Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 35: Keep It in the Family

Chapter 35: Keep It in the Family

After a brief moment of reflection, Lyonel set aside his concerns about the heir and reaffirmed his loyalty to the king.

He understood the potential ramifications of the King's decision for the future of the kingdom and recognized his responsibility as Hand of the King to address the issue.

Having considered possible solutions to the succession dilemma many times, Lyonel felt ready to broach the subject.

"Regarding the matter of the Princess's marriage, I have a candidate in mind," he began.

"Oh? Wasn't it Laenor, son of the sea serpent Corlys Velaryon, you mentioned last time?" Viserys inquired, his demeanor relaxed as long as the conversation did not turn to the question of heirs.

"While Ser Laenor remains a viable candidate, that proposal was made half a year ago," Lyonel replied, opting for honesty. "Your Grace, considering the interests of the realm, I suggest that the princess follow the Targaryen family tradition."

"Rhaegar?" Viserys' smile faltered, his expression becoming skeptical. "But he's only six. Rhaenyra is fourteen. By the time they're both of age, Rhaenyra will be considered too old to marry."

Lyonel remained firm. "But that is not an insurmountable obstacle. In fact, they are only eight years apart in age, and the marriage could be consummated within a decade at the most."

"Until then, we can arrange their engagement to discourage potential suitors from pursuing the princess," he suggested confidently.

A truly insightful and forthright suggestion from Lyonel, demonstrating his wisdom and unwavering devotion to the realm.

Viserys could not deny the effect Lyonel's words had on his heart.

Over the past six months, as Rhaegar regained his health, Viserys quietly pondered the matter at hand. He struggled with the dilemma of not wanting to deprive Rhaenyra of her birthright for the sake of his eldest son, fearing it would only sow resentment within his family.

His guilt over Rhaenyra's loss of her mother at a tender age weighed heavily on him. Though he knew that Rhaenyra might not be a more suitable heir than Rhaegar, he could not bring himself to change the established order, despite subtle suggestions from some of his ministers.

So he had ordered Rhaegar to remain grounded, hoping to shield him from any discussion of the succession. Perhaps by keeping Rhaegar ignorant of these matters, Viserys hoped to spare him the pain of losing his inheritance and assuage some of his own guilt.

But he couldn't fool himself forever. Eventually, Rhaegar would learn the truth, and Viserys could not limit his son's freedom or shield him from reality indefinitely.

So he paid special attention to Rhaenyra's marriage prospects. If she could form an alliance with a powerful family, it would solidify her claim to the throne in the future and make it difficult for any dissenting siblings to challenge her.

Lyonel's proposal offered a fresh perspective and a solution that could unite the family without causing further discord over the issue of the heir.

Inwardly, Viserys found himself leaning toward the idea. Without moving, he voiced his concern, "But won't both sides resist the idea of their marriage?"

"That is true. The Targaryen family has a long tradition in this matter, from ancient Valyrian times to the present day," Lyonel replied, seeing through the King's concerns with ease. "Your Highness is still young and may not fully grasp the importance of this tradition. But as long as you persuade the princess, everything will go smoothly."

Viserys, pleased with Lyonel's assurance, smiled warmly. "Lyonel, you are truly invaluable to me. I often wonder what I would do without you."

Lyonel, ever humble, adjusted his collar and replied solemnly, "As Hand of the King, I must humbly serve Your Grace to the best of my ability."

"I will present your proposal to Rhaenyra and discuss it with her later," Viserys assured, offering his support.

Compared to Lyonel Strong's unwavering devotion to duty, the actions of former Hand of the King Otto Hightower paled in comparison. Viserys couldn't help but recall Otto's many indiscretions, such as marrying his daughter to consolidate power, secretly gathering ministerial support for his grandson Aegon, and even attempting to persuade Viserys to change his heir several times.

Were it not for these transgressions and Viserys' reluctance to offend easily, Otto would not have been removed from office and sent back to the Old City to recuperate.

As the two monarchs and ministers enjoyed their fine wine and talked in agreement, a sharp knock interrupted their conversation.

Viserys frowned in annoyance. "What is it? I was discussing matters of state with the Hand of the King."

The voice of Kingsguard Captain Harrold came from the door. "Your Grace, Prince Rhaegar has just returned from the Dragon's Pit and the servants report that he is seriously injured!"

Viserys' concern grew at the news of his son's injury. He rose hastily and rushed to open the door.

Harrold's expression was grave as he continued, "The servants say Prince Rhaegar suffered severe burns, indicating a failed attempt to tame the dragon."

Viserys cursed under his breath as anger flared within him, "Those fools in the Dragon's Pit! How dare they allow Rhaegar to attempt such a dangerous feat in secret!"

Lyonel interjected, trying to calm the situation. "Your Grace, now is not the time to place blame. We must first tend to the lord's injuries."

Indeed, injuries caused by Dragon Flame were often fatal, and any misstep could lead to dire consequences.

The young prince was a vital asset to the realm, a cornerstone of the Targaryen family line. His untimely demise would be a devastating loss, especially at such a critical juncture.

Viserys panicked as he realized the gravity of the situation. "We must act quickly. Take me to Rhaegar and summon the Grand Maester at once!"

Viserys followed Harrold with shaky steps. His mind raced with worry. The urgency of the situation drove him forward, overriding all other thoughts.

Harrold led Viserys down the stairs to Rhaegar's room, ensuring the king's safety and composure along the way.

Upon reaching the door, Viserys glimpsed Rhaegar lying motionless on the bed, his injuries stark against his skin. Viserys felt a pang of pain shoot through his heart as he saw his son's suffering.

"Rhaegar!" His voice trembled with emotion as he rushed to his son's side, his heart heavy with concern for the beloved prince.

Off to the side, Grand Maester Mellos carefully unwound the bandages, his expression grave as he addressed Viserys about Rhaegar's condition. "Your Grace, it's best not to disturb the prince. His injuries are serious."

Viserys turned to Mellos, his concern evident. "How is Rhaegar?"

Mellos shook his head solemnly. "The situation is grave. He has suffered extensive burns from the dragon's flames. Recovery will be a challenge."

Viserys' heart sank at the news. "Please spare no expense in procuring the necessary medicines to heal Rhaegar."

The prospect of further loss weighed heavily on Viserys. He could not bear the thought of Rhaegar succumbing to such a tragic accident, especially after the prince's recovery from his illness.

As he contemplated the prospect of explaining Rhaegar's fate to Rhaenyra, memories of his late wife, Aemma Arryn, haunted him. He couldn't imagine the pain of facing another loss.

Mellos assured Viserys, "There is no need for rare medicines. The prince's wounds were tended to promptly by someone skilled."

As Mellos carefully tended to Rhaegar's wounds, the young prince stirred awake. Viserys' voice trembled with emotion as he pleaded with the Grand Maester. "Please, do everything in your power to save him. I can't bear to lose any more loved ones."

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