in anticipation as he watched the faint embers of fire on the system panel.

The core of the flame burned with a vivid orange hue, its edges flickering in a wavering crimson dance as if on the verge of extinction.

"The last flame... it seems its flame is dying," Rhaegar observed with a mixture of fascination and concern, his curiosity driving him to attempt activation.

"Activation failed. The Legendary Grade Relic has unique properties that require special conditions for activation," the system explained, prompting Rhaegar to recall his previous encounter with Balerion's Skull and the [Dragon Relic] it yielded, which required a dragon bloodline for activation.

"Indeed, treasures of this caliber are always accompanied by unique requirements," he mused, determined to uncover the secrets hidden within the enigmatic Last Flame.

With a furrowed brow, Rhaegar called up the note on the system panel, eager to gain any insight into the [Last Flame].

"Flame is the enlightenment of a civilization, ancient civilizations grow from tenderness to behemoths, from strength to destruction..."

"Each civilization has a unique legacy, immortal crystals preserved the last flame, waiting for the chosen one to revive its glory..."

The cryptic lines hinted at the origin of the last fire, but offered no explicit instructions on how to activate it.

Rhaegar's frown deepened, a pang of regret gnawing at him for possessing a treasure whose use remained unknown.

"If it's the Last Flame, it must be connected to fire and magic," he mused aloud, his thoughts racing.

In the realm of fire and magic, the only thing that came to Rhaegar's mind was dragons.

"The Dragon's Legacy required a dragon bloodline... could the Last Flame require a dragon's flame?" he speculated, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of conjecture.

As evening fell, the interior of the cave grew colder, Rhaegar's breath crystallizing into white mist, a stark contrast to the flickering flames of the torch.

"Oh no, it must be getting late," he muttered to himself, noticing the passage of time.

With the relics of his exploration secured, Rhaegar's current adventure had come to an end, though he braced himself for the repercussions of his unauthorized excursion.

Navigating the familiar path back, his mind raced with strategies to escape punishment.

Outside, the moon cast a silvery glow over the landscape, while the sound of waves crashing against the shore failed to deter the vigilant guards from their search.

Emerging from the narrow cave, Rhaegar spotted a torch bobbing in the distance, accompanied by a chorus of voices calling his name.

"I'm here!" he shouted, raising the torch to signal his presence to the approaching guards.

"Your Highness, quick, someone come!" one of the guards exclaimed urgently.

The beach soon buzzed with activity as Rhaegar was surrounded by a crowd of figures, including Viserys and Rhaenyra.

Before Viserys could speak, Rhaenyra, her face contorted with worry and anger, rushed forward and tackled Rhaegar to the ground.

"You fool! Where did you go?" she cried, her voice choked with emotion.

Rhaegar, subdued beneath her, explained, "I was just exploring the cave and stumbled upon something."

"What could be more important than your safety? You almost gave me a heart attack!" Rhaenyra's voice cracked with emotion as tears streamed down her cheeks. "You disappeared right in front of me. If something had happened to you, what would I have done?"

"You are all I have left, Rhaegar," she continued, her tone softer now, but still filled with an underlying concern. "I can't bear to lose you."

Moved by his sister's display of affection, Rhaegar allowed himself to be scolded, covering his face with his hands as Rhaenyra delivered a series of light slaps to his backside.

"All right, Rhaenyra," Viserys intervened, his initial anger tempered by the sight of his daughter's distress. He approached her and offered his comfort.

Rhaenyra, her tears subsiding, issued a stern warning. "Next time, I will not hesitate to break your legs and drag you back to the Red Keep, where I will lock you in the attic for the rest of your days."

Rhaegar nodded fervently, promising to heed her words and avoid such escapades in the future.

Pulling a piece of dragonglass from his pocket, Rhaegar spoke with a mixture of truth and deception. "I had no intention of leaving. It's like something is calling me from the underground."

"Bullshit. That's just an excuse," Rhaenyra replied bluntly.

Viserys, his brow furrowed in confusion, asked, "You entered the dragonglass mining cave?"

"Yes. Guided by an unknown force, I was drawn to the cave where I discovered an ancient prophecy," Rhaegar affirmed with conviction.

Intrigued, Viserys leaned forward. "What prophecy?"

Rhaegar traced several crude drawings in the sand, his expression grave. "Long ago, someone carved the legend of the Song of Ice and Fire in the dragonglass mines."

Viserys, realizing the significance of the prophecy, was eager to investigate further. "Is it really the Song of Ice and Fire? And which mine?"

Viserys was moved by his eldest son's solemn words, recognizing the weight they carried.

As a dreamer, Rhaegar's insights held considerable sway over him, prompting Viserys to lend a receptive ear to his son's tales of adventure.

Standing at the entrance to the cave, Viserys instructed, "You and Rhaenyra return to rest. She's exhausted from searching all day."

Accompanied by Kingsguard Captain Harrold and two guards, Viserys ventured into the cave, his curiosity piqued.

Meanwhile, Rhaenyra, still stunned by the revelation, muttered, "The Song of Ice and Fire... isn't that just a legend?"

Unable to answer at the moment, Rhaegar simply nodded. "Let's discuss that later. For now, let's get back."

"Then let's go back." Rhaenyra murmured, averting her gaze but holding onto his hand tightly.

As they made their way back, Rhaenyra clung to his hand, her exhaustion palpable.

The hour had crept past midnight, and she had been searching tirelessly since lunch, her exhaustion palpable as fatigue and hunger gnawed relentlessly at her.


After dinner, in Rhaegar's bedroom, the siblings had freshened up and were now lying on the bed in their pajamas.

Rhaegar meticulously recounted the history of the Song of Ice and Fire, detailing his discoveries in the cave.

Rhaenyra's eyes widened in wonder as she whispered, "So there are indeed otherworldly beings and armies of the undead in our world?"

"Who can say? The Age of Heroes goes back thousands of years," Rhaegar replied thoughtfully, leaning into her embrace and enjoying her comforting warmth. "Our ancestors were once dragonlords in the ancient Valyrian era, but if you go back further, they were just humble shepherds."

"I believe the Song of Ice and Fire represents a catastrophe unique to the continent of Westeros," he continued, his eyes narrowing in thought.

Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow. "Similar to the calamity that befell Valyria?"

Rhaegar shook his head. "Not quite. The Long Night is an icy calamity brought by foreign spirits, and historical records suggest that it was the army of humanity that defeated it and saved the continent."

"In contrast, despite the immense power of the ancient Valyrian civilization with its multitude of dragons, they ultimately succumbed to a cataclysmic natural disaster," he explained. "It emphasizes the terrible nature of the Doom, which offers no opportunity for resistance."

Their conversation delved into the depths of history and prophecy, each revelation shedding new light on the mysteries of their world.

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