Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 53: Dragonstone Island

Chapter 53: Dragonstone Island

"The House of Velaryon?"

Rhaegar's interest piqued at the mention.

Rhaenyra chuckled, "Indeed, they are renowned for their mastery of long-distance navigation and have been steadfast allies of our house for generations."

"I have heard tales of Lord Sea Serpent's formidable character, which often caused our father no small amount of frustration."

Rhaegar's curiosity deepened.

"It is true that there have been tensions in the past, stemming from disputes over inheritance. Our journey serves in part to heal those rifts and strengthen our bonds with House Velaryon."

Rhaenyra's revelation hinted at hidden complexities that further intrigued Rhaegar.

"Why would we seek reconciliation with a house of lesser stature than our own?" Rhaegar asked, his brow furrowed in thought.

"That is a matter for the king to weigh," Rhaenyra replied, a hint of frustration in her tone as she playfully tweaked her brother's nose. As heir to the throne with limited powers, she could only speculate on her father's motives.

Rhaegar pondered for a moment. "The Velaryons are also said to have the ability to ride dragons, which brings its own dangers..."

Rhaenyra's expression faltered at his words, her dismay evident. "This is mainly due to Aunt Rhaenys' influence."


The sun hung high in the sky as the sailboat anchored in the waters under the jurisdiction of Dragonstone Island. With a sense of relief, Viserys stepped onto the soft sand and savored the firmness beneath his feet.

"Your Grace, the castle has prepared sumptuous delicacies and fine wine," Robert, the acting Lord of Dragonstone Island, announced, leading his servants in a respectful greeting.

Viserys' smile widened at the mention of the banquet. "Excellent, this is exactly what I had in mind."

Approaching his wife and children, Viserys sought to mend the previous night's discord with words and smiles. Alicent followed him to the right, accompanied by her children, while Rhaegar and his sister walked to the left, both sides clearly separated.

Observing the scene, the acting City Lord of Dragonstone Island took the opportunity to intervene.

"The young prince and princess are setting foot on the island for the first time. Would you like me to give them an introduction?" he offered.

Without even looking at him, Rhaegar spoke up. "But my sister is the Princess of Dragonstone Island," he explained, earning a gentle squeeze from Rhaenyra, who quietly urged him to refrain from further remarks.

The acting city lord, slightly taken aback, turned to Rhaenyra for guidance. "Princess, would you like me to make a presentation to your siblings?"

Rhaenyra nodded graciously. "Yes, Lord Robert, please enlighten them."

"As you wish, Princess," Robert acknowledged, maintaining his smile as he launched into a description of Dragonstone Island. "Dragonstone Island is a vast landmass characterized by strange rock formations and sparse vegetation. Its most notable feature, however, is its active volcano, which makes it an ideal habitat for dragons."

Despite the lord's earnest attempt at conversation, his words seemed to fall on deaf ears, as most of the party were engrossed in their own thoughts. Viserys chuckled softly at the lord's enthusiasm, while Rhaenyra made occasional efforts to engage in conversation to ensure that his efforts didn't go entirely unnoticed.

As they approached the towering cliffs, a large gate decorated with carved dragons came into view. Robert stopped speaking and called to the towers flanking the gate.

The massive black gates slowly creaked open, revealing a winding staircase that seemed to go on forever, leading to a colossal castle perched atop the high mountain. Built entirely of black stone, the castle was meticulously designed to resemble a mighty dragon.

Rows of upright guards stood behind the city gate, greeting Viserys with a resounding chorus as the gate swung open.

The grandeur of the scene left Rhaegar awestruck as Viserys confidently led the way over the bridge-like stone steps. Robert resumed his enthusiastic commentary.

"The castle on the island of Dragonstone dates back to ancient Valyrian times and served as a strategic stronghold on the Westerosi mainland," he explained animatedly. "Built of the durable black stone characteristic of Valyrian architecture, the castle's construction remains a marvel of ancient engineering."

"From a distance, it resembles a magnificent dragon perched atop the mountain, surveying the lands of Westeros," Robert continued, his excitement palpable.

This time Rhaegar listened intently, captivated by the description of the dragon-shaped castle and the awe-inspiring staircase beneath his feet.

After a long walk, they finally entered the castle. The inner hall exuded an air of grandeur, decorated in a palette of black and red that reflected the aesthetic of the Targaryen House.

Rhaegar took a moment to wash his hands before formally taking his place at the table, ready to partake in the sumptuous feast that lay before him.

As the meal drew to a close, Viserys contentedly rubbed his stomach and took a sip of fine wine before inquiring, "Robert, how has Dragonstone Island fared lately?"

Robert replied, "Your Majesty, two days ago, the volcano on the island erupted, causing Vermithor and Silverwing to become agitated. Fortunately, they returned to their nest without harming anyone."

Viserys nodded in relief. "That is fortunate. Tomorrow we will prepare my two sons to begin their dragon-bonding."

Robert's next words, however, brought a shadow of concern. "Your Majesty, due to the recent disturbance, the young dragons that were previously under guard have gone into hiding. Efforts are still underway to locate them."

Viserys' expression instantly darkened, his wine glass lowered as he turned a stern gaze on Robert. "The young dragons are missing? What of the island's dragon keepers and dragon guards?"

Robert bowed his head in remorse. "My deepest apologies, Your Majesty. The young dragons were typically docile, and our vigilance waned."

Recognizing Robert's responsibility, Viserys' anger softened slightly. "Find the young dragons with the utmost urgency. The princes' bond with them cannot be delayed."

Robert bowed repeatedly, his determination evident as he hurried to organize the search.

With only the family left at the table, Rhaenyra expressed her surprise. "It is unexpected that Vermithor and Silverwing have emerged after years of dormancy."

Viserys reassured her, "It's not unusual. Volcanic eruptions are natural phenomena, and dragons have an instinct to avoid danger."

Thoughts of his own formidable dragon, Balerion, crossed Viserys' mind. Once he had ridden the massive dragon through the skies of King's Landing, but those days were long gone.

With a chuckle, Viserys pushed back his chair. "I have indulged enough. Now it is time for your king and father to retire for a well-deserved rest."

As Viserys left, the table fell silent for a moment, each member of the family finishing their meal before going their separate ways.


It was early in the day, and Rhaegar persistently urged Rhaenyra to give him a tour of Dragonstone Island.

Despite her initial reluctance, Rhaenyra finally agreed to his request.

They began their exploration by walking around the castle, marveling at the grand structures of the ancient Valyrian era.

Rhaegar was particularly impressed by the castle's dragon-shaped design and the towering spires that resembled the mythical creature, its head overlooking the island from all directions.

As the afternoon approached, Rhaenyra, unable to resist Rhaegar's insistence, took him for a walk along the beach.

As they gazed at the towering cliffs and the vast expanse of the sea, Rhaegar's spirits lifted as he revelled in the freedom of nature.

Compared to the confines of the Red Keep, the natural beauty of Dragonstone Island was a refreshing change for him.

Rhaenyra couldn't help but chuckle as she watched her brother's happiness. "You poor thing, you've hardly had a chance to venture outside since you were young."

It dawned on Rhaegar that Dragonstone Island was merely the threshold of the Targaryen family's domain, not truly venturing beyond the confines of the king's domain into the vastness of the Seven Kingdoms.

"Sister, come quickly! There's a deep, dark cave over here," Rhaegar called excitedly, beckoning Rhaenyra to join him.

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